Thursday, July 4, 2024

Exit Poll analysis

I've produced a lightning quick analysis piece about the exit poll for The National.  Basically the gist is that it's disappointing but not the absolute worst case scenario.  I've been saying all day that I wouldn't be at all surprised if "SNP 3 seats" flashed up on the screen, because with the exit poll all the pre-expectations tend to go completely out of the window.  At least it's not quite as bad as that.  You can read my full article HERE.


  1. Agree fully this is not the worst case scenario- still double figures.

  2. It's going to take time to see it as an ok result. Feels like a body blow atm.

  3. There's a lot of revisionism going on here. I don't recall anyone saying 10 seats, never mind 3, would be a good result for the SNP.

    1. I ALWAYS said single figures would be bad but double figures was the dividing line.

    2. I didn't say it was a good result, so where's the revisionism?

  4. Mhairi Black on Channel 4

    1. Apparently it's all the rains fault as rain only falls on potential SNP voters.

  5. Bridget Philipson is a very impressive politician. I'm happy to see her first up.

    1. She could be next PM.

    2. As clear as Salmon and Sturgeon were. Very impressive on TV.

    3. You are aware she is a Unionist politician really !!

    4. Labour will now have to explain why taxes will go up and living standards go down. They will offset by stealing the resources of Scotland.

    5. Yes Bridget Philipson is impressive and potentially the next PM. I have been watching her.

    6. You set the bar for "impressive" punishingly low!

  6. I do hope that Stephen Flynn is not defeated. That would be an act of ludicrous self harm by the electorate in Scotland

    1. They can (and probably should) get Flynn into Holyrood in 2026. Ideally on the list. People confident we will get pumped there as well forget D’Hondt rewards the smaller parties…

    2. Not if he's back in Scotland where he's most needed as a future MSP.

    3. Tactical voting going on everywhere.Red tories and blue tories working together as per.

  7. the SNP need Sturgeon back

    1. Do you do stand-up as that shits hilarious!

    2. She will be .. probably in court in front of Alec’s lawyers.

  8. Fairly happy if the SNP lose 38 seats?
    Fairly happy with the SNP winning 2 fewer seats in Scotland than the Tories??

  9. Was probably IFS, he is cock a hoop with the potential result.

    1. Bollocks Declan - I’m cock a hoop that once again Scottish Skier has shown himself to be a liar and an SNP propagandist.

    2. Everyone you know are liars.

    3. Declan ( Scottish Skier) also claimed that Swinney was the best ever (after Sturgeon ) FM. Aye best ever at losing elections.

    4. Troll and a complete diddy at 12.17am.

    5. How many times is that today you’ve been called out for lying Idiot for Scotland? Why is that? Mmhhhh.

    6. None. But I'm sure you'll make a start since you need somebody to blame.

  10. This only shows that John Swinney was the right choice as Leader.

    Probably the best First Minister we've ever had. No other leader could have done better!

  11. I can't believe losing 38 seats is being played out as ok. Its a feckin disaster. The sooner people actually realise this, the sooner we can reset our movement.

    We need to stop with the tinfoil hats. It's the next two years that will make or break our movement. But stop pretending the SNP can just carry on like this.

    1. But tin foil hats is all the SNP have ever had!

  12. To be fair Mr Vow, Murray Foote is the actual leader.

  13. Would appear, reading analysis accross the mass of social media hysteria, that the only 4 seats the SNP can really be confident of holding are Falkirk, Dundee, Arbroath and the Inverness/ Skye seat.

    Also suggestions the Tories will be ahead of SNP on seat numbers in Scotland-, and Labour largest party but not a majority (23/24 being touted for Labour)

    Argyll, Stirling and Perth&Kinross look like Tory gains, plus Aberdeenshire and along the Moray coast seats.

    Definitely Unionist tactical votes.

    The sheer rise of Reform in the UK wide results is beyond what most commentators expected.


    1. Well, if it's that bad I can't see any particular reason why Dundee Central or Falkirk would be safe. But we're in the fog of war stage of proceedings.

  14. Turnout in England 50% I hear. So Scotland may be low 50s. So a very odd election up here and Tories might be second to Labour in Scotland. Will Swinney stand asside?

    1. No. So it’s apathy the winner

    2. Anon at 12.16am - Who created the apathy in independence supporters?

    3. IFS. Morons like you? No reply needed.

    4. Oh aye, it was all IfS. You can hear the SNP talking heads calling him out on the telly.

      (They're actually admitting the SNP is failing. You're more of a numpty than they are.)

    5. Who said it was all down to IFS? More lies from a wee pal of IFS? Or is he back to posting as Anon to agree with himself?

    6. Anon@12:44 Just said it. Do keep up. And multiple postings are the speciality of that guy who refers to himself as 'we' rather than I.

  15. If turnout is under 50% for the whole of Scotland [here's hoping] it will be almost completely down to indy supporters abstaining - showing their disgust for both Westminster and the SNP hierarchy.

  16. The silver lining is something I've been waiting for: Westminster turnout to fall below Holyrood. If there really has been a 5-10% drop, then that's finally happened.

    2019 - 2,759,061
    2021 - 2,712,783
    2024 - ~2,500,000?

    It may not seem like it today, but we've inched closer to independence. Over to 2026 to confirm Holyrood has primacy in the electorate's eyes.

    1. You can polish a turd... you are just being silly.

    2. Looks like we didn't even break 2,400,000. Now Westminster has a democratic deficit compared to Holyrood. We can't do anything with this... yet.

      Fighting a turnout-focused Holyrood campaign creates a lose-lose trap for the unionists - if they decide to participate, they validate the claim. If they abstain, they yield to a pro-Yes majority.

  17. The Steven Flynn result could be close.

  18. James is right. This is not the worst case scenario.

    1. You need to wait and see what Kid Starver has in store for Holyrood. He told you what he intended doing. Indy has been set back for the foreseeable future.

    2. No section 30. And the losing SNP won't even ask for one.

    3. Starmer told you. Do your own homework.

  19. The first two results in England show a turnout of just over 50%.
    If that is replicated throughout..then half the UK electorate have not voted.

  20. Yes low turnout is significant . Let's not forget Boris held an election in December and people turned out. Its not the time of year. Its two things. The pointlessness of G Elections for Scotland, and the uninterested Yes voters not even voting. Add to that rolling in yesterday's man John Swinney. The SNP need to listen , and need to work with all indy parties.

    1. Alba are a fringe group with no electoral support ,and until they get above 2% of the vote they are not a serious organisation

    2. Oh get real.

    3. That was directed at anon @ 12.55

  21. I have supported independence all my life. It used to have 23% support , and the SNP had 3 or 4 mps. Independence is at 50%. We have nothing to worry about in that regard. The SNP have a lot to worry about, that is for them to come to terms with.

    Independence doesn't depend on a political party. It depends on the people.

    1. Exactly right.

    2. In the real world things aren’t quite so simple. In the real world Indy has been taken off the agenda for at least the next decade. Well done.

    3. Indy hasn't been on the agenda for at least a decade. Well done Sturgeon.

  22. Electoral Calculus projected turnout UP on 2019 across UK and Scotland. Bang on form, Mr. Baxter!

  23. I know certain senior Alba figures will probably be heartened by this result, but I'm not really sure I see what it gains them. A splinter faction of a relevant movement is much more influential than a splinter faction of an irrelevant one.

    And make no mistake, the irrelevance of Scottish independence will be the narrative after this result.

  24. At last the myth that the SNP is the independence movement is being blown away. Support for independence will stay steady at 50% until a genuine pro independence party emerges to take it higher by taking radical action of which the SNP were so afraid. The clearing away of the SNP in Westminster was a necessary move.

    1. That's a lovely idea, but the myth that the SNP is the independence movement will now be replaced with the myth that Scotland has turned decisively against independence. It will be repeated ad nauseam until Scots believe it.

      Expect support for independence to start 'being blown away' in the coming weeks and months.

    2. Anon at 3.53. Exactly right. I’ve been trying to get this lot to understand this for weeks. They are about to find it out the hard way.

    3. Terence Callachan , NO NO NO , stop saying support for independence is at 50% , the facts show that it is NOT.

  25. "Take radical action!".....What do you propose.... holding a gun at NO voters heads until they say YES!....Usual Salvo & Alba claptrap.

  26. Going by early results the exit poll could be wrong. Unfortunately for snp it might actually be worse. I'm think it will be between 2-4 seats. Surely Swinney will go after that?

    1. James is right to say that this while disappointing is not a worst case scenario.

    2. BBC's projection is now down to 6 SNP seats. Flynn got back in though, for the fans.

  27. 500 votes for Kerevan in East Lothian. Lost his deposit. The first of many for Alba tonight.

    The SNP was utterly humped by Douglas Alexander, who's crowing about it right now.

    1. It's very clear Alba are irrelevant.

      That doesn't take away from it being a bad night for the SNP.

    2. Blair McDougall just heaved out Kirsten Oswald. The party leader of the ISP didn't manage 300 votes. Reform got 2000 more than that.

      The SNP is absolutely gutted. They can, however, be relieved that there is no alternate vehicle for independence. Not even close. No one at all is voting Alba or ISP. Worse than even I expected.

      I guess it all depends on you now, Kate.

    3. I never thought I'd see the day when Wings Over Scotland was roaring with triumph at the election of the head of Better Together.

      Through the looking glass stuff.

  28. It's time for the fringe Indy parties to chuck it .Alba members are kidding themselves on if they believe they are going have an impact

    1. With less than 10 MPs, though, the SNP's looking fringe now too.

    2. Indeed. And unfortunately, that makes the idea of independence look fringe.

      No matter how much people might bleat about opinion polls showing it 50/50, that's not even going to get a look in on the media narrative after this wipeout.

    3. That's why I’m following those polls. Are folk really daft enough to stop believing in Indy because the BBC said so? We shall see. I think the covert devolutionists among us will be doubly disappointed…

    4. Indy is dead being pushed 24/7 by the BBC and MSM will of course reduce support for Indy. And it will make changing the mind of no vote virtually impossible. Mind numbing that some are too stupid to understand this.

  29. BBC have already begun the Indy is dead narrative and Douglas Alexander currently being allowed to talk about the NHS in Scotland being in dire straits despite it being the best performing across the U K. Truly awful night for Independence. It’s off the table for serious discussion for at least the next decade.

    1. Only an awful night for the SNP. Indy still polls about 50%. It's continuity that's odd the table.

    2. Anon at 4.09. Seriously deluded.

  30. Alyn Smith is OUT. And the Green vote would have made the difference. That's 1-0 to the Greens for SPOILING the vote versus Alba. ;-)

    1. What are the actual numbers if this is the case?

    2. Yep. Just checked. Greens list vote in 2026 going to be decimated.

    3. Hopefully, eh? The Scottish Greens are doing shite compared to their (hated) peers in England. They've kept many a deposit down there and actually cost Labour votes. Kudos to them. Can they stand in Scotland too?

  31. And now, folks, Stewart McDonald the member for NATO and absolutely not any kind of Independence in Glasgow South is OUT. The Greens SPOILED it again. I am out of booze and calling it a night!

  32. The narrative spinning has begun. Kuenssberg on the BBC relentlessly battering Salmond with 'Page 1, Line 1 of the SNP manifesto was independence, therefore independence is now dead'. Salmond handled it about as capably as you'd expect. But he won't be on air for the other 23 hours and 55 minutes of the day. He won't be on every page of every tabloid refuting it. The BBC can also now markedly reduce the SNP's airtime from the measly amount they already gave them.

    Expect 'Page 1, Line 1' to be the narrative going forward. And good luck refuting it.

  33. Even Kenny McAskill couldn't get much more than 600 votes.Its time to unite behind the only party that can deliver Independence .Continuing with the Alba experiment will only cause more division.The route to Independence is persuading more No voters it's not demanding that the SG deliver Independence when a majority of Scots have not voted for it

  34. On the Internet, especially twitter and blogs, ALBA are everywhere like a rash. In reality, they are a busted flush.
    I don't think the party will survive beyond this year.

  35. Kenny McAskill is a maverick. I always found the guy a bit weird. A tartan Farage.

  36. PC of Wales could end up with more seats than the SNP. Not sure how the SNP go forward from a very poor result but Gender reform, wanting more immigration into Scotland, cutting the housing budget when the country is facing a housing emergency, and being far too woke has caused them a lot of votes.
    Independence is fine to talk about and put at the top of the agenda when you are financially secure but for many young voters who support independence, they have more immediate concerns.

    1. We need immigration,who is going to staff our NHS and Social Care sector

  37. As I predicted Alba getting minimal votes and losing deposit. Hopefully this is the end of them in their present form and they cease to exist. ISP not even registering. Again hopefully they are finished. The unionist’s useful idiots will be pleased.

  38. Sinn Fein are going to end up with more seats than the SNP, and they don't even take them.

    The Irish are going to reunify long before Scotland gains its independence, because Scots aren't capable of sticking the course. The Irish are a less flakey bunch on the whole. Less prone to falling for the tactics of divide and conquer.

  39. The BBC are currently setting the narrative that the SNP focussed TOO MUCH on independence. I'm not sure how anyone could have deluded themselves that it would be any different. James tried to warn about this, but many independence supporters refused to listen.

    The reward is that you all get to listen to talk of independence being dead for the next five or ten years. Good job all.

  40. The number of seats is disappointing but its not the absolute worst case scenario and the support for indy is still strong.

  41. The only silver linings for the SNP is that they retained Flynn, and they also managed to scalp Douglas Ross.

  42. Roderick MacdonaldJuly 5, 2024 at 6:38 AM

    The SNP have lost their core support. Because they do not promote independence anymore. They do not govern (in their limited capacity) like a party trying to prove their competence anymore. They are captured or compromised and are no longer fit for purpose.

    Dark times may be ahead, where no political party in the UK gives a tuppenny toss about Scotland, and especially not its people.

    Between now and 2026 is an opportunity for Scottish independence supporters to find a banner to rally behind, and act in concert. It is no longer the SNP or the charisma vacuum that is Swinney. He simply exists to pretend his predecessor's predecessor was not an awful oxygen destroying pile of compromised pish. That's not an easy thing to do, which is why he's failing.

    Scotland needs to rise. The SNP are falling.

    1. you have not learned anything.

    2. Correct, Roderick. SNP MPs grew too fond of being in Westminster, thinking they could change the whole of the so-called united kingdom. They should have been concentrating on ending the union not fixing it. They deserved to get thumped. Support for independence won't be reduced by their demise.

    3. Well said Roderick, you've hit the nail on the head.

  43. It’s ok…this is a great result for independence movement.
    It’s everyone else’s fault…simple as that

    1. You are the first person I’ve heard say that. The failings of the SNP have been widely acknowledged as a significant element of a perfect storm. The blow to Indy of these results is disastrous and sets its back at least a decade. Well done on the part you played.

    2. Anon@7:56,
      You are correct. Excellent response to @6:58 insane comment.

    3. Erm, Anon@6:58 is obviously being ironic. Well, obvious tae maist fowk..

  44. Talk of independence needs to be toned down, at least for now, after this drubbing.

  45. When will the SNP be activating the democratic effort of this election and beginning negotiations for independence?

    1. Take Mark Twains advice son.

  46. Play by britnat rules, lose by britnat rules.

  47. 50% of Scotland still waiting for a genuine political party of independence to emerge.

    1. Speak for yourself.

      You cant speak for all 50% who support indy.

      Have you learned nothing?

    2. Surely just under 2 per cent by your own logic? How many votes in total did Alba get and did they save a single deposit?

    3. Alba isn't a genuine party of independence. At the moment there isn't one in Scotland. But the door is now open for one to emerge.

    4. Think I heard Alba got less than 12,000 votes over the 19 seats they contested.
      Frankly embarrassing.

  48. Sturgeon says election result “ MAY take independence off the immediate agenda”
    Surely the understatement of the night

  49. Britnats said the same thing after the 2014 referendum.

  50. This has been a long time coming.

  51. As James says in his newspaper article we can feel a touch of relief in this result as it could have been lower e.g. three seats.

  52. Rob here, there's going to be more airtime for Blackman and Wishart, isn't there? That's not a positive. I'd hoped there would be fewer but more able voices to be the media's token nationalists.

    Who in the SNP can actually want continuity when the results are this bad? They cannot be blind to the disconnect between independence support and the SNP's fortunes. This really should be a turning point, shouldn't it? Is there actually a way for anyone to oust the incompetents from their posts? They seem to be the SNP's only untouchables.

    Is it too early to be pessimistic for Holyrood 2026?

    1. We're Scots, Rob, we're always pessimistic. This result proves beyond any doubt the waste of time and effort in trying to send pro-indy politicians down to Westminster where they are ignored. Ideal time to either adopt Sinn Fein's policy of abstentionism or simply boycott Westminster altogether.

    2. The potential for abstentionism or disruption has been lost, as has the democratic deficit argument. None of this has of course occurred to IFS and his wee brigade. He advocated voting for Alba or ISP. Between them they didn't even manage 1% of the historically low vote. Clueless doesn't begin to sum them up.

    3. Anon at 9.11am with his head in the sand shouting it wisnae me - another liar. James advocated voting ISP Alba. If that is the reaction of SNP members/supporters to this result the SNP will go nowhere. Show some ownership and humility. There never was a democratic deficit. Scotland is a colony.

    4. IFS, “Scotland is a colony “.

    5. Where is this "brigade" you keep telling us IFS has? Where do I sign up?

  53. Starmer might cut the 77th budget, youll no be so happy then.

  54. Independence is not dead.

    This result is because the SNP betrayed independence and as such they deserve it. A lot of minging policies didnae help either. Lots of people warned about this. Lots of people stuck their heads in the sand and chanted Nicola Nicola. The SNP could have sorted this way back in Jan 2020 when Sturgeon gave her surrender speech but no the numpties wouldnae listen.

    Sturgeon will be well pleased with her legacy. It's time for the SNP to boot out the gradualists.

    Sturgeon Yousaf Swinney

    Johnston Truss Sunak

    Triple disasters for two parties.

    You were warned but you called us unionists. We ain't unionists but you certainly are numpties. SNP members own this result - take action to remove the gradualists. For Scottish independence - do it.

    Swinney the gradualist was a loser decades ago and is still a loser.

    1. " To be fair " says anon at 8.27pm - if that is the reaction then the SNP will never deliver freedom for Scotland.

    2. I’d imagine the SNP will want Swinney to continue, at least for now, as no obvious replacement.

    3. IFS asked us all to vote for Alba or ISP. How did that go ?

    4. Anon at 9.06am - I never asked you or " us all " to vote Alba or ISP. Liar.

    5. Aye it is ya Numpty, and if its not then you'll be deed long before it happens!

  55. It's amazing how spot-on the exit poll was!

  56. Early analysis - record low UK turnout, labour vote stays the same but they get a landslide because Tories basically stayed at home or voted reform.

    Of more concern in Scotland, labour don't just remain static but vote massively up and SNP down. Be good to see your considered analysis of that James.

    Northern Ireland elects nationalist majority.

    1. Er yes they did, facts arent your thing...

      Sinn Féin becomes NI's largest Westminster party

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Should Kate Forbes take over as leader now?

  57. Turned on the BBC and there was Liz Lloyd and Kirsty Wark. I felt sick. Quickly turned it off.

    1. I never switched it to terrestrial.

      Streamed bloomberg markets instead.

  58. Alba nowhere in this election. Greens were up cost the SNP a few seats. As much as people talk about repudiating "wokery' etc, it's clear the SNP lost some votes because they weren't seen was progressive enough, particularly in seats with younger voters. Joanna Cherry saw the biggest drop in SNP share across the Lothians.

    Voters may be discontent with the SNP, but they are still 'only' 6 points adrift. They are salvageable.

    Alba got 0.5%. What lessons can be learned from that?

    1. The more sensible among us have been saying for weeks that Alba would achieve few votes and lose its deposits. We were right. The usual suspects shown to be delusional. The M Ps in Westminster are ironically paying the price for the actions of a grouping within the SNP in Holyrood. That grouping must be ousted in time for Holyrood 26. A list needs to be drawn up of all those involved in the toxic element that did so much damage, and they must be removed. SNP must restore its constitution to its pre 2014 position. No more policy formed by tiny vocal toxic minorities and cliques. Lets get our party back on track and the wider Indy movement back on the road, in a spirit of cooperation. Alba will hopefully disband and A S needs to opt out of front line politics. Its not going to be pleasant, but it is essential.

    2. He does, but I fear he won’t
      Major work for independence supporters to do to rescue and refocus for Holyrood 26
      Are they clear enough to do that?
      I have my doubts tbh
      Might take another defeat for all the wokeys to head back to Labour first
      So we’re looking at 2030 to push on independence
      Hopefully without Salmond or Sturgeon to poison the water

    3. Well you lot did want the woke green agenda, and now you are paying the price for wokery and putting blokes in dresses in women's bathrooms and prisons, you got what you deserve.

      They just had a look at what an independent Scotland would look like and they didn't want it!

    4. anon at 9.36. Adults are talking. go away.

    5. Those against woke are a sizeable number you would be amazed at how many stupid easily influenced fools exist the woke agenda favours a few but has been used by the english media to garner a huge support against it

    6. Dont blame ALBA they were doing what most of us are now doing they seen the demise of SNP and tried to give us another option but not enough could see it and the media pushed it back.ALBA will be hugely beneficisl in the holyrood election for scottish parliament so dont make the mistake of bashing them now, keep your powder dry.

    7. 10:19 AM - Well the wokery and working with the mentally disabled Greens has sealed your fate, Good old Mrs Krankie has blown up the SNP with her wokery, what's it like being less popular than the Tories?

  59. Don't suppose the remaining gutless SNP MPs will refuse to take the oath of allegiance to the unionist establishment.

    1. Hi dr who, been using your tardis to come to that decision

  60. SNP, stop trying to save the world, save Scotland.

  61. The only way we save this. Is a united front and a plebiscite for 2026. Trying for another mandate and carrying on. Will result in the same low turnout, and Lib/lab coalition in Scotland.

    The SNP cannot be as stupid as they appear to be.

  62. Terence Callachan Dundee (1)The SNP teaming up with the Greens and addopting green policies ahead of a stronger Scottish independence policy has shown that many disliked this move and yes it has lost SNP many votes.(2)The Labour party fooled many low and average wage earners into thinking and hoping their lives will be improved by voting Labour this has given Labour many votes that previously went to SNP the SNP just dont understand that trying to present themselves as a left leaning caring party is a waste of time if the right wing holder of the purse strings in westminster can restrict or even end SNP spending plans .(3) Tactical voting has shifted a lot of tory voters in Scotland from tory to labour simply because those tories in Scotland knew the UK tory party were to be defeated in england so there would be no point voting for them in Scotland , this was a chance to use that to defeat SNP in Scotland where a tory vote for any unionist party suits so they voted labour (4) The SNP refusal to bring all Scottish independence supporters under one banner and copy the tactical voting done by the unionists has lost Scottish independence seats in Scotland the BBC STV SKY etc and all the newspapers will now double down on " Scotland doesnt want independence " we will hear it over and over again.(5) The tax rises in Scotland are looked upon favourably by many better off folk in Scotland but for those who are annoyed by how much tax they pay and there are many many who are it was plain silly of SNP to raise taxes higher than rest of uk and as i said above pointless if westminster can simply cut your budget allocation or prevent you from introducing policies and have the media in their pocket to shout from the rooftops that everyone is worse off in Scotland , SNP albeit with good intentions shot themselves the foot with that .(6) Scottish independence was seen by many many people in Scotland as a way out of the right wing low public spending quicksand life they have under SNP in this union but SNP decided to sit comfortably on its hands and do nothing about independence its no accident that we all get angry watching the SNP politicians sit quietly whilst being shouted down and continually interrupted the SNP policy is to do exactly that sit quietly and take it, its easy and to a great extent its true that it smacks of a convenience to protect their cushy jobs rather than fight back sit quietly dont rock the unionist boat , well theyve paid the price.(7) Until we have a leader that argues back and interrupts the unionists the way they interrupt us im out of this nonsense , its taken up years of my life im 68 now and sick of the weak willed saps the SNP choose to represent us.If only Alex was ten years younger.Will we ever get another Alex ?

    1. Alex Salmond was a willing helper to Labour, he's already admitted he is happy the SNP were slaughtered, his only disappointment was he didn't do as well as Nigel Farage
      Wake up for goodness sake

    2. Dr Jim at 11.06am - give it a rest Jimbo. It's you who needs to wake up.

    3. Well said Terence except for being out of it - do not give up - I did warn you and all the rest that read SGP that the SNP were infested with people who don't want independence. I see you forgot your paragraph breaks again.

  63. Am I daft in thinking that labour vote in England was static, so Tories lost this election by dropping support, greatly aided by Farage and his gang of racists.
    In our fair land SNP lost this by allowing support to drop away and fall to the natural other option of labour.
    So now we are to be ruled by the mob that couldn’t get in last time around but have strolled around the corner now, and we will be hailed as the great saviours with our gift of many seats. Feckers.

  64. identity politics has destroyed the SNP and they are in the process of losing their political influence

    1. Labour's policy on those identity politics is exactly the same yet they got elected

    2. true; but no one banged the drum for it, particularly the pride events, like Sturgeon. She replaced the saltire with the pride flag.

    3. Yeap! that and the Green wokery showed their true colours, go woke go broke, and you have done it.

  65. Dont be stupid people are not sick of Scottish independence they are sick of the party that keeps promising independence then does nothing much to get it.Unionists of which you sound similar to vote tactically the tories in scotland seeing the huge tory vote in england disappearing have simply shifted to labour as well if a tory cant have a tory govt they will be happy with a right wing labour or lib dem govt

    1. You fail to realise that the ONLY way to get a referendum is to BEG FOR ONE, and you aren't going to get one, because they tried that weekly and failed. Don't know when you are going to realise that and wake up and smell the coffee

  66. You were conned by the BBC STV and Alex Salmond all working for Labour

    1. Give it a rest Dr Jim. You are in the wrong - you supported gradualists/ devolutionalists in the SNP that don't want independence. It's you who has been conned.

    2. SNP faced a perfect storm of poor performance, incompetence, politically motivated police investigation, dirty tricks from unionist forces beyond Scotlands borders, 24/7 lies and misinformation from the BBC and MSM, and division of the Indy movement, partly due to SNP arrogance, and also no shortage of gullible idiots like IFS and his wee brigade of gullible muppets. They all share blame. Swinney has made a partial admission of fault. No chance of that from the IFS morons. They are all culpable.

    3. Anon at 1.17pm - I'm to blame says a moronic anon troll. if you genuinely think that you really are a moron hiding in the anon crowd like the coward you are. You of course are not to blame - that right - anon moron - every but you - who knows what you have posted in the past because you hide away in the anon crowd.

  67. Stop reading this blog
    Don't you smell shite?

  68. You wouldn't be paranoid by any chance would you? Perhaps your tinfoil hat is just too tight😁

  69. Another Englander poking his nose from Englandshire.

  70. We knew it wasn’t going to be great for the SNP, but who could have predicted single figures on seat number (unless of course they were to win the remaining seat to be declared, though the LDs seem confident they’ve got it).
    How has it come to this?

    1. There were quite a few of us predicted it but we were told on here we were all Britnats, yoons and MI5 agents.
