Friday, July 5, 2024

The SNP's result in historical context

I said last night that the SNP would have been hoping to outperform the exit poll just slightly, so that they would do better than in October 1974, when they won 11 seats and 30.4% of the vote.  That would have made it their fourth best general election result in history, and better than any result prior to 2015.  Obviously that didn't happen, and they only took nine seats (barring a turnaround in Inverness tomorrow), and it looks like they'll be just a smidgeon short of 30.4% too.  

But I've been doing some sums and found to my surprise than in one specific sense the SNP did actually outperform October 1974 and get their fourth best result.  Because there were 71 Scottish seats in 1974, winning 11 only gave the SNP 15.5% of the seats, whereas winning 9 out of 57 last night gives them 15.8% of the seats.

*  *  *

From an Alba point of view, I think it's worth drawing attention to the Alloa & Grangemouth result - 

Labour 43.8%
SNP 28.9%
Reform UK 9.2%
Conservatives 7.6%
Greens 3.4%
Liberal Democrats 2.8%
Independent - Comrie 2.1%
Alba 1.5%
Workers Party 0.5%

The big controversy for Alba in the run up to the general election was the departure from the party of Eva Comrie, who had been Equalities Convener and would have been an obvious possibility to stand in Alloa & Grangemouth, because it's her home constituency.  Not long after she left, she announced that she would be standing as an independent instead, and many Alba members felt that the party should have got behind her on a 'Scotland United' basis in the same way they had done with Angus MacNeil in the Western Isles.  Instead, the opposite happened, and Alba not only stood against her but put up just about the most prominent candidate possible in the former Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill.  That led to the sub-optimal scenario of no fewer than four pro-independence candidates standing against each other in a winnable seat for Labour.

To be perfectly honest, with Mr MacAskill's greater national profile and with more resources behind him, I had expected him to outpoll Eva Comrie, but as you can see he didn't.  He finished eighth, and ironically the only candidate he was ahead of came from Craig Murray's 'other' party, the anti-independence Workers Party.  You'd have to say that Ms Comrie has proved her point, and that if Alba were going to target Alloa and Grangemouth it looks like they'd have been better off doing it with the local advantages she would have brought to the table.

Even though a number of Alba's nineteen candidates were very well known for one reason or another, the only one who showed any real sign of receiving a personal vote was Neale Hanvey, and even in his case it was limited (he took 2.8% of the vote in Cowdenbeath & Kirkcaldy and finished seventh).


  1. Yes, the SNP lost a lot of MPs but the vote share of around 30% is respectable. That's FPTP for you - worked for us before but now it works against us. Maybe Labour will now introduce PR, eh? ;)

    Just looking at the cabinet announcements rolling many Scottish MPs will we see at "the heart of government"...?

    1. Correct me if I’m wrong, but so far I see one Scottish MP in the cabinet, and that’s Ian Murray as Secretary of State Against Scotland. Looks like all those Scottish MPs are being kept firmly at the arse end of government rather than at the heart.

    2. Murray is the only one from a Scottish seat though there are at least 2 born in Scotland - Pat McFadden and funnily enough the extremely English Yvette Cooper who was actually born in Inverness.

      But if you elected Scottish (sic) MPs (a fair few of them live in England) for the representation then more fool on you.

  2. C’mon James. Alba doesn’t deserve you. Time to come home to the SNP.

  3. As the above comment says. It shows once again the iniquity of FPTP as a voting method. Even though PR nationally would have given the odious Reform "party" a great many more seats, it would have resulted in a correct mix of views and required coalition politics. Something which is absolutely standard across Europe. Perhaps Starmer will notice he's likely to lose and lose big in 5 years and do something "sensible"? Perhaps not.

    1. That's an interesting point - the theory is always that a government that has just been elected under first past the post is unlikely to abolish a system that works in its favour, but what happens towards the end of a term if you know you're like to lose? Trouble is by that point it's very difficult to do anything because everyone will see straight through your motivation.

    2. The Tory + Reform vote share is higher than Labour's. If Nigel and Suella get it on then the future starts to look pretty scary. You'd have to hope that Scotland would then get in the escape pod.

  4. So the Alex adoration party came 7th.

  5. As much as I would like another indy-centric political party in Scotland, one headed by Alex Salmon is screeching wrong.

  6. Fingers crossed Alba wind up and A S goes away. Perhaps James can rejoin S N P and work from within to change it. ISP didn't even register. hopefully they and their couple of hundred followers go away as well.

    1. Why these few hundred wasted their vote by voting ISP is beyond me.

    2. now who is it on here that backs ISP?

    3. "Why these few hundred wasted their vote by voting ISP is beyond me." it's actually called democracy, y'know voting for a party you believe in. Anything else is glory seeking, blind loyalty or stupidity.

    4. Anon at 7.00pm and probably the same numpty troll at 7.59pm - yes it would be beyond your intellect. No wonder Sturgeons gang was able to lead you lot by the nose up and down the referendum hill.

    5. "Why these few hundred wasted their vote by voting ISP is beyond me"

      Because they liked their policies? Because they were fed up with their votes being taken for granted by the SNP? I mesn they could have stayed at home or indeed spoiled their ballot papers. But there is no way anyone voting for ISP, Alba or I4I is prepared to be taken for mugs by the glacial gradualists in SNP conning the Yes movement anymore.

  7. To those writing off Alba: we need the party, not only to progress the independence cause, but to ensure civil liberties and well-being in an independent Scotland.

    Because there are other reasons to oppose the SNP, besides its dithering over independence. Independence is necessary but not sufficient; Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, the China of the Cultural Revolution – you can think of others – were all independent states, and a fat lot of good it did the inhabitants. These are extreme examples, but the principle applies, and can be borne out by the SNP’s performance.

    ‘Achieve independence then you can elect whomever you want’, goes the argument. But that’s not true if the party in power on independence day is willing to crush all opposition by means of frame-ups, thought control, criminalization of dissent, political management of the judiciary, and abandonment of the principle of a fair trial.

    Consider the fit-up and continued slander of Salmond, so successful that even Alba members who agree that it was a fit-up are prepared to write him off as ‘damaged goods’. That act of despotic cruelty wasn’t just another questionable policy or failure of effective management, but the most salient emblem of the SNP’s intense authoritarianism. Remember the Named Person plan? – a threat to parents now echoed by the denial of parental questioning of gender policy being taught in schools. At the time, I seem to recall, Swinney refused to speak with groups opposing the plan. A further illustration is the proposed abolition of jury trials in some cases, for the explicit purpose of increasing convictions; so much for the even-handed scales of justice.

    If Alba is being undemocratic in its internal management – as a humble member, I wouldn’t know – of course that needs to be addressed. But its policies for the country, and its willingness to cooperate with other pro-independence groups, are reasons for members to stick with it and not give up hope. Optimism may not be self-fulfilling, but defeatism certainly is.

    I’m not trying to be beastly to the SNP here; there are some good people in it and (absent an Alba candidate) I voted for one of them yesterday. I just think Alba is much more likely to increase the happiness, while maintaining the personal independence, of residents of an independent Scotland to come.

    1. Well said - prepare for the backlash.

    2. Thought control? Jeez

    3. You would think if the snp had control of all the state apparatus no one would have been charged. The conspirators must just look at their own ALBA party. The idea that it is a party to increase happiness is probably true though. It made me laugh

    4. Typical Alba morons, you believe Salmond is innocent but Sturgeon is guilty
      You people are the problem and Salmond knows it, you're easy meat for the destroyers

    5. If A S remains in charge and the constitution isn't radically altered, its the last party that's going to protect your personal Independence. All i want is a credible list only party. Its not Alba. it doesn't exist and the movement is so divided and fractured that I can't see it happening in time for 2026.


    6. Who knew that fixating policies on cross dressing fetishists, teaching children and vulnerable adults that they might be 'born in the wrong body' then crafting New Age blasphemy laws to punish apostates that opposed this nonsense could backfire with the electorate?

    7. The issues you refer to were not on people's radar when they voted. Except yours, it seems. Is that you Stu? Seek help.

    8. A credible list-only party could well be the SNP. It’s hard to see them sweeping all the constituencies in 2026, especially in the central belt.

    9. It seems the SNP drones are in meltdown on here. It's a pleasure to watch😂

    10. Anon@8:12 You know what was on the voters' radar do you? Is it the voices in your head again?

    11. He wouldn't know what anyone's reason for not voting SNP were. He would be too busy shouting at them and calling them yoons or mi5 plants or (horror of horrors) Stu Campbell

    12. Anon 8:40: To be fair to him, I doubt he views some squeaking Tory dwarf who lives in Bath as the 'horror of horrors'.

      That poor little smout Campbell likes to huff and puff and stamp his little feet. But let's be honest here. His intellect matches his height.

      Scarcely noticeable, the poor little titch. Bless! 😂

    13. Anon at 8.23. It was widely reported based partly on extensive polling and I also know what people said at the doors, but as a wee keyboard warrior you know nothing about that. Cost of living crisis and NHS. Simple really, but like you.

  8. Inverness/Skye-- Henry has now conceded to LibDems.

    1. Single figure result it is then.

    2. Single figures but at the highest possible level.

      No need for swinney to resign.

  9. What no IFS? done his job and now he's off, what gullible fools you allowed Salmond to make of you

    1. He will be posting as an anon. I had to pull him up yet again for lying earlier.

    2. Anon at 8.04pm - the only gullible Fools are the people who believed Sturgeon would deliver Indyref2.

      Anon at 8.09pm no you didnae. Did nobody tell you lying is a very poor character trait.

    3. Why are you weirdos still going on about Salmond and Sturgeon? They're yesterdays people. Let them go.

    4. IFS. As a simple matter of fact I did and it’s there for all to see. Back to your champagne.

    5. Cowardly anon at 5.23am - where ? Drinking too much anon.

    6. Is it Blue Anon?

  10. Let us consider the positive and there are still many for the SNP not least the fact the SNP is the only pro indy party in town.

    Swinney should not resign.

    1. Doesn't he have a long track record of electoral loses as SNP leader?

      The 2001 UK General Election (no seat gains), the 2003 Scottish Parliament Election (down from 35 to 27 seats), the 2003 Local Council Elections (down from 204 to 180 seats), the 2004 European Parliament Election (retaining 2 MEPs without gains), and the 2024 UK General Election (severe loss, winning only 9 of 43 seats).

    2. Nicola is an inspiration, like a cross between Hillary Clinton and Ursula von der Lyin

      Swinney is a dangerous radical IMO; the guy is crazy - he eats kit kats without breaking it into fingers first

  11. Murray appointed SoS for Scotland.

  12. SoS ? You mean the colonial governor of the imperial English empire

    1. Sorry -- Secretary of State.

  13. The only reason Hanvey got the highest Alba vote was because he was the sitting MP. He was elected in 2019 due to the fact that he had SNP against his name on the ballot paper. I actually wonder if any sitting MP anywhere has ever had a lower share of a general election vote than the one Hanvey got last night?

  14. At some point, Alba need to work out who they are. Look at the way Reform could soar out of nothing, whereas Alba have had years and haven't gone anywhere.

    Reform are the party of grievance, they have some easy targets (immigration the EU) both real and imagined, and then ran a populist campaign where they offered no policies but told everyone that it was someone else's fault. Why can't Alba so this? Why not become an explicitly anti British party, forever on the attack, and blaming Britain for everything, both real and imagined, while letting the SNP be the centre party?

    1. So you want Alba to become popular by bullshitting the electorate?

    2. Because Alba would also have to stand its star candidate at strategically crucial moments. Salmond desperately wants to be Nigel Farage, without the prospect of losing 7 elections before gaining a seat.

      If Farage were in Salmond's position, he would have been salivating at the thought of the Rutherglen by-election. Instead Salmond cowered away from it. Salmond allows fear of injury to his ego to get in the way of solid party strategy. That is why Alba will never, ever be as successful as Reform.

      Can you imagine Farage announcing Reform would stand candidates in this election, but announcing he himself would not stand? Of course you couldn't. He has the shamelessness in the face of potential defeat that Salmond demonstrably lacks. The shamelessness required for an insurgent party to make inroads.

      Salmond is happy to snipe from the safety of the sidelines while everyone else does the hard work. But his belly contains little in the way of guts.

      That is why Alba will never be Reform.

    3. And Salmond shouldn't be head of Alba either. He's not an insurgent, he's a statesman, and he's yesterday's man.

  15. Just to throw into the mix, until I read James Kelly's article I had not appreciated that a member of the same anti-independence party that Craig Murray (an Alba member) stood for last night in England was actually standing against an Alba member (McAskill) in Alloa! How can Alba be treated seriously when that was permitted to happen?

    1. That scuppered poor Kenny and left him languishing in 8th place. But if all those Workers Party votes had gone to him he would have finished in, erm, 8th place.

    2. Craig Murray is Salmond's pal, so was allowed to stand for a Unionist party that was in opposition to Alba. Even though, according to the Alba constitution, Murray should no longer be an Alba member.

      But, Salmond does what he want, bullying, abusing power, making the rules up as he goes along and Murray has gone along with it. Murray has been quick to condemn other bent politicians but when it's his pals he's silent.

    3. And yet look at the damage Murray has done with all the conspiracy theory nonsense he has spouted about thr snp etc.

      All because he couldn't become a candidate

    4. Salmond operates in much the same way as Sturgeon. A lot of Alba people don't want to accept that Salmond is every bit as cliquey and egotistical and nepotistic as Sturgeon. Meanwhile, a lot of Sturgeon supporters don't want to accept that Sturgeon is also cliquey and egotistical and nepotistic.

      The Salmond trial created this false demarcation between the two, which Alba members are slowly starting to realise didn't exist in the first place.

      Neither of them is fit to lead a modern political party. Their politics is of the early 2000s. Let them go.

    5. A S runs Allba as his own personal vehicle for his own purposes. The parallel with Farage is worryingly. He needs to go away.

  16. It's interesting how many votes Reform UK got in Scotland with no campaigning!!!

    1. But they had extensive media coverage courtesy of the bbC, sky etc.

    2. In my constituency the Lib Dem candidate,who lived locally had worked his socks off door knocking for many months, long before the election was called. During the actual campaign we received five separate leaflets from him plus a copy of the Lib Dem campaign newspaper. By contrast, Labour appointed what was considered to be a 'paper candidate' who put out one short leaflet. The Labour candidate got more votes than the Lib Dem. It proved to me once and for all that the extensive media coverage for a party trumps all of the traditional local campaigning by some distance.

    3. The BBC and MSM are influential with the very section of the electorate we need to persuade and, it seems. with a small but significant percentage (seat number wise in FPTP) of the yes vote.

  17. 500k of Yes voters didn't bother voting. Add that to the SNP, and that's a majority. The SNP brand is now toxic to many indi voters. Sturgeon is clearly still operating Swinney from the back.

    I don't think the SNP will learn any lessons.

    1. Sturgeon's gang have done a right number on the yes movement.
      If the SNP numpties who post on SGP are representative of the type of people who are in the SNP I’m glad I'm not a member. Scottish Nasty Party

    2. Away a bile yir heid you twat. Sturgeon is your fantasy. Stalking is an offence.

    3. Anon at 11.13pm kindly proves my point. Being nasty to independence supporters is a strange way to get them to vote SNP again. 45% of the vote in 2019 and now SNP have only 30% of the vote . Luckily for anon at 11.13pm being stupid and nasty isnae an offence. You are confusing me with the nicophants on WGD.

    4. You will never deliver independence. You prefer greetin from the sidelines.

    5. Hot take: both the happy-clappy WGD commenters and the "Any excuse to defend anti-independence Conservative Scumbag, Stuart Campbell" IfS types, are exactly why we are where we are.

      We have two sides of the independence coin, both steeped in delusion and their strange little online worlds that don't reflect that wider electorate.

      I maintain that older people - who tend to be the most active independence supporters, despite their demographics tending to be least supportive - simply do not understand the limitations of an online perspective.

      Because they didn't grow up with these technologies, they genuinely think their social media feeds represent broader Scotland, when nothing could be further from the truth.

      And again, that is true of both sides of the coin. SNP or Alba, Sturgeon or Salmond, WGD and the deluded Skier, or Rev Stu's biggest and most pathetic groveller, IfS.

      Two cheeks springs to mind.

    6. You have a point to some extent Anon at 1.04, but I find the WGD articles sometimes thoughtful and reflective and I value James’s expertise in interpreting polls, and that is why I read both. The IFS brigade on here attack both SNP and the position James himself has taken on Alba, so it’s pretty clear what it’s motive and intentions are. I do not see the vitriol and downright hatred of IFS and his lot in the WGD posts. Interestingly I referred to the priorities of voters in this election, and got the voices in your head nonsense from the IFS crew. It clearly showed that none of them had been knocking doors, as two points, cost of living and NHS, came up again and again.

    7. Anon at 5.51am - there is no "IFS brigade". There is no "his lot". There is no " crew". I have never attacked James position on Alba. You don't see vitriol from WGD - aye right they post their vitriol on SGP now. Instead of me getting abuse on WGD as used to happen I now get it on SGP as they hide as anons. So anon or WGD numpty you are posting not just a lie but a pack of lies.

      Days after that SNP election result you are trying to deflect responsibility on to me - ridiculous.

    8. Anon at 1.04 am - probably same person as 5.51am - there are no " IFS types" defending Campbell - show where I have posted defending Campbell. You are a liar. I am an individual not a leader of any type/ brigade or any other crap you post. I note Campbell in his latest article has listed his silly flat line 47% graph. I post MY OWN views and if at times they correspond with Campbell so be it. Plenty of times they correspond with James Kelly or Salmond but I am my own person, make up my own mind and do not belong to any political party and will vote for who I want.
      It's quite simple you, cowardly anon, are a straightforward liar.

    9. Its quite simple, bit like yourself. You, IFS, are a cowardly unknown (anonymous) and a pathological liar. You have a raft of posts proving this. There we go. Where has that got the Independence debate? Just go back to wings.

    10. I see IFS is silent about knocking doors. He plays no part in the democratic process. Just carps and criticises from the sidelines. That type of behaviour is usually associated with unionist trolls.

  18. Well done Eva Comrie for getting out of the bent Alba Party and then beating Salmond's candidate. Well done to the 98.5% of the electorate in Scotland who wouldn't vote for the bent as hell Alex Salmond party.

    Alba are a joke party. Supposedly republican: led by the English King's Privy Counsellor, Alex Salmond. Supposedly champions of Scots sovereignty: their goal is to be elected as British MPs / MSPs and swear fealty to the English Crown and uphold Crown in WM sovereignty.

    Supposed to be a break from the Sturgeon / SNP way of doing things but with a worthless constitution based on the SNP's that concentrates power in the hands of Salmond, Sheikh and McEleny. Power which is then used to bully and abuse members who dare disagree with how Salmond and his cronies abuse power.

    Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for Salmond and other supposedly pro-indy, supposedly pro-Scots sovereignty politicians who serve "English King in WM" parliamentary sovereignty.

    1. Round of applause. Couldn't have said it better myself.

  19. Maybe renaming would help. oneandahalf percenters seems right.

  20. We're back tonight from the Lakes where most of the banner things were for the LibDems, no idea how their results went. Off the top of my head, the SNP seemed to think it controlled the Indy movement, whereas what should be happening is the Indy movement controlling the SNP.

    The SNP think they are the masters and we are the slaves. I have news for them - do our bidding and get us Indy, or you are history.

    1. Ha, of course! Tim Farron, LibDem, annihilated the Tory.

    2. The SNP membership should control the SNP. But right now it doesn’t and that needs to change before I go back. Homeless Indy supporter.

  21. Ooooo, got us scared. You have been watching too many repeats of the sopranos.incidentally, we don’t say the lakes, we say England. Assimilation has begun.

    1. You're not from this planet are you?

    2. It was a bit of a keyboard warrior silly post

  22. Roderick MacdonaldJuly 6, 2024 at 1:41 AM

    Unlike the majority here, I post under my own name, because I'm not a gobshite.

    I'm done with Alba. I just sent a rather rude email to them saying why. Kenny in Grangemouth was a moronic move, and the result tells me Alba are a busted flush. Deservedly so.

    Alec should have stood, somewhere. A leader who avoids the electorate is useless.

    I believe in independence. A consistent strategy of abstentionism, and explaining why is the way forward. It worked for Ireland. It can work for us. I wish by next week, but alas.

    In the Scottish parish council, independence supporting MSPs need to govern responsibly and highlight what they can and cannot do, and how the UK installed civil service obstructs their efforts. Show the people of Scotland how they are being mis-served. Swinney won't do that - he is a civil servant to his bones, and as cheaply bought.

    It hurts me to see how powerless we are as a people in the Westminster system, and how poorly treated. But until the majority of Scots are served by a majority of politicians who believe in making life better for our own people, we are doomed to penury and second class status in our own land. Burns refused to stay in Edinburgh and be feted. He made his point and left, didn't stay to be their talking pony, and it cost him a fortune, and ultimately his life.

    We celebrate him, but do not speak his language, do not pay attention to his message. How bitter he would be, to see what we have become.

    1. Apart from writing, how did Burns earn his living?

    2. He was an exciseman, and latterly a farmer outside Dumfries.

    3. An excise man for?

  23. Mmm, because of a National article I checked Glasgow South:

    Labour, Gordon McKee votes 17,696
    share 41.8% share change +12.3

    Scottish National Party, Stewart McDonald votes 13,542
    share 32.0% share change -16.3

    Green, Niall Christie votes 5,554
    share 13.1% share change +10.5

    If the Green votes had gone to the SNP or even vice versa, they would have won against Labour. How many other seats might be like this?

    There'll be a lot of analysis and recriminations, and all justified!

    1. Similar Glasgow North, but don't think the others.

    2. the other 4 in Glasgow I mean.

    3. Lord of the SlippersJuly 6, 2024 at 7:13 AM

      In Glasgow SW SNP + Green + Alba gets within 16 votes of Labour.

    4. Stewart McDonald is no great loss. This is the only way to deselect him and replace him with a real independence supporter next time.

  24. Rob here, for the first time in a long while, I've got to the end of a Robin MacAlpine article without despair setting in. Maybe it was just shorter than the others. Hope you'll agree it's worth sharing;

    Maybe we can hijack Labour's "Change" and shout it loud enough the SNP hears it.

    Thoughts James?

  25. The early signs are not good that the SNP will change. It is all someone else's fault. Swinney wants to convert more to independence. That's a laugh he cannae even keep the current independence supporters voting SNP. Well no, it's not really a laugh it's a bloody tragedy. Sturgeon's gang are destroying the SNP and they hope Scottish independence as well. But it's the people who tell the SNP numpties the truth that are the problem. Aye right.
    There is no IfS brigade. I make no difference. I am a Scottish supporter of independence of independent mind. The problem is you.

    2014 - 1.6million yes voters.

    2019 - 1.2million voted SNP.

    2024 - 708k voted SNP.

    Change your ways or go slowly extinct. You have bad faith actors in your ranks.

    1. Lord of the SlippersJuly 6, 2024 at 9:19 AM

      I abstained in this election to help facilitate a Labour victory which I hope, over the next few years, will be a better driver of No to Yes than proven SNP irrelevance at WM.
      The SNP apparatchik response is to tell me I'm a traitor to the cause of independence and then tell me what a massive failure (my beloved!) Labour will be and how it will be the final nail in the Union's coffin!
      I'm not sure it's possible for a party to change when it has a core of people who think like that.

    2. We don't need words like traitor bandied about. It's not helpful. I think you have been naive but that is my opinion. Doesn't mean I am right. The BBC and MSM are now in full on Indy Dead mode, and regrettably the very people we need to persuade to change their mind will be influenced by this. I believe the prospect of any positive steps towards an Indy vote, in whatever form it takes, has been set back at least two terms, and probably more. SNP carries much of the responsibility for this. It has gone from a competent popular democratically run party to a cabal controlled by a small group who do not see Independence as the priority and use the party to push their personal agendas. After over 40 years supporting Indy I am angry. I urge others who feel the same to write to John Swinney and tell him what needs to happen.

  26. Sturgeons gang. Your records broken. What is your gang?. You and others want to destroy the snp but can’t get enough crediblesupport with any alternatives in the past now or based on Thursdays result the future. Destroy the snp. I hate Nicola Sturgeon. With friends like you who needs enemies. You have shown on here you are not a friend of independence but a destroyer an underminer.

    You will not succeed as you are outnumbered. There are too many good supporters of independence out there to allow you to destroy it.

    Scottish elections have to be a de-facto referendum. We have to focus on this and show up labours deficiencies so the 30% independence supporters Vote 1 SNP , 2 other independence supporting parties.

    1. Idiot at 9.05am - I said the 2021 Holyrood election should be a de facto referendum back in 2020. The SNP could have called a de facto referendum any time after 2021 election. They didnae - just what do you not understand about this. You are the problem - not me.
      Ps there is no vote 1 and vote 2. You cannae even get the basics right. There is a constituency vote and a regional list vote.

    2. Disingenuous this time instead of outright lies. Is this an improvement? You know full well what he means by 1 and 2. And your ridiculous infantile nick names deserve called out. Post like an adult or get yourself back to WOS. You are now dismissed. And don't humiliate yourself by hanging about all day hoping I respond. Its needy and pathetic. Sunny right now. Get your anorak off and get out in the fresh air.

    3. Ifs, what did you make of the ISP polling numbers?

    4. He still counting his toes

    5. I’m hopeful IFS has taken our advice and gone home.

  27. I watched ITV to get Sturgeons analysis.

    It's interesting that she said she knew that the exit poll was right and had forseen this result.

    She also said that she had foreseen the rise of Labour in Glasgow.

    Her analysis was excellent and she held her own alongside Ed Balls and George Osborne.

    We need her back once the trial is over.

  28. She made the interesting point that the 20 point Labour lead in the opinion polls was completely wrong and Labour only had a 10 point lead.

    ITV chose her as their main analyst for the night showing that she is a cut above.

    We need her back as SNP leader as we can win again with Nicola Sturgeon.

    Nicola still has it. She has not lost it!

    There will not be a leadership campaign for a few years let's say 2028 when decent John Swinney decides the time is right.

    Nicola will still be young then. She will lead again then.

  29. You're a Britnat.

  30. Anon@9:36, he/she may well be.
    However he/she makes a valid point. Let’s face it, the SNP haven’t been good in government in recent years, some would say that’s putting it mildly. They need to improve significantly if they want to increase support for independence.

    1. This.

      Even if we ignore Nicola Sturgeon's entire time as leader and focus on just the last year and a half since she resigned... we've seen the Deposit Return Scheme postponed several times and eventually shelved, and the National Care Service has yet to come to fruition. Additionally, there have been numerous controversies, including the SNP Membership Numbers Row, the Ferry Construction Debacle, the Gender Recognition Reform Bill Controversy, the Police Investigation into SNP Finances, the Michael Matheson iPad Scandal, Peter Murrell’s re-arrest and charges, the COVID-19 WhatsApp Messages Scandal, and the resignation of the SNP's auditors, leading to financial reporting issues.

      The Scottish Government itself was also very nearly brought down when the Greens were removed from Government.

      It's ludicrous to suggest that it's all just been one massive conspiracy or inaccurate MSM reporting.

    2. Anon@2:09, indeed. There needs to be dramatic change, the SNP need to show they can run a devolved government well, in order to convince people they can run an independent Scotland.
      This disastrous election result is a result of their gross incompetence in government.

    3. Who is it thats telling you that the SNPGovernment have been 'incompetent:-
      The BBC
      Daily Record
      The Herald
      The Scotsman
      The Times
      The Courier
      Etc., Etc.,
      Do they ever...EVER... offer a comparison in performance to England?
      (and please dont mention ferries or I will throw HS2 wasted Billions right back at you).

    4. Mathieson?
      Ferry Contract?
      Bottle return scheme?
      Rutherglen constituency?

    5. PS. Comparison with England is a low bar. And it doesn’t resonate with voters, as you’ve just discovered.

  31. They've been better than you think. Remember that nothing that is good in Scotland is reported in the MSM, everything is made to look bad.

  32. Agree. Sounds like Sarwar

  33. Seriously? You deserve any shit coming. Unbelievable.
