When Reform UK took the lead in a recent YouGov poll, I pointed out the oddity that in doing so, they hadn't quite matched their all-time high vote share with YouGov. Or at least not technically, because Reform are a legal continuation of the Brexit Party, which hit 26% in YouGov polls during a brief purple patch in mid-2019. However, in the new YouGov poll published a couple of days ago, Reform have now equalled that previous record, while maintaining their one-point lead over Labour, and increasing their advantage over the Tories to five points.
GB-wide voting intentions (YouGov, 9th-10th February 2025):
Reform UK 26% (+1)
Labour 25% (+1)
Conservatives 21% (-)
Liberal Democrats 14% (-)
Greens 9% (-)
SNP 3% (-)
Plaid Cymru 1% (-)
Scottish subsample: SNP 38%, Reform UK 19%, Labour 17%, Liberal Democrats 12%, Conservatives 10%, Greens 3%
As ever, the standard point that Scottish subsamples from YouGov are of more interest than those from other firms, because they appear to be correctly structured and weighted (albeit they still have a very large margin of error due to the small sample size).
This week's other GB-wide poll from More In Common shows a superficially similar picture, with Reform gaining a point to tie with Labour for the lead. However, they're simply returning to the same vote share (25%) they've been on in two previous More In Common polls since the start of the year, so there's not necessarily any evidence of an ongoing bandwagon.
There's been increasing chatter recently about either a merger between Reform and the Tories, or an electoral pact between the two parties. The instinctive reaction of many to that prospect is "oh my God, that would put the right-wing coalition in an unassailable position". In practice it wouldn't be quite as simple as that, because Reform are currently attracting a lot of "economically left, socially right" voters - and as soon as those voters feel they'd be "voting Tory" by backing Farage, a lot of them would return to the Labour fold (and in Scotland there would even be some returning from Reform to the SNP).
Nevertheless, it's fair to assume a Reform-Tory merger would leave Labour with a substantial deficit in the polls. My guess is that if a deal does happen, it'll be years from now, because Farage will want the Tories to get used to being firmly in third place so he can negotiate from a position of strength.
* * *
As you may have seen, I've updated this blog's masthead, which now states that Scot Goes Pop is one of the three most-read Scottish political blogs. That's based on the latest estimates for January 2025 from Stuart Campbell's favourite comparison site, which shows that Scot Goes Pop has overtaken Robin McAlpine. As I've previously rehearsed, there are very good reasons for not trusting these estimates, but as Campbell's fan club treats them as absolute gospel, I may as well take advantage of them when they're favourable. The only Scottish political blogs with a bigger readership than Scot Goes Pop are now Wings and Wee Ginger Dug - unless you count Craig Murray, but he hasn't posted about Scottish politics since October, so for the time being at least (things may change) it's fair to say that his blog is no longer a Scottish politics blog. I know some unkind souls would say the same is true of Wings, which by his own definition would now be better titled "Gender Stuff Over Somerset", but he does still post about Scottish politics occasionally, and I gather he comes from Bathgate originally, so we'll stretch the point for now.
* * *
I launched the Scot Goes Pop fundraiser for 2025 a couple of weeks ago, and so far the running total stands at £1281, meaning that 19% of the target of £6800 has been raised. If you'd like to help Scot Goes Pop continue with poll analysis and truly independent political commentary for another year, donations are welcome HERE. Direct Paypal donations can also be made - my Paypal email address is: jkellysta@yahoo.co.uk
Good to see SNP on such a high score. Leadership doing well.
ReplyDeleteStill worse than Humza, mind.
DeleteAre you sure?
DeleteStewart McDonald tweets on X that “Gabbard” (he spits the name like some kind of venom) is confirmed as Director of National Intelligence. This is according to McDonald “Thoroughly depressing”.
ReplyDeleteYou’d think that week long “Defeating Disinformation Workshop” he attended in 2020 at the Woodrow Wilson Centre for International Scholars would have given him some appreciation for someone who speaks the truth in the face of implacable opposition from the apparatus of the Security State.
Am I missing something?
Tulsi Gabbard's a swivel eyed fool, an open fan and friend of butcher Assad, and a tool of the conspiracy "establishment" that includes RFKj and Trump himself. So yeah you're missing something.
DeleteI’m against the forever war in Ukraine, too, but that doesn't make every bam my friend, either.
I’m missing what this has got to do with the actual post. Ahh nothing just diversionary. So is ALBA less than 1%?
DeleteIn the YouGov poll? It's a GB poll so they weren't offered as an option. From memory I think "Others" were on 1% in the Scottish subsample.
ReplyDeleteA lot of Labour voters are Yessers, though, and there's a smaller but just as persistent minority of SNP supporters who are unionists.
ReplyDeleteAn election's only a de facto indyref when declared as such with independence right on the ballot.
RefUK merging with the Tories is akin to leaping onto a sinking ship.
ReplyDeleteIn Wales, RefUK are set to rewrite the history books. Find Out Now, Westminster voting intention, Multilevel Regression Poststratification poll, field work 22 - 29 Jan, sample population 5,743 (in my opinion an unrealistically low sample for an UK wide MRP).
Predicted seat distribution: RefUK 23, Labour 4, Plaid Cymru 2, Con 2
This isn’t the “white settler” effect of retirement age “gammons” from the SE of England selling their properties and moving to Wales. The biggest looser here (by a humongous margin) is Labour. The working class is justifiably enraged.
Note; this poll was conducted before Rachel from Accounts announced a raft of investments exclusively located in the South of England. On a rather satisfying note, one of the seats RefUK have the highest probability of winning is currently occupied by Stephen Kinnock. Kinnock is the epitome of the reason RefUK is flourishing. A political nepo baby, with zero real life experience, married to the former PM of Denmark (who is herself the apotheosis of the Neoliberal, globalist elite), they have a trans son / daughter / something.
Rachel from customer services please.
DeleteAmusingly, Wings seems to be hacked today. Click on an article on the homepage and you'll not get it. Everything leads to spam domains, which my browser blocks.
ReplyDeleteHas Mridul learned how to hack Wordpress? Could be worse, at least they left the home page untouched. The last time hackers went after him, they locked him out of his bank accounts.
Transhacktivists, what are you like!
Not many people would dispute that Starmer is a liar. Now we know for sure that his dodgy Chancellor is a liar as well. Reeves claimed she worked as an economist at HBOS but it was actually in Customer complaints/services. Reeves said she worked in the Bank of England for the " best part of a decade" but it was 5.5 years. BBC investigation also claiming she was investigated for expenses irregularities as well when working for HBOS.
ReplyDeleteThis was the news months ago. Have you been in a coma? Explains so much.
DeleteAnon at 2:41 pm .... have you not read the news today, Oh Boy??
Delete2.41pm . Anon numpty ( you ) makes an arse of himself on SGP that is your news today. Explains so much about you anon - no wonder you post as anon.
DeleteIfs- you are anon too unless your actual name is IFS. Your lack of awareness is worrying.
Delete5.21pm - dimwit you ain’t the first to say that to IFS. You worry too easily. It’s about establishing a track record of posts.
DeleteThe BBC Investigation is a rehash of news that was circulating months ago. It appears IFS has competition for idiot of the month.Step forward John Paul. And as for anon at 5.55. Establishing a track record of lies and misinformation, as IFS has, really should not be what you aspire to, but each to his own.
DeleteAnon at 6:23 pm ... you're mistaken, it's not simply a rehash, but hey-ho, you believe what you want.
DeleteThat dipshit @ 6.23pm posts lies and calls other liars. A simple troll.
DeleteOkay John Paul, tell us what new information of import has been revealed. In your own time.
DeleteAnon at 10.12. Is that really the best you can do? Anyone you disagree with is a troll? No wonder the broader Indy movement outside of SNP achieves so little.
DeleteThe BBC continues to promote Farage and right wing politics, while at the same time rehashing damaging disclosures about U K labour. People need to start joining the dots here. Naaah, let’s just keep slagging off the SNP.
DeleteReform second in the Scottish subsample. Holyrood 2026 is going to be interesting!
ReplyDeleteYeh, how many silent racists are actually in Scotland?
ReplyDeleteCorrection, how many silent dafties are actually in Scotland ?
DeleteTime to give up on this independence nonsense.
ReplyDeleteWe’re better together.
Rule Britannia.
yeah the uk needs to join a greater expanded union with pakistan and establish a caliphate.
Deletefarage says : "there is no god but allah and mohammed is his profit"
....."marmalade and jam.......5 Chinese crackers up yer a******e
Deletebang! bang! bang! bang! bang!"
Cruel Britannia, Britannia waives the rules.
DeleteDeclan ( Skier) and David Francis (the SNP propagandist duo ) will be raging that the update to the blog still says pro independence and not pro SNP.
ReplyDeleteWill David continue in his attempts to turn SGP in to an SNP propaganda blog? I mean the SNP already has two of them - WGD and Bella - a big dug and a wee doggy.
I want to find a cat blog that supports independence. I would like to see cat lovers supporting people who support independence. Buy me a button, Agatha.
Deletedogging is a state of mind, and a lifestyle
Deleteflash your lights 3 times and away we go
Well hullawrer big boy!
DeleteIfS doing his best to unify the Yes movement !
DeleteMilge would like a word with him. The word is 'Sideboard'. Thank you. See you.
DeleteAlec Lomax with his 1,000th snidey one line comment about other independence supporters complaining about division in the yes movement. It's obnoxious numpties like you who caused the division in the first place.
DeleteYes calling folk numpty encourages folk to join the ifs party!
DeleteIs ifs John Paul?
DeleteIFS seems to imagine people will think she is Scottish and in support if independence if she repeatedly uses the arch Jocky Scotch word 'numpty'.
DeleteVerdict: not very convincing
IFS asks if David Francis will continue to try to turn SGP in to an SNP propaganda blog and the replies are a mixture of gibberish and abuse. Who calls anything “ Jocky Scotch” other than a Britnat.
DeleteI am Jocky Scotch and I'm a minstrel. I am not a one eyed Lesbian who can't speak French but I do enjoy green beans smeared in butter and adorned with ground green (NB green! Green, you bastards!!) peppercorns. I may be an oddball but I speak bloody good Englush. The Queen, gentlemen! Her Majesty's health. God bless ye, ma'am! Buy me a button...
DeleteExcellent poll for Swinney and Forbes.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. But how best to portray it. A troubadour and a drab? I think not.
DeleteCongratulations on SgP's promotion to third place, James.
ReplyDeleteWonder if it had anything to do with you rejoining SNP and heavily criticising Alba?
Also good to see SNP maintaining its healthy position ( on FPTP consituency votes ) as THE most popular Political Party on Mainland Britain.
The Swinney/Forbes combination seems to be hitting a good number of the right notes with Scottish Voters.
I can hear the teeth-gnashing from the usual suspects on here, from Space 😂😂😂
"You can hear teeth-gnashing from Space?"....whale oil b F OCT.
DeleteWhat a load of bull from Francis.
DeleteDavid Francis,
Delete“SNP……………………THE most popular political party on mainland Britain “
Embarrassing stuff!
Dear oh dear, what an absolute 🤡 of a man.
Anon at 5:39 ... but it's true. You need to understand the whole sentence, not just the bit you've extracted.
DeleteDavid Francis admitting he is spaced out.
DeleteAnon at 8.55. The anti SNP brigade on here don’t really do facts. Why look at inconvenient polling figures and discuss the apparent recovery of SNP when you can post lies, disinformation and speculation. And the usual suspects on here do so on a daily basis while claiming to support Indy. They are laughable and contemptible at the same time.
DeleteSturgeon: "On the other hand, that's a huge chunk of my life, and maybe it's time to give other people a chance."
ReplyDeleteYes, yes it is. Time to put the feet up, watch TV.
Never going to happen
DeleteDo they have a TV in prison cells these days?
DeleteAnon at 10.24. Have you done something bad?
DeleteThat subsample is very much in line with the turnout adjusted poll from Find Out Now. With Farage going to front their Scottish campaign and with Labour potentially to become more unpopular the next year, I'm going to make a bit of an out there prediction. I think there is an outside chance that Reform could come second at Holyrood in 2026. If they have a good campaign and their Holyrood figures line more up with their Westminster ones or even go up a little to around 20%, 3 seats per region is possible, as we saw last year their vote is very evenly spread. I think the chances of them just passing Labour on those kinds of numbers is decent but as I said, it's an outside chance.
ReplyDeleteI think there's quite a significant chance that will happen, that seems to be the trajectory. Does anyone have a clue who would be opposition leader at Holyrood in that scenario?
DeleteI would say Kerr for the simple reason he is the only Reform figure in Scotland I can name. I imagine he'll get Scottish leadership easily for sticking his neck out by defecting from the Conservatives.
DeleteKerr, he said to be the Conservative councillor for Shettleston 🤣
DeleteFarage to front Reform campaign in Scotland? The milkshakes are on Nigel !
DeleteThe Scottish sub sample would give the SNP 50 seats, up 41, Labour 1, down 36, Tory 1, down 4 and Lib/Dems 5, down 1. Reform despite having the second largest vote would have no seats.
ReplyDeleteLib/Dems are proving to be stubborn little bastards!!
To get the true strength of the centre-right and right wing British nationalist parties in terms of seats, you first add Conservative and Liberal seats, giving 6, then add Labour, giving a total of 7 seats.
DeleteIndicates the excellent job John and Kate are doing.
DeleteFar better than Rachel from accounts and Sir whatever his name is.
DeleteMy presence lights up a room.
DeleteCheap at half the price.