Thursday, July 4, 2024

Keir Starmer supported the illegal starvation of the innocent civilian population of Gaza. He is not fit to run a parish council, let alone the UK government. Don't vote Labour this evening, vote for a pro-independence party that cares about human life.


  1. Ipsos poll has SNP on 5% UK wide, also they're making the exit poll for the broadcasters tonight

    1. I couldn't see anything on their website. If true, an outlier

  2. No matter how much you detest Sturgeon's gang there is no excuse for voting Labour or Tory.

    1. Are we allowed to vote Liberal?

  3. Are there any turnout figures available?

  4. What a choice on the TV election broadcasts tonight.

    Kirsty Wark on BBC
    Nicola Sturgeon on ITV.

    The thought of watching either of these two despicable people for any length of time is just not acceptable to me so I'll give the programmes a miss. Unlike in Dec 2019 there was hope of a good result and Indyref2. Sturgeon quickly dashed that by delivering on Jan 30 2020 her surrender speech. The ultimate betrayal of her country. Her betrayal of Salmond is nowt compared to that. Even if Sturgeon betrayed the SNP by knowing of or helping to pilfer SNP monies that is still nowt compared to betraying your country.

    1. You are aware of libel laws are you? Anyway, from Tommy Sheridan to Alex Salmond, to Nicola Sturgeon, the fingerprints of the UK security services are all over this. If they weren't, they wouldn't be doing their job. Its our job not to be suckered by them. Get a grip.

    2. Alan please elaborate. " Get a grip " just disnae give me enough to change my ways.
      Also it is unclear what and who you think I am libelling.
      In short, like your post, it is unclear in general and therefore not of any great value but I can confirm your post disnae libel me.

    3. I shall never vote for Sturgeon IFS

    4. Bloody hell C4 has Kwasi Kwarteng on their programme, Liz Truss's Chancellor. These politicians are shameless. Beats me how he has the nerve to show his face.

  5. Starmer forced about 10 of his shadow cabinet to step down for supporting a ceasefire motion. Then when Biden suggested it might be time for a ceasefire he suddenly was for one. I don't think I have ever seen anyone so afraid of saying anything of substance be it green issues, Gaza, immigration or funding programmes.

    Grow the economy. - I can't think of a party in any country campaigning on shrinking the economy.

    Smash the gangs - Very like the war on drugs or painting the Forth Rail Bridge.

    We will make Brexit work - because the Tories didn't want it to work.

    Sound bites all and they will come back to haunt him. His one chance is the building billions of houses or whatever. If he can find the brickies that might be attemptable.

    1. Independence will mean a shrinking economy

    2. We've had a shrinking economy for 17 years. If you want it to stay that way - vote for change the Labour way, or loose change from WM the Tory way. Me, I'll stick with independence. Oh by the way, have you might try to show some evidence for your blind assertion, or did you just have a vision from on high, eh?

    3. Two completely different processes Brexit concerned leaving a trading bloc Independence is the process of creating a new sovereign state .Dozens of nations have become Independent in the last 100 years so there are rules and procedures detailed in International law to govern the process.
      Brexit was a first no one has been so stupid to leave Brexit before ,that's why Brexit was and continues to be a disater

    4. Anon@8:14, independence would be a far far bigger disaster that would make Brexit pale into insignificance.

    5. Congrats on your knighthood. Sorry about your no-seat in the Lords.

    6. He's right tho. Without England Scotland wouldn't have a sausage and would be reduced to eating lumpy porridge made on water. You lot always go on about the oil - but who INVENTED oil? It was an Englishman, was it not? Same with whisky. Anyway, money isn't everything, We still live under the blue skies of freedom and our Sovereign Lord, the King, unlike those Norwegian Papishers.
      No Surrender!

  6. Also, Starmer will keep the nuclear weapons in Scotland

  7. Also , Starmer with his Great British Energy co will divert Scotland's energy resources to cut English energy bills. They'll be coming for oor water too..... it s not enough that they've had 50 years of oor oil .

  8. Would that be the civilian population that voted in Hamas and the celebrated the murder and atrocities against the Jews ? Or is there another Civilian population?

    1. They voted in Hamas about 20 years ago . Do you think the population knew what was going to happen all these years later ? What about the children and young folk not even alive then? Don't you think that people treated like second class citizens or worse by the Israeli government might vote for anybody promising some resistance to the apartheid regime imposed by Israel?
      Dont you think 40000 dead Palestinians is enough revenge?
      You are a fud and an eejit.
      Labour are a disgrace.

      Saor Alba

    2. Thank you for the compliment. You have just demonstrated your prejudice more than adequately. You are a disgrace to Scotland.

  9. Clearly if the SNP lose half their seats or more, as polls are predicting, talk of independence or referendums will need to be toned down considerably, at least for now. If not we leave ourselves wide open to serious ridicule.
    Obviously the Unionist/Nationalist vote share will be scrutinised as well. It’ll be no use claiming a certain percentage of indy supporters abstained or voted Labour, unionists won’t wear it.

  10. Reject Rishi's new Raj stop the tories. This country needs reform.

  11. Anyone staying up for the first results or are you going to bed after exit poll?

    1. I am working tomorrow so just staying up for exit poll and will tune in to Radio 4 for results at 6am when I get up for breakfast.

      The exit poll tends to have it right in recent years and is often different from the other polls.

    2. Do you plan to watch Channel 4's coverage or stick with BBC1?

    3. STV is a good choice this year as it has Nicola Sturgeon and Ed Balls on it.

  12. Local interest on the Sky coverage is Ruth Davidson.

    1. She Will have to comment the Tories destruction

  13. Staying up in so far as reasonably practicable. Have printed off the “SNP wipeout” bingo card as the main event. Honest John has hung his hat on number of seats. But the side show is James vs the Rev. Who is right and who needs to eat the humble pie?

    1. The Rev Stu v James battle is an epic. I love it!

    2. It’s like the wet vs the drys in the Conservative party. Have the SNP pandered to all the fringe and thought we can get over half the vote. But they can’t as it becomes counter productive. They pandered to the Muslim vote and they then said it is ok for men to go into Women’s spaces. You see the problem?

      James vs the Rev is the sort of discussion that has to happen if Indy is going to survive as an ideology.

  14. Final Survation estimate for SNP seats,
    14 (range 7-23).

  15. Not too long too long now!

  16. SNP 10 on exit . Shit

    1. Be’s still only a survey.

  17. SNP down to 10 seats in exit poll. Will we here from Declan who predicted an increase in seats๐Ÿ˜
