Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The day that Labour and the Tories both moved to the right - and Scottish independence arguably became more likely as a result

What I found the most significant part of the Tory leadership election last year was Robert Jenrick's unequivocal promise to remove Britain from the European Convention on Human Rights.  That seemed to me to open up a real possibility that Britain would leave the ECHR before 2030, thus offering the SNP an unexpected second chance to use "Brexit Part Two" to win independence for Scotland, having squandered the golden opportunity of doing it with "Brexit Part One".

Of course Jenrick came up short, and events seem to have overtaken that episode anyway with most polls now showing Reform UK, who want to leave the ECHR, with a higher vote share than the Tories.  But as it happens Jenrick's vanquisher, Kemi Badenoch, who had never entirely ruled out pulling Britain out of the ECHR herself, has today radically changed her emphasis by saying she'd be likely to do it at some point.  So it may well be now that regardless of whether Labour's main opponent at the next election is Reform UK or the Conservative Party, defeat for Starmer will open up the "Brexit Part Two" opportunity and the SNP will need to be ready for it.

I know some will argue that voters don't give a monkey's about human rights treaties and human rights courts, but I do firmly believe there's a non-trivial segment of the electorate - liberal, relatively affluent voters who have stuck with No so far - who will be appalled.  For good measure, Badenoch has also raised the possibility of leaving the International Criminal Court, which will outrage the same voters, and if the SNP stress that an independent Scotland would immediately rejoin both the ICC and the ECHR, enough people may cross to the pro-indy side to give Yes a stable majority.

Meanwhile Labour themselves have also moved to the right in a way that would have been unimaginable even in the Blair years by boosting military spending specifically by cutting overseas aid.  I suspect they believe that in this Trumpian, post-morality, transactional world, this is some sort of ingenious step because it prevents voters themselves feeling the squeeze to pay for military adventurism in Ukraine and elsewhere.  And it's impossible to deny that Reform wouldn't be prospering unless there were a lot of voters out there who will thoroughly approve of passing the pain on to poor people in other countries.

But again, there is a subset of the electorate comprised of idealistic voters, some of them young but not all of them, which will see this as a crossing of the Rubicon that means Labour is no longer the party they thought it was.  In England, some of those voters may defect to the Greens and simply never come back.

I gather the three main London parties were all patting themselves on the back in the Commons today for their 'maturity' in creating a consensus for Starmer's choice to favour bombs over humanitarian aid.  I'd suggest that there's an opportunity for the SNP to flag up for voters what was lost when the Lib Dems overtook the SNP in July to reclaim third party status at Westminster.  Not only are questions going unasked on vital issues like Gaza, but there's no longer a leading voice in the chamber to puncture the toxic unity when the London boys gang together and get it all wrong yet again.

*  *  *

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  1. Agree.All of the above organisations and bodies are a benchmark for a civilised nation in the 21st Century.

    1. 20th century you mean. Specifically the 50s.

      I agree with the general sentiment and the ECHR does need reformed.. for want of a better word.

    2. "Reformed"? In what way? To take out the pesky human rights stuff, you mean?

    3. You don't have to be a cruel person to see some recent cases are being manipulated. I wouldn't take out but those claiming it's totally fit for purpose are equally at it and it costs taxpayers money.

    4. Thank you for the waffle, could you now answer the question, please?

    5. If you know as much as you're sneerily claiming to you will know te cases to which I refer. A blog comment is not the place to do war and peace on amendments.

  2. "the SNP will need to be ready for it."

    If they are pigs will also be fling alongside pink elephants.

  3. Think you're overestimating what voters have their attention on just now James. A cohort of Yes voters are attentive to everything - but a lot of them just want to shout 'independence' and moan that the SNP haven't waved a magic wand - and they will moan up until voting day if the SNP talk about anything else other than independence. I suspect we will witness a lot more 'events' right up until 2026 and with voters being spread all over the place in Scotland right now, there's a lot which can still move them around by 2026. The increased necessary talk just now about defence, war, UN, instability, threats of Trump and Putin - tabloid headlines will be poking the anti-independence voters to focus on how would an independent Scotland defend itself and so forth - ergo those voters will be keen for a Westminster party for Holyrood as the next year moves on. I'm not sure the SNP will gain any traction emphasising ECHR and ICC - too many voters don't show enough interest in those at the minute - if they do at all. I think Scotland will start to lean more into UKplc in the coming months.

  4. Feel you pain Y'all having to talk about reform. At sundown.. it's your own fault for going woke, letting guys in the dolls toilets, SNP corrruption and malfeasance in public office.

    What if Trump makes a grand bargin; ends the war in Ukraine, rebuilds Gaza ( I can feel you blood pressure rising my friends), revitalises the Abraham accords and starts no more wars?

    1. 11.21…Trump wants to rebuild Gaza into a holiday destination throwing Palestinian’s off of their own land, only Israeli right wingers allowed.
      Are you seriously revelling in Genocide you fascist arsehole!!!

    2. Trump and Putin are in this theft of Ukraine assets deal together, planned and orchestrated years ago
      They couldn't have done it if the rest of Europe hadn't convinced the Ukrainians to give up their nuclear weapons first
      Every one of them is culpable for what they've done to Ukraine, just like they're doing to Palestine

    3. 1.29am

      Calling everyone and anyone a "fascist" when they don't agree with you in respect of the horrors of the Middle East dilutes the impact of your comment ...

      ... and makes YOU come across as merley an arsehole.

    4. 8.03

      "Trump and Putin are in this theft of Ukraine assets deal together, planned and orchestrated years ago"

      And your evidence for this is what exactly?

    5. 8.08 Do not try to lecture me on my correct put down of a fascist arsehole, one who obviously supports the slaughter of the Palestinian people. By condemning my correct use of the word to describe any and all forms of fascism you have shown your lack of concern that the extremists from the right are enjoying the deaths of children And all innocent Palestinian people.
      Don’t need you to reply to me as you seem to be one of the right.
      Hopefully you and the rest of reform will canvass your bile outside of Celtic Park next time we play at home, see how you get on there!!!

  5. This has been coming for a while now.

    WM Unionist Parties' disgusting refusal to even acknowledge the Gaza Genocide IS a genocide, when most of the Planet already knows it is a FACT, their ridiculous prevarication on acting on the International Arrest Warant for Netanyahu, their continuing 'Blind Pugh' attitude over repeated Saudi murders/atrocities makes it perfectly clear that they do not give a damn about human rights or the normal rules of international law and order, when it does not suit their agenda.

    WM is an immoral, rule-shredding/ignoring cesspit of a place and has been for centuries.......just ask India who they raped of TRILLIONS of pounds in wealth, Ireland who they treated like a tenth-rate plaything to be divided as WM saw fit , or the numerous ex-colonies who they shafted for mineral wealth and other commodities for generations.

    Not to even mention Scotland, which WM continues to treat as a resource-rich vassal state, to be sucked dry and ordered around or dismissed as and when they see fit.

    Fascist Trump has merely emboldened the existing WM Unionist Filth to push formerly recognised humanitarian boundaries to breaking point, as they try to curry favour with that Tangerine Tit.

    Will be absolutely NO surprise if Starmer soon agrees with Badenoch about exiting the ECHR and ICC, just to crawl even further up Trump's nether regions.

    All this is nothing less than Creeping Fascism, wearing expensive suits and red and blue ties.

    Fortunately, Scotland seems to find that state of affairs as repugnant as it is inhumane and, as demonstrated in the Kenmure Street incident, we Scots are perfectly capable of stopping WM's Jackbooted Thugs in their tracks and getting them to f#ck off back to where they belong .

    More and more, Scotland is looking like a beacon of international order and humanitarian norms in a darkening UK - mostly because the aforementioned Right Wing Garbage ( now including Labour ) consistently get kicked in the teeth in Scottish Parl Elections.

    A VERY good state of affairs.

    1. SNP Inner Party mouthpiece Carlos Allba writing in the Herald today says that the party must now drop its unilateralist stance.

    2. How does this

      "A VERY good state of affairs."

      follow on from this:

      "Not to even mention Scotland, which WM continues to treat as a resource-rich vassal state, to be sucked dry and ordered around or dismissed as and when they see fit."

      "A VERY good state of affairs."?

      Are you being Funny Franny?

    3. Another deluded rant from Francis, who appears to be losing it.

    4. Anon at 8.42 am ... I disagree.

  6. An interesting paean of praise to the German feminine singular nominative and accusative definite article. Not forgetting plural nominative and accusative definite article feminine, masculine and neuter. I'd been thinking of writing a similar tribute to the prepositions taking the dative case. [I know! What am I like?!]

  7. Are you ok Dave? Remember this is just a blogging site. Look after yourself mate.

    1. Nothing wrong with a good pro-indy vent.

    2. And that venting is why folk are moving to Reform. Keep venting by all means.

      Yes! keep up the antisemetism BTL posters and the pro Palistinian / extreme Islamic views and keep trying to justify. I'm sure for example the other ethnic minorities and folk of different faiths / agnostics in Scotland are fully supportive.

      You all know Swinney has put indy in the back burner thus SNP will get judge on their record. You must know deep down that Swinney had a hand in Sturgeons destruction of the SNP.

      In some ways I feel sorry for the honest SNP members that supported Indy all their lives, gave up their time and donated money. However the new cohort of Indy support is more aggressive, thick and happy to dish out a bit of abuse.

      In retort this requires some taking of the pish! Vote Reform UK.. deep down you know it makes sense as it touches on our common Scottish sense of innovation and conservatism with a small "c".

    3. 11.24pm is usually around the time he reaches for the third bottle, pauses briefly as his self control flickers like a candle flame before opening the bottle with a mix of exhilaration and self loathing.

    4. Anon at 1:08 AM
      Is the blank space supposed to be UK Reform's manifesto?

    5. Wow! Cracking responses and so quick. Nice to see Reform are on your radar! Are you worried about their share of the vote increasing.

      As always explain in your own words my friends.

    6. Ahhh.........the slightly sweet, always nauseating, stench of Stinking, Fascist, Racist Human Trash like Reform, trying to pretend that they and their sickening wee sycophants are really not Stinking, Fascist, Racist Human Trash!

      NEVER works Dummies.

      You will ALWAYS be Stinking, Fascist, Racist Human Trash - and there is nothing you can do about it.


    7. There have been so many crossings of so many Rubicons I got to wonder if people and not utterly desensitised by now

    8. Perhaps you should try the sweet taste of Ruster wine. I feel that it would be more beneficial than your obvious indulgence in what is commonly referred to as "the lotion".

    9. David Francis keeps releasing explosive material from his vent.

  8. Worth pointing out that John Swinney is doing a great job as SNP leader.

  9. Tory Liz Smith stands down to make room for a Reform candidate to vote for

  10. Scotland doesn’t need armed forces of any conventional type. Saint Nicola will defend us through her sheer force of wonderment.

    1. I agree. Nicola is amazing. Just ask David Francis!

  11. Global political instability makes treading the best credible humanitarian approach difficult. The economic vampirism of the already rich reduces options by their obscene amassing of private wealth.

    Putin and Netayahu's murderous aggressions, and Trump acting as Putins dog, chuck previous alignments 'doon the lavvy'.

    A thin thread of truth in Trump's tissue of lies is that Europe, including the few remaining neutral states, has hidden behind the American war wagon for many decades. In a grotesque way Trump is giving us an opportunity to get out of this squalid complicity.
    A new, defensive, European alliance without the USA ( but including Canada perhaps) would be a step forward of sorts. Anyone who understands the basics of Britains nukes knows that the US controls their use - the "independent deterrent" is a cynical lie. A break with the USA enables ditching the nukes.
    Scotland needs to use the current shambles to get out of the UK but it would be naive not to have a proportinate defence policy, or to play at neutrals, in a more and more dangerous world.

    Separately David Francis is right about Gaza. The ICC and UNCR while flawed are essential parts of being civilised people despite the bullshit of the brain dead far right on the matter.

    Seperately again it's discouraging when some on here reduce the threads to school playgound mutual abuse - grow up !

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Seems that one of those nice Fascist Reform candidates called Derek Wilson, has been arrested for threatening to assassinate Starmer.

  14. Anon 1.08 = a unionist comments.

  15. The time has come to give up on this independence lunacy.


    1. I agree. Britain needs to become a region of France. Better Together. Mieux Ensemble.

    2. I agree with anon at 10.45. The sooner we are back into Europe as an Independent Scotland the better.

  16. Watch the brand new 'Trump Gaza' promo video, folks.

    And then TRY to get your head round the fact that the present POTUS actually endorsed this abhorrent mince.

    Trump is, quite simply, a straight jacket looking for a home.

    America has COMPLETELY lost any marbles it had left.

    1. Wraparound carrots 🥕 say NO!

  17. Independent Scotland = SNP government, Amen? That's facile.

    1. I like you. I like you a lot. I'm in room 332 (3rd floor).

  18. Mr. Kelly, this is a case of the SNP agreeing with the Labour government. I think it has as much to do with independence as Sturgeon agreeing with the Lib Dems.

  19. Hi ifs. Sturgeon fantasy again?
