Monday, February 26, 2024

An embarrassingly corrupt Commons Speaker who now feels safe to revert to double-dealing in plain sight


  1. The SNP getting treated like dirt by Westminster. I could ask why do they put up with it but I don't need to as I know why they put up with it. They will put up with any humiliation as they are nowt but House Jocks who like the free gig of loadsa money and fine food. What's a humiliation now and again balanced against the goodies Westminster give them. Not long now, surely, before Flynn states we will never be dragged out of Westminster against our will.

    1. Suckle at the empire’s teet.
      Nary a protest, even a bleat.
      What an honour they are for Scotland.

      Settle up? What are you, mad?
      Settle in to this scrumptious pad!
      Just mind to tell them we’re leaving, in Scotland.

  2. You reap what you sow… perhaps the SNP and indeed any MP that wishes independence should stop playing by Westminster’s rules as the powers which wish to stymie independence are only too willing to break them as the wish or see fit.

  3. From a man who frequently argues with you on here James - you have absolutely nailed it as far as Hoyle is concerned.

  4. Yet another attempt by the SNP at political points scoring.

    1. Explain what you think SNzp are trying to point score

    2. Flynn was grandstanding in Westminster, just like Sturgeon in Holyrood during Covid.

    3. What do you mean by grandstanding

    4. A commons motion voicing opposition to the special military operation in Gaza would not be enough to stop Israel’s genocide on its own. Nor was it even on the table as the Tories have a majority and they would always vote no.

      So yes it’s ultimately just grand standing. Politically smart (to show up Starmer) and maybe morally comforting, but never actually going to save a single life in Gaza.

  5. For me this clown will always be remembered for his amazing comment that the queen’s funeral was “the most important event the world will ever see”

    1. Yup. Somewhere in darkest Lancashire a village pines for its knighted idiot.

  6. What I am continually surprised by is people expecting anything different but contempt from the English parties and their English parliament. Scotland is a colony - why would people from a colony expect to be treated with respect. Westminster has hundreds of years experience of dealing with the natives. This nonsense that we are all a family of nations is only for gullible fools and Britnats.

    1. I agree with your comment at 9.25am , Independence for Scotland i would add that having just read Richard Murphy blog about islamaphobia its really strange that so many english people there who agree with Richard Murphy that lots of tory MPs are racists especially against muslims , refer to themselves as British its as if English people can never refer to themselves as English when the subject is a negative subject , if its something positive theyre english english english but if its something negative theyre ashamed to be British , what a crummy lot they are.

    2. The comment at 9.18 am was by terence callachan dundee , i would like to add that i do see why taking out SNP MPs out of Westminster might work in the short term and look attractive it would cause a furore but , longer term there would most certainly be a time when we would want SNPs there and can i suggest that if we took SNP MPs out of Westminster it is certain that the newspapers BBC SKY STV would all present it in a negative way they wouldnt be honest as we know , they would lie and make up stories about why we are doing it,make us look stupid Westminster would start doing things to upset Scottish government even more and they would try anything do anything to force SNP to return to Westminster just so they could parade the SNP as coming back with their tails between their legs and oh how the media would have a feast on that.
      NO i dont think we should withdraw them just yet , not until we are absolutely certain that they will never ever ever return , wecwill know when that time is , may i suggest it will be when we have a referendum date firmly set near future.

    3. Terence Callachan dundee ,
      being Scottish tells us your nationality ,
      being british is a bit of nothingness its not a nationality it simply means you live on or are from the island that is britain
      Its akin to being european you live in or are from europe
      Of coursecthere are the orange order and other extreme groups who mistakenly call britain a country
      I suppose there are people in europe who do the same when you ask them what their nationality is they say
      Im proud to be French and european
      Im proud to be German and european
      etc etc
      Actually ive never ever heard or seen a european say that
      It does tend to just be the English and some northern irish and some scottish that say that and ive noticed that a lot of the scots that say that have a military connection.
      Its meaningless really , a bit like those who say they are english scots its not possible to be an english scot you are one or the other

    4. People who say im proud to be scottish and british
      a term commonly heard from those in Scotland with a military connection.You never hear English people say im proud to be English and British if theyre ever proclaiming their pride its im proud to be english they only use british in negative terms such as im ashamed to be british it allows their mind to sidestep the thought of being ashamed of being english
      Orange order people say proud to be scottish and british
      People with sons and daughters in HM Forces say im proud to be Scottish and british
      When i lived in northern ireland there were irish people there who also said im proud to be irish and british they tended to be people whos ancestors way back were english or scottish who moved to northern ireland ulster to get work

    5. Britnat anon at 9.22am - the descriptive term British is an English imperial construct to facilitate the growth of the Empire - they called it the British Empire but the world knew it was controlled in Westminster, England and was in reality the English Empire. British was a handy term to get the natives across the world to buy in to the idea that they were an equal member of the British Empire. The small number who ever made it to England soon found out their true status. Today the remaining rump of Britnats can be found in small numbers in places like the Falklands/Gibraltar/ N. Ireland/Scotland/Wales. To keep these people happy the English dole out some Britnat gongs now and again telling them they are a member or even a commander 🤣🤣🤣 of the vanished British Empire.

      Strangely enough the Germans do not hand out gongs glorifying their old empire but Brits still glorify going around the world murdering and oppressing people.

  7. Why are we wasting our time in that place?
    What are we achieving there?
    How does it benefit our citizens?
    How does it benefit the grieving mothers and fathers of Palestine or Israel?
    How does it help the homeless of Linlithgow or Lochaber?
    How does it bring us closer to Independence?

    1. I reckon independence would come right up the agenda if our politicians weren’t so grossly overpaid to sit exactly where they are.

      I believe the SSP’s MSPs kept only part of their salaries—a worker’s wage—donating the rest to a fund for action on poverty. The SNP should do exactly the same thing on its London MPs who are paid twice as much and obviously have almost nothing to do down there anyway.

      I’m not an SSP member and haven’t voted for them in years, but just to check my recollection I did indeed find this:

  8. Ireland was once deemed a member of the UK family of nations. There they were giving a presentation at the ICJ against the colonialism of Israel. Ireland like many other independent nations are well aware of their history of suffering under colonial Westminster and as such can recognise similar with Israel and Palestine. England first cut their colonial teeth on making Wales/Ireland/Scotland colonies before venturing further afield. To their shame the USA and the UK were there defending Israeli oppression of Palestine not just now but over preceding decades.

  9. We desperately need independence. Declare the GE a de facto referendum and let’s get it done. There’s a clear majority in favour of independence, we can’t be denied against our will for any longer. Enough is enough.

    1. They would if they knew they'd win

  10. Politicians cannot make independence happen, if they say they can then they're lying, only the population of a country can make independence a reality
    Politicians will negotiate for the people but they're not soldiers they can't do it themselves and all the moaning in the world won't make that happen

    1. Politicians provide the process for a democratic vote. Politicians should lead. You anon at 9.32am are just an apologist for the SNP's betrayal.

    2. Exactly. Give us an event and we will make it happen. But no amount of uninvited “chapping on doors” without a vote on the calendar will make any difference.

      Set the date and we can all do this thing.

      Too heart to? Then step aside.

    3. “Feart” iOS, feart. Where’s our Scots keyboard? 😉

    4. Anon at 11:19, set the date for what?

    5. De facto referendum, obvs. One line at the top of the manifesto is all it takes to pull the trigger.

    6. De facto at GE then, ok I understand.

    7. A de facto at every election. The thought of that usually gets the Britnats heads swivelling at a great speed.

    8. That’s the point of a de facto: it’s a fait accompli. Scotland’s clear and settled will is behind this manifesto of independence. So, fellows, where shall our negotiations begin?

      The British government is in a tight spot once Scots have spoken. It’s not just hypothetical and internal any more. It’s happening.

  11. I have also noticed that some of the English party MPs have started to refer to the SNP as the small party or the smaller party. Makes a change I suppose from referring to them as The Scottish Nationalist Party or plain the nationalists. Personally, I would refer to them as the useless party.

    1. Terence Callachan Dundee , should we call the Lib Dems the tiny party after all they are smaller than the SNP

    2. Just a few months to go until that turns right around.

    3. IFS, well if you and others carry out your threat to abstain at the GE, the SNP are going to become an even smaller party!

    4. Anon at 10.45am - the SNP became a smaller party when the 50 k members left.

    5. Anon at 10.45am - I said I will vote ISP at the UK GE if they stand in my constituency and as the party leader lives in my constituency there is a very good chance of that happening. So please do not misrepresent me. The trouble with SNP people is all they think about is THE PARTY and getting people elected. The SNP had 56 MPs out of 59 in 2015 and have had a majority in Westminster for nearly 10 years. What did they do for independence - promise a referendum and failed to deliver that's what. I am voting ISP who are indeed a small party but they say they will not take up a seat at Westminster. As I have no wish to be represented in the English parliament I am content with my choice.

    6. IFS, fat lot of good you’re going to do for the independence cause then!

    7. Independence for Scotland, at least that’s better than abstaining or spoiling ballot papers, these are the people that concern me.

    8. Anon at 11.41am - fat lot of good Sturgeon's gang have done for independence. Fat lot of good SNP numpties have done for independence by voting for the continuity clown Yousaf.

    9. @11:55
      Oh, your concern means so much to me, concern troll!

      If you want our votes: earn them. Put Indy on the table or ‘awa!

    10. Anon at 3:22, we’ll you go ahead and abstain but don’t start whinging when the SNP lose a shed load of seats at the GE and the nationalist share of the vote is below 40%. Westminster and the unionists will then say “independence! You’re avin a laugh “

  12. WGD numpty liar and top nicophant Dr Jim says:- " SNP shafted by England." Very true Jimbo. Some SNP MP stalwarts probably found it an honour to be shafted by England. Although I'm surprised he never said it wouldn't have happened if the great leader oor Nicola was still in charge.
    So what good do they do down there? Well I guess it helps illustrate the contempt the English parties and Westminster in general have for Scotland. I guess it also helps people like Pension Pete Wishart feel important when he chairs a Westminster select committee. It also gives comfy slippers Pete a few more English pounds in his bank account. No doubt other examples can be found by SNP propagandists.

  13. We're now in a loop where the SNP appear to be on the side of, certainly a decent chunk of, popular opinion, and are being undermined by the loaded, corrupt UK parliament, even in breach of its own rules and standard operation. Whether by fluke or by design they have highlighted the narrative that the UK treats Scotland appallingly, and will silence Scottish voices if those voices are saying something the English establishment don't like.

    In the context of this being an election year, I think some fundamental questions need to be faced by the SNP - Why are they standing for election to a parliament where they will be insulted and ignored? What voice can they offer to Scottish voters in a chamber where rules will be rewritten to make sure they are silenced? Who wants four more years where the "neutral" speaker and the next PM will continue to subvert debate and votes to the detriment of Scottish MPs?

    In the more specific context of this general election, where the SNP will be campaigning against a backdrop of Branchform, whatever comes next in the Salmond court case narrative, the Scottish Gov pursuing yet another controversial, harmful woke-type bill and all the other pressures and criticism they face at Holyrood, they face a pummelling in the press, and as polls show, a thrashing in the election.

    I've long been a cynic about the Scotland United for Indy idea, on the grounds that it doesn't offer the SNP enough to make it worth their while (in that they will always prioritise electoral success over independence), but given the above, I'm starting to feel like a Scotland Utd ticket is an increasingly generous offer to the SNP. It's their only way to answer the questions without looking like simpering masochistic careerists who have nothing to offer the public, and to avoid a humiliating defeat at the ballot. Oh, and also we could secure independence as a wee bonus.

    1. SNP’s too proud for Scotland United. They’ll rob Alba and MacNeil of their seats rather than do the right thing and join forces for independence.

      We’ll see how that may change once Labour trounces them in this general.

  14. Reports say Israel will release 400 of its hostages ( Britnat media calls them prisoners but if they are snatched at night by soldiers and get no trial they are just hostages as well and Israel has approx 6,000 of them) for 40 Hamas hostages. Israel says they will not re arrest any of the 400 - don't believe them - but even if they honoured this they can just arrest as many other palestinians in the West Bank as they want and chuck them in jail for as long as they want with no trial. It's called administrative detention in Israel. It was called internment in N. Ireland.

    1. WGD numpty and genocide supporter Tatu3 has this to say:- " So the deal the west wants is for Hamas to release just 40, yes only 40, hostages, girls aged under 19, so probably not that young girl in the link I posted above !, and over 50. Yet Hamas want 400 Palestinian prisoners ( not hostages), men women and youths who have at some point tried to or succeeded in killing innocent Israelis. And they're not allowed to be re arrested, so in fact given a licence to kill innocent Jews without fear of being arrested. Does that seem fair to you?"

      Unbelievable stuff from the ignorant Tatu3. Well I hope the poster is ignorant and not a lying propagandist.

      There is no justice system for Palestinians - they are under military control with many in jail just children. Some have a military trial but many are held without a trial for an indefinite period. Tatu3 just makes unsubstantiated comments that are no more than Israeli propaganda. How does Tatu3 know they are all murderers etc. - none have ever had a fair trial. Israel is the occupying power they do what they want to Palestinians. The IDF shoot children dead in the street. Tatu3 makes the comment that the released prisoners are not allowed to be re arrested - no but the IDF can shoot them dead and take as many new hostages as they want.
      Israel has over 6000 hostages ( including those who died in prison - echos of South African apartheid) and it has been estimated they have imprisoned 1 Million Palestinians since 1967. Does that sound fair - of course it doesn't. It is a colonial apartheid regime where the Palestinians are subject to the control of murderous settlers and murderous IDF soldiers.

    2. As Irish Skier points out some truths about Israel to Tatu3 on WGD the best Tatu3 can come up with is that the source of his info must be the BBC and we all know the BBC lies. The state broadcaster BBC is against Israel according to this numpty Tatu3 - unbelievable.


    This is one of the old justifications for having loads of SNP MPs. As a general point it is a pretty pathetic strategy for independence - hoping luck comes your way and the English couldnae decide between Labour and the Tories. It's never going to happen anyway because none of the english parties will EVER do a deal on independence. Theresa May made it clear that she would not do a deal with the SNP over independence even to get their Brexit done and she knew it would eventually cost her job as PM.
    The SNP have had a majority of MPs since 2015 and done what exactly about independence.

    1. Anon at 11.59am -" can't deny us a referendum" - really - what is this point when will we know when we are there. Fantasy land. Oh I know it's at the end of the rainbow, isn't it.

    2. Anon at 12.27pm - de facto definition: In effect - in reality - in practice. It is not a "thing". It is a referendum. Just what do you not understand about this. A referendum is there - waiting for the SNP to pick it up - but it dropped it soon after it picked it up. Britnats the lot of them. It's a legal vote on independence - just what do people like you not understand.

    3. Aye. We voters are trained to think general elections are ultimately just a lot of posing and nonsense, because when all that’s on offer is London Red or London Blue that’s all too true.

      But win one with a manifesto demand for independence? That’s power! That’s the referendum we needed all along.

    4. Aka. Wheesht For Indy. We’ve wasted 10 years already doing that.

      I think we need to be impatient and force the point!

  16. Just so everyone is aware, the reason I'm deleting some of the comments IFS is replying to is that they appear to be our resident unionist troll posing as a "moderate Nat" yet again.

  17. Shouldn't you be deleting Independence for Scotland because he's a total nut job?

    1. Anon at 2.24pm :- 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. A nut who’s always crushing you, Anonymous Brit! You never do have answers for his questions. Bullied much, were you?

  18. From the National:

    " A GROUP of Unionist peers will look to force an early Holyrood election if the SNP lose their majority at Westminster in the next General Election.

    Labour lord George Foulkes announced the plan was his “next project” on social media, as he put out a call for constitutional experts to help advise on how it could be done.

    How much are the SNP paying Foulkes, Hoyle and Starmer, to get people to vote SNP?

    1. Foulkes is just a gurning troll. The fact that he, of all people, is the leading voice in Westminster for laws to make the UK’s borders inviolable, like Spain’s constitutional ban on all secessionist movements, strikes me as good thing. We’ll know they’ve gone up a DEFCON level when Gordon Brown is the front man against sedition and rebellion.

      Mind, Farage was a lousy public face for a political project, too, and that never stopped Brexit.

  19. The big dug in his most recent article says:- " ......the time has come to ask whether there is any purpose left in SNP and Alba MPs remaining in a Parliament in which parties supporting independence are treated with such naked contempt. "

    Well Mr Kavanagh some of us are way ahead of you. Question asked and conclusion/ decision reached.

    Kavanagh being a weak risk averse person like the SNP he sold out to decides that they need to keep troughing but just make a bigger nuisance of themselves. " That contempt must be repaid in kind. " says Kavanagh at the end of his article. I'll believe it when I see it. It'll be back to yes sir no sir Mr Speaker sir in no time at all along with all the bowing and scraping they do every time the enter or leave the House of Horrors. These people are more interested in their own finances/ lifestyle than Scottish independence.

    1. What can the Westminster MPs do regarding independence??

    2. Well they can stop taking part in UK select committees such as Peter Grsnt SNP MP helping the BBC get better - BBCs Implementation of " Across the Uk " - the BBC arch enemy of independence.

  20. SNP suspend Fergus Ewing for going against the deposit return policy. Where is that policy now - in the junk folder marked do not resuscitate alongside plenty others including Yousaf's Hate Crime nonsense bill.
