Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Keir Starmer openly supported one of the crimes against humanity that the Israeli Prime Minister now faces an arrest warrant for

The reason the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has jurisidiction to apply for arrest warrants against leaders of both Hamas and Israel is that the State of Palestine is a sovereign state, albeit one whose territory is illegally occupied by a neighbouring state.  It has observer member status at the United Nations, it is recognised by almost three-quarters of the world's countries, and it is a state party to the ICC treaty.  Therefore, any criminal action carried out by its citizens, wherever that action occurs, falls under ICC jurisidiction (hence the Hamas warrants), and any criminal action carried out on its territory, regardless of whether the perpetrators are citizens of an ICC state or not, also falls under ICC jurisdiction (hence the Israel warrants).

There was a farcical exchange between a US government spokesman and a journalist yesterday, with the latter asking for clarification on which authority has criminal jurisdiction in Palestine if the US does not accept the ICC's jurisidiction.  The reply was that Israel has jurisidiction to investigate its own crimes, and bizarrely that the US has jurisidiction because it supplies the weapons to Israel.  That clearly made no sense, so when pressed, the spokesman rowed back and insisted that he wasn't suggesting the US had criminal jurisdiction.  He added that "long term" he wanted the Palestinians to become a state and "have the ability to make these determinations", which strongly implies that in the meantime they have no such ability and that the occupying power can act with impunity on their territory.  Biden referred to the ICC prosecutor's decision as "outrageous", but it's hard to think of anything much more outrageous than what the US wants to replace ICC jurisdiction with - ie. nothing but the Wild West.

The application for warrants is a moment of danger for Keir Starmer, because the very first crime cited in relation to Israel's leaders was the deliberate starvation of the population of Gaza.  Starmer was specifically asked in his infamous interview in October whether Israel had the right to cut off food, water and electricity to the Gazan civilian population, and he replied that "Israel does have that right", in other words he egged on Netanyahu in committing a crime against humanity.  

There's also a problem now for Luke Akehurst, Margaret Hodge and the rest of the Labour Friends of Israel mob.  We know how they operate - any person or organisation that is critical of Israel is instantly demonised as anti-semitic and Hamas-in-disguise.  But they're going to look increasingly ridiculous and beyond progressive norms if they apply that language to more and more international institutions like the ICC.  The media portrayed Margaret Hodge as the voice of the mainstream when she was abusive towards Jeremy Corbyn a few years ago, but it would be increasingly hard to do that plausibly now.

It's just ten days since Israel was allowed to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest as if everything was normal.  The way the audio was dulled to protect a genocide-committing state from being heard to be booed almost felt sinister.  Would the participation really have been sustainable if the ICC prosecutor's decision to file for a warrant against Israel's head of government had been taken before the contest?  Israel is now placed even more on the same footing as Russia, whose head of government is also the subject of an ICC warrant.  Surely now Israel must be removed from the 2025 contest, unless the Netanyahu administration leaves office and the attacks on Gaza end?


  1. This fact undermines the credibility of the Yougov poll.
    There is no way 40 percent of Scottish people, including muslims, will vote for someone who has justified the actions of a war criminal

    1. If only that was true. Remember although New Labour lost votes after the Iraq war they still got elected.

  2. Israel should never have been allowed to participate in the Eurovision. It is a colonial power oppressing another country and until it ceases its oppression, occupation and daily murders it should not be allowed re entry.

    1. It's been that way for decades.

  3. Starmer is doing exactly what any party leader should be doing…sticking up for a minority. Jewish people are minorities in the UK and in the Middle East compared to Muslims.

    1. Starmer disnae stick up for the minority of Scots in the UK.

      Starmer is an accomplice to genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine. Britnats like Starmer and you have blood on their hands.

    2. I enjoy your acerbic comments, IFS, but come on. The guy has a different view on the Gaza situation than you, he hasn't got blood on his hands - no need for the hyperbole.

    3. Israel simply are not going to give the Palestinian state anything as a consequence of Oct 7th. There can be no prize for terrorism. Pressure must be applied in ways it can have an effect. Immediately calling for a Palestinian deoccupation wouldn't carry.

    4. It's not their gift to give. Check the UN resolutions that Israel has broken for fifty years

    5. " There can be no prize for terrorism" - Israel has been terrorising Palestinians for many decades. Stealing their land and killing anyone who objects. A colonial, racist apartheid state that is a phoney democracy.

      If you support Starmer and Sunak you have blood on your hands.

    6. Ifs, utterly pathetic the way nationalists attempt to make political gain out of tragedies like this.

    7. KC it is not a tragedy but a UK facilitated massacre.

  4. Western MSM display wilful ignorance regarding the Zionist state. Changing demographics have the entity on an increasingly racist trajectory. Due to an effective media blackout here, few are aware of the Nation State Law of 2018 (Basic Law). This renders all non-Jewish citizens of Israel 2nd class citizens. What this actually means in practice is currently being hashed out in legal test cases. Attempts to deprive taxpaying Muslims, Christians, Druse etc. of basic education and healthcare have been struck down by the Supreme Court. This is why Netanyahu and his fanatically racist allies were attempting to undermine the Supreme Court last year. The end goal is not only to annex the whole of the West Bank and ethnically cleanse Gaza, but ultimately to make life for all Israel’s non-Jewish population intolerable.

    1. The moderate Zionists would be happy just to shove all the Palestinians from their lands. The real nutter Zionists would be happy just to exterminate all the Palestinians and anyone else who is not of the acceptable faith.

    2. This smells of the same propaganda Israel churn that Palestinians want them all destroyed. Suspect many just want peace and to be left alone.

    3. Read your bible and check Netenyahu's rhetoric - it will disturb you

  5. If Israel should not be allowed to compete in Eurovision, why are Scottish Women playing them at football?

    1. What sort of question is that? I don't think Israel should be competing in international football either, but it's not the Scottish players' decision, or the SFA's for that matter.
