Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Glasgow Effect : why do the anti-independence media think Ellie Harrison's nationality is important?

Just a quick note to let you know that I have a new article at the International Business Times, about the controversy over the awarding of £15,000 to an artist in return for her not leaving the city of Glasgow for a year, and about the anti-independence media's curious obsession with the fact that the said artist is "English" and "London-born".  You can read the article HERE.


  1. It's Scotland's largest city FFS. I'm sure she'll get by without having to make any changes to her lifestyle whatsoever. Perhaps she should swap Glasgow for somewhere like Ullapool to make it more of a challenge...

    1. Her project was actually more about sustainable living. Aidan Kerr, who John McTernan took a shine to, pretty much made the whole thing up. He just found that project initiation document from thee relevant funding council. He spent the next day moaning about all the different arts projects being funded. He, of course, pays no tuition on a history degree and now writes for the Record.

      I feel sorry for the artist involved, but you can see why John McTernan/Murray Foote liked the look of young Aidan.

  2. She is getting absolutely slaughtered on her FB page. It's actually kind of funny, and much more creative than her project proposal

  3. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 6, 2016 at 9:50 PM

    Creative Scotland refused to subsidise the proposed monument to Mary Barbour the leader of the WW1 Govan rent strikes. I listened to lectures for dunkies years about how poor we were in the Glesga East End and it sticks. The facts are that millions of pounds have poured into the East End since the late sixties because of industrial collapse. The place was like a running open sewer with factories pouring their shoit into the Clyde and the burns. There was hardly a close that did not have industrial casualties and yet the people plodded on. This lassie must be pissin herself. I hope she enjoys her chips. Went along tae the Tramway to see the Turner Prize winner and left scrathing ma heid. Whit wis that aw aboot. But then I hiv nae cult yur.

    1. London Chattering ClassJanuary 6, 2016 at 10:39 PM

      Hoots yer Kilt ann tattie yiir bogle up the teddie bears my good fellow.

      Diknee fash wee all yonder Gleeesgow patter as I'm as big a Jock as the rest of you chaps as a rapid wee luck at wiki keeps me well informed on your Jock culture to the absolute stoating max.

      Ye kendodd? Or is that Russ Abbot? Whatever jocks, it's fandabedozie tartan Kilts!


      Can we keep this going for another few months before he finally twigs just how long we've known? Hopefully.

    2. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 6, 2016 at 11:13 PM

      Time fur yer bed Boris.

    3. Time you finally realised we've known for months you're a fake and a prize twat.

      You're about as convincingly scottish and working class as Pig-shagger Cameron which is why we've been laughing so hard at you all this time.

      Maybe try not to rely on this type of thing so much posh lad.

  4. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 6, 2016 at 11:44 PM

    We've, so there are two of you. Who is this Cameron the Pig - shagger?

  5. My comment on this in a TFN article.

    Utterly insulting, very very negative and, why is this being funded by Creative Scotland?Scotland is very often derided for being, 'too parochial'. I knew someone working as a curator of arts for the Commonwealth games and when I asked why she was travelling the world looking for artists to become involved in her projects, I was told that Scottish art and artists are 'too parochial'.As has been pointed out, many many people, including artists, like myself, cannot afford to leave their city and/or communities due to huge financial restraints!I am working on an artwork about a female farmer in Peru, can't remember last time I was able to leave the city I live in. Not parochial.This funding angers me so much. It is a disgrace in fact as well as a narrow minded, blinded project with little to offer the people of Glasgow, if anything. Shame on Creative Scotland, there are thousands of struggling artists who could be funded to engage in much more enlightening and positive work which could enhance the community and the city of Glasgow.I can't see any English arts funding body doing the same, funding a Scottish artist to 'stay' in an English city without leaving, only to be making an apparent negative statement about that city, and indeed England. It just would not happen.I think it's time to officially complain to Creative Scotland.

    Read your article James, you were more positive about this than me.
    I can see this as a more worthwhile project if the artist lives say in Castlemilk, or Easterhouse for the year. As it stands, it is such a waste of money, which is a shame, when so many people are really struggling and will go no further than their immediate area due to poverty, terrible when you think about it.

    1. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 7, 2016 at 1:43 AM

      Why Castlemilk and Easterhouse? Do you actually think those places are different from anywherere else in Scotland?

    2. Indeed. The Queen goes to Easterhouse each year for her holidays and always shops at the local Waitrose.

    3. Cheers Hetty. I try not to feed him *too* often...

    4. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 7, 2016 at 6:58 PM

      Clearly Hetty lives in a bubble along with her middle class friends and has only heard of the Mulk and Hoose during cocktail parties. Such are the Nat sis.

    5. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 7, 2016 at 7:02 PM

      Conan, What bus company serves the Mulk? Now no cheating!

    6. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 8, 2016 at 12:01 PM

      The Nat sis could nationalise them without compensation and then turn tae their pal that owns Stagecoach.

    7. ...and another thundering, Nazi smear filled brainfart from the troll.

    8. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 8, 2016 at 7:16 PM

      Anon, are you the Godfather that speaks and replies for everyone?

    9. Did I touch a raw nerve? Would you like salt and vinegar on that?

    10. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 8, 2016 at 9:09 PM

      I doubt you have anything raw just dead tissue.

    11. Thanks for that latest round of fluent gibberish. Come back when you have an argument worth defending.

    12. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 8, 2016 at 9:47 PM

      You have to put up a sensible point you can defend. I respond tae yer drivel.

    13. No point. You wouldn't recognise a sensible, defensible point if it hit you over the head.

  6. Can't get excited about this issue(it's art and that's fine; freedom of expression and aw that). A diversion from the much more worrying roles of Creative Sc. and BBC Sc? See:

    So don't think any of us should spend too much time please on chips or teacakes - too fatty/sugary for new year onywayz!

    Now, much more crucial: we were promised bad pix of Edinburgh (sort of). Another pledge breached? :-)

  7. Perhaps some research, if not already been done. on the differenece in the carbon footprint of someone with a very large house, with no probs having the central heating on high all day, with cars, usually at least two, one a gas guzzling four wheel drive and a few holidays a year, and the family who live in a tiny tenement flat, who rarely go anywhere, certainly don't have a car, and who can't afford heating.

    Then again, if you are homeless thanks to UKok gov, you could at least be sure that your carbon footprint is going to help save the planet!

  8. I'm not sure how many people have read her actual application. The £15k is being used to cover most of the cost to the college of a replacement where she teaches. This will free her up for the year to work on more community art projects and her main focus is to look at the funding of arts and education in its current forms while building a new sustainable arts funding system.

    1. Before writing the article, I read her actual application from beginning to end. I had to do it more than once to make much sense of it. It certainly won't be winning a Plain English award.

    2. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 7, 2016 at 7:46 PM

      Glad ye like plane Inglish James.

  9. Excellent piece, James. I'd also strongly recommend everyone read Loki's take on it for Bella:

    Also, there's this from my pal Mick, which is marvellous:

  10. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 7, 2016 at 7:30 PM

    When you consider the 74k paid annually to Jock Nat sis MP's passihg their time and asking useless questions to attemp to justify their existence then 15k is a drop in the ocean.

    1. I agree with you that we could save a lot of money if we withdraw Scottish MPs from Westminster and went for indy. We have a much more representative parliament here in Edinburgh. We don't need a second one which, as you say, just ignores our elected representatives.

    2. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 7, 2016 at 7:57 PM

      The point I was making is the Nat si MP's who are present at Westminster should be contributing positively for all the British people as well as their individual constituents. Independence is another matter. Angus Robertson seems to be arguing for the Union when he raises matters about defense and related jobs in Scotland. I thought the Nat sis wanted out!

    3. The Labour man is angry with you, troll. You weren't given permission to express an opinion. Now get back out there with the Tank Commander's leaflets.

  11. You strike me as the type of demented wanker that would rant endlessly about how we have to have one of the least proportional electoral systems of most modern democracies to maintain constituent-MP relationships.

    Glad to hear the Tory youth wing is on board with proportional representation!

    1. Glasgow Working ClassJanuary 7, 2016 at 8:12 PM

      How did you know I was in the Tory youth wing?

  12. Fred Dibnah Former Steeple JockJanuary 7, 2016 at 8:25 PM

    Looks like the Nat si brain dead have emerged from the crypt going by the last two comments.
