Click here to go straight to the fundraiser page.
This is 'take two' for the 2024 fundraiser's final push, because as you might remember I attempted a post like this a couple of weeks ago, but literally just an hour after I published it, the tragic news came through that Alex Salmond had died. However, I can't put off returning to the issue for any longer, because financial realities are what they are, and I think realistically I would need to raise a minimum of an additional £800 within the next two weeks or so to keep the blog afloat on the same basis that it's been operating for many years. I can't delay the decision beyond that very tight timescale, because I'm in a situation that will be horribly familiar to many of you, ie. the numbers are just not quite adding up, and if I'm going to keep going, I'll need to keep the lights on and I'll need to eat.
To reiterate the points that I always make about fundraising: no, Scot Goes Pop is not my sole income, in spite of the constant "why not get a job" sneering from the trolls. I'm sure that's self-evident to most sensible people, because the target figure for the annual fundraiser is always well below what is generally needed to live on. I have multiple other income streams, but for a variety of reasons they aren't bringing in as much as they did prior to the pandemic, and unfortunately that sharp downward turn coincided with the problem of the post-2021 fundraisers repeatedly failing to meet their targets. It's been a perfect storm, and consequently for the last three years I've been lurching from mini-crisis to mini-crisis. What the fundraiser money always used to do was give me enough flexibility to just drop everything and blog at length whenever a poll came out or whenever a major story broke, regardless of whether that was at 11am on a weekday or midnight on a Saturday. In other words, the non-blogging work that I do is mostly freelance and ad hoc, and I fit it around the blogging when required.
Why are the fundraisers proving such a struggle these days, when they never were prior to 2021? I'm sure it's partly due to the cost of living crisis, but it must also be partly down to my decision to join the Alba Party in the spring of 2021. That seemed to displease almost everyone, because SNP supporters didn't like it but strangely many Alba supporters weren't much happier either. I was a relative moderate within the party - I didn't think we should be waging total war against Nicola Sturgeon or attempting to totally destroy the SNP, and I was very troubled about the chatter over restricting the voting rights of English people living in Scotland. Some of the harder line Alba members clearly didn't think there should be room for someone like me in the party, and regarded me with severe mistrust.
Hopefully, if there's one silver lining from Chris McEleny's apparent determination to expel me from Alba, it's that nobody can mistake me any longer for a partisan drone. I literally have no idea what I will do after my likely expulsion. There are three basic options - a) apply to rejoin the SNP, b) apply to join a smaller pro-indy party, or c) try to assist in setting up something new, and I am genuinely and totally undecided about which of those three would be best. My mind has almost been like a war zone trying to work it out, and I wish to goodness the Alba powers-that-be would just do the decent thing and drop the malicious proceedings against me so that my dilemma would vanish in a puff of smoke, but I very much doubt that will happen. So there's little point trying to pin labels on me just now when none really fit.
If I'm unable to raise enough over the next couple of weeks and I have to "stop" blogging, I'm sure it wouldn't be a complete cessation, because I would always get a bee in my bonnet about something or other and have a burning desire to blog about it. However, Scot Goes Pop would revert to being a hobby as it was when I started it way back in 2008, and I would imagine there might be two or three posts a month at the absolute most.
But let's accentuate the positive. What can readers look forward to if the fundraiser does raise just about enough to keep things going into 2025? Above all else, of course, there'll be extensive polling analysis from a pro-independence perspective. We're potentially in quite an exciting phase of the electoral cycle, as the public seem to have decisively concluded that the Labour government is a dud, meaning that instead of the SNP being caught in the death spiral that so many unionist commentators predicted prior to the general election, they're actually showing signs of recovery. That could set the scene for a much more favourable outcome in the 2026 Holyrood election than we dared to hope for even a few weeks ago. I'd like Scot Goes Pop to be around to tell that story - because I'm not sure we can rely on the unionist mainstream media to tell it for us.
Secondly, although I'm not impartial about independence, you can rely on me to blog about my own honest views without fear or favour. I've resisted the menacing demands (which you've probably seen repeatedly in the comments section) for me to turn Scot Goes Pop into an Alba propaganda blog in return for avoiding expulsion, and neither am I interested in being an SNP leadership drone. I just call things exactly as I see them, and frankly that does set me apart from some (but not all, I hasten to add) of the most prominent pro-indy bloggers.
And no promises, but it would be nice to revive the Scot Goes Popcast - it was going really well for a year or so, with some cracking guests, but again, that was another victim of my decision to join Alba, because SNP and Green people started to blanket-refuse my invitations, not wanting to be associated with an "Alba blogger". But if I'd been more persistent, I probably could have found some takers, so I might have another crack at it.
And of course there's the possibility of another Scot Goes Pop poll at some point. In fact I'll have to get that done eventually even if I do stop blogging, because my last attempt at fundraising specifically for a poll ended up in no-man's-land with some funds raised but not enough to go ahead. One way or another I'll get it done somehow!
To put in perspective what would be needed to keep Scot Goes Pop going, as I write this the running total on the fundraiser page is £3764. Another £800 would take it to £4564, so that's a rough guide to where the total would need to be two weeks from now if this final push is to be just about a success. Obviously more would be better and would give me more of a cushion, but I've got to be realistic and we'll see if another £800 can be managed.
Thank you to everyone who has already donated. If you haven't donated yet and would like to, there are three main options.
To donate by card, please follow this link to the fundraiser page on GoFundMe.
To donate via PayPal, simply make a direct payment to my PayPal email address, which is:
To donate via direct bank transfer, please contact me by email and I'll send you the necessary details. My contact email address is different from my PayPal address and can be found on my Twitter profile or in the sidebar of this blog (desktop version of the site only).
People sometimes ask about fees: GoFundMe now rely on tips to make a profit, but the payment processor they use does still directly deduct a small percentage from donations. So if you want to avoid fees completely, please select either the PayPal or bank transfer option (and if you choose PayPal, select the non-fee option from the menu). PayPal also has the advantage of (usually) transferring the funds instantly, whereas with GoFundMe there is a delay of at least several days.
Once Chris McEleny makes *his* decision and officially expels you from what is now clearly his party, hopefully the one good thing to come from it is SNP and Green folk removing you from their Alba blocklist. Hopefully.
ReplyDeleteI've never been a member of a political party, so I only hear about the workings from a distance, but is there potentially trouble for anyone who leaves Alba to rejoin the SNP? I wouldn't put it past them. The SNP leadership's attitude to Alba seems to be like the Labour leadership was to Militant. Persona non grata for life, in that case. Permanently marked as troublemakers.
I can't see the point in joining the ISP or whatever Peter Bell's calling his microparty. Haven't heard much from Robin McAlpine lately about his political project, either. Where we find ourselves right now, sadly, is a movement with an immovable party. Changing it from the inside might be the only game in town, however hard it makes that very thing.
Key issue with the SNP: How many of the issues that led to people leaving in the first place have been resolved?
DeleteAttempts were made to reform the Party from within, electing "good guys" onto the NEC etc but all were undermined by the leadership and thus sadly unsuccessful. A clear-out of those who are still in key positions in the Party from that time & a mass reform on the internal workings of the Party would be a bare minimum requirement to make many of those who have left consider rejoining.
It feels like a "chicken and egg problem." What comes first: the openness to working with a membership who have opinions of their own, or the reforms to enable such a change of approach in the first place?
DeleteBut then I remember this is the SNP we're talking about, and reforms aren't going to be membership-led! They're such a closed shop that it really has to come from the very top.
Is Kate that daring? Is the party?
There should be a non partisan convention all parties can join
ReplyDeleteCatalonia has omnium and the national assembly exactly for that purpose.
They're also flush with cash having 100,000 plus members and have multiple events a year. I really struggle with where the money has gone within the snp with similar membership. It makes zero sense. Anyway, that's the sort of organisation which allows non partisans a home and also to bring all.sided together.
And are no near independence either.
DeleteTrue. The Catalans have a better organised and more inclusive movement than ours—they even have a local pro-indy media!—but their fundamental challenge is harder than ours. Not only do they have Madrid opposed to them—a good deal more violently than London has tried so far on us—but they have the Spanish constitution explicitly banning their goal.
DeleteTo gain independence, ideally they really need to amend the very core of the Spanish constitution. That process needs willing partners across all Spain and is extremely challenging:
Madrid couldn't legally recognise them—a very likely roadblock on other European nations recognising Catalan independence—with the current Spanish constitution in place. That's a massive obstacle we simply do not face, as the UK has no constitution and freely waves the rules whenever the prime minister sees fit.
Hi I was merely saying about the presence and success of a non partisan organisation.
DeleteA someone with Catalan and Spanish links, I'm well aware of the differences (and the similarities) of the two campaigns.
Away from the detail of that, I think it's a failure of the SNP to not understand the Yes movement would need a non partisan movement as well as the SNP in times of SNP electoral struggle and unpopularity.
Yes needs to maximise its vote and energy. Having it under one SNP party is likely the way forward electorally (when they're on the up) but you need a civic non partisan movement as well.
Believe in Scotland? Maybe,.don't know.
I'd say it needs to be an offshoot of all the pro indy parties, trade unions, Churches, civic movements.
I'd call it a convention or covenant.
Covenant has religious / Halloween vibes. Convention is better, but the word has the implication of a one-off event here, like a constitutional convention, rather than a permanent organisation pursuing a future goal.
DeleteLooks like McEleny is about to do you a favour! I'd advise against joining any other Party, probably ever. (I'm an SNP member, and I will reconsider my 10 year membership next May if I see no firm movement towards campaigning for independence and refusal to co-operate with Westminster current policies - that's why I joined). In the meantime I'll contribute (a mere pittance, I'm afraid) to your fundraiser for your excellent polling reviews.
ReplyDeleteMany of us are in a kind of limbo at the moment, so a spell outwith any party might be beneficial, especially if being in one or other party actually harms your fundraising. What do you think of (non partisan) Believe in Scotland, and could they employ your skills some of the time, if not already?
ReplyDeleteBiS is astroturf. A lab grown rival to AUOB, by those who wanted exactly that. Heard about their dodgy accounts?
DeleteI see my Wikipedia page has been the subject of some vandalism - happy birthday to me! - with some shit about how I "oppose transgender rights" and "no longer support independence" and apparently vote Tory (so I expect James Kelly did it). I've corrected these falsehoods...
ReplyDeleteNot guilty, m'lud, I do have a Wikipedia account but I only use it once in a blue moon (usually to correct errors about polling numbers), and the last time was months ago. However, I did take a little peek after you mentioned it, and I see Mr Campbell has made a substantial edit to make his own biography more favourable to himself. Isn't that against the rules, from what I remember? Some of what he has removed is verbatim quotes, so I can't see how that can be justified as "reverting vandalism".
DeleteIt's always fascinated me that his biography is 80% about his video games journalism - that seems to be what Wikipedia regards as noteworthy about him.
Hilariously, I've just checked Mr Campbell's Twitter (using Google search to get round the block) and it turns out "Vicars Against Vandalism" was just quoting Mr Campbell himself - he literally did accuse me this morning of "vandalising" his Wikipedia bio! For the avoidance of doubt, no I did not do that, I've never touched his blessed and sacred bio, as the publicly-available edit history will confirm. However, as I pointed out above, some of what he has deleted as "vandalism" was factually accurate, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone reverts his edit, at least in part.
DeleteCampbell is making a bit of an idiot of himself there, because if "someone has vandalised" his page, it happened in *early 2023*. That's how long most of the material he deleted today has been up. Clearly the Wiki community didn't interpret it as vandalism, otherwise it wouldn't have stayed up for almost *two years*. The quote about Campbell's plans to vote Tory was added in February 2023 by a user called 'Unreal7'. The earliest edit about Campbell no longer being pro-independence came from the IP address, which is located in England (Bramhope, wherever that is).
DeleteCampbell is a litigous fellow, so he really should know better than to throw defamatory accusations around about James.
Most people are connected via a dynamic IP address not a static. is owned by Vodafone, so that's probably just the nearest server for Vodafone. I've got an 8 block static but even mine shows as different zen locations.
DeleteLikewise, reverse IP usually shows my home broadband as being in “Manchester“ I’ve never in fact even stepped foot. That’s just where my ISP keeps their servers.
DeleteAs James predicted, Campbell's vanity edit has already been semi-reverted.
DeleteThe 15 Years' War:
DeleteWell, that was an amusing 24 hours spent reminding myself what utter wankers run Wikipedia before getting banned again. Good to know nothing's changed in the 15 years since the last time.
I'm curious: Did you ever consider not joining any political party? Remaining pro-indy but free to criticise or compliment all of the parties without people questioning your motives for doing so etc?
ReplyDeleteBeing able to influence change via your readership as if many agree with your points of view that could inspire them to fight for change in their respective parties. But as you've seen SNP/Green people were less willing to listen to you because you were in Alba and likely non-SNP people will stop listening to you if you were to join the SNP.
When there's ever a proper independence campaign again that will require people from all pro-indy parties and none working together so it's not like you'd be left on the sidelines when the time comes.
No, I want to have some sort of political home, that's the one thing I'm sure of. If I'm expelled from Alba, I might take a few weeks to work out what to do, but I would jump one way or another after that.
DeleteWell, I think your political home could be just Independence?
DeleteNo, you know what I mean, I want to be a member of a political party. If I'm expelled from Alba, the main concern about rejoining the SNP is: would exactly the same thing happen there? Would I end up being expelled or suspended simply for blogging about my own views? And if there's a non-trivial danger of that happening, would I be wiser to seek a different option? I don't have the answers to these questions, but that's what's been going back and forth in my mind.
DeleteWell, being expelled from a party and blogging about it does draw attention to their disrespect for freedom of speech. The SNP expelled Mason, and while few might agree with his views, most would support his right to hold them. And looking at the way the Greens are even now spitting at Kate Forbes shows there is a lot of inhuman intolerance in political parties, much of it at the top.
DeleteAlba is at a make or break juncture now. Losing Alex Salmond is sadly a pivotal moment and choosing his replacement will be a very painful and difficult task but that will likely determine the direction the Party heads in next.
DeleteHe who counts the votes…
DeleteWatched multi millionaire Forte claiming 8000 wealthy individuals have left the U.K. for Italy and suchlike. So patriotic these brexiters. I don’t believe the claims of the right wing but if true surely we can restrict the ex pats! back by limiting their time in the U.K and taxing them accordingly. Some may have to sell the yachts ot two. Still means some legitimate immigrants can be allowed in.
ReplyDeleteI will be in for £10 over the next few days when I've sorted out where I am! Just woken up from about 16 hours wonderful sleep. First holiday in 13 years to Rhodes, great place, though we were taken to Disneyland Paris earlier this year by the kids with our grandson.
ReplyDeleteJust getting out of the woods myself, Covid hit business and supplies, and since Brexit the costs of food have skyrocketed. Energy too, even for my unit. Standing charges are an outrage. I think a lot of people are the same, that's why I'm going in to detail.
This is a great resource; James is honest even about Alba, and perhaps that's contagious - the Greens voted against their agenda, in a move to perhaps resist the autocratic nature of their dire leadership. Sadly so far it hasn't worked with Alba. I did post in a certain forum that the SNP should move to OMOV. So far no move to that, it's delegates rule, delegates with a spare few pounds in their pockets able to afford to go to the ends of the universe to a conference.
For what my advice is worth, join a party if you like but just be an ordinary member. I was a member of the SNP for 3 years but can go back to my modified boast "Only been a member of a party once, and never will be again".
Democracy and honesty rule, and will set us free.
I will be authentically surprised, impressed and inspired if the Greens and others who have put James into the “Alba blogger” doghouse ever let him out and welcome his presence in the Yes movement again.
DeleteI never joined Alba, and have long agreed with James about their unhealthy obsession with the notion of “destroying” the SNP. But everything the… for want of a better name… “mainstream” independence parties have done since Alba’s formation reeks of cult-like moral panic to me. Something tells me once Alba, always verboten.
If only there were an appeals process to getting cancelled!
"and welcome his presence in the Yes movement again"
DeleteThey don't control the YES movement TBTF. Even we don't.
Correct. They do, however, get to play as gatekeepers to their own organisations; both in terms of joining their political parties and in who their people are allowed to interview or publicly work with.
DeleteThere’s a lot of hurt feelings and big egos in this movement, and altogether far too much factional infighting as well. Somehow it is absolutely always “the other side” who must concede for “us all to come back together.” That’s no such thing, of course. Everyone must let bygones be bygones, or they’re just not gone!
Worth pointing out though: Who has consistently called for constitutional convention to bring all sides of the Yes movement together and advocated for a united strategy?
DeleteOne side seems to have been more willing to get together and discuss the best way forward whilst the other side doesn't even want to entertain the notion of being in the same room.
Anon at 7.45. Agree to an extent but on what terms is the convention established and run? And who would control proceedings?
DeleteWould need to be someone somewhat natural.
DeleteI don't believe Salmond or Alba ever wanted to be in control of the Yes movement, they just wanted all sides of it to get together in order to hash out and unite behind a strategy. But there's still a sense of entitlement out there that the SNP and the Yes movement are essentially one and the same and the only way we can unite is by uniting behind the SNP (completely ignoring their drop in membership, drop in the polls and electoral losses).
There hasn't yet been a wider acceptance that the Yes movement isn't as united as it once was and the solution would require different Parties and organisations talking to one another rather than a demand that we all need to back one Party or else.
I see Campbell remains committed to promoting division and injecting vitriol into the Indy debate. His temporary revival following recent tragic events appears to be quickly waning.
ReplyDeleteThe thing about you trolls is you NEVER put any specific detail in your posts just one or two lines of trolling. So go on tell us what specifically is bugging you so that people can agree or disagree. Or is that too much trouble for you. Will your brain hurt to actually put forward a concise and detailed critique of what you have read from him.
DeletePerhaps someone who isn't barred from Wings could post this fundraiser btl there?
DeleteIn the "Good Old Days", the Rev used to put it in an article and in about 33 seconds flat the target would be reached. That may be a slight exaggeration :-)
With all respect to Stu’s work before the Dugdale case, and continuing respect to his publicising the ongoing legal fallout from the Salmond stitch-up, I honestly think he’s as much of a block on all coming back together as Nicola’s continued freedom.
DeleteNot that him finally deciding to shut down Wings forever would solve anything, especially with things as hopeless as they are now. But I can just picture him rubbing SNP loyalists faces in the shit, even in closing days of a bona fide plebiscite election.
He’s somehow both necessary and a menace to the movement. It’s fascinating, but also a sorry sign of how well we’ve all been played—Salmond and Campbell included—since we almost destroyed the British state.
IFS. You read WOS on a daily basis. How ironic that you appear not to know what it says and means. Silly boy.
DeleteAnd how typical of you to go and do exactly what he says you always do: fail to back up your vague assertion with any details whatsoever. Silly anon.
DeleteIt's my very own personal troll again the anon at 5.03am who has to stay up all night to work out his little pearls of gibberish. He managed two lines this time - wow.
DeleteAnon5:03 Still no answer to IFS question then? You are pathetic.
DeleteIFS has got a bestie who sounds very like him. Aww that’s nice. Get a room.
DeleteAnd stop lying.
DeleteAnon at 8.46. What vague assertion are you talking about? In your own time.
DeleteFish in a barrel. IFS et al standards are falling. And that’s from a really low bar.
DeleteSomeone made a "vague but personal insults" AI, then? They didn't bother including anything anyone has ever said here in the training set!
DeleteStop replying to yourself, you inadequate clown. Leave your Mum's attic and find some real friends.
Delete'Get a room'. A nice wee bit of homophobia there from Anon@12:45. You'll be getting thrown out of the party for that! đŸ¤£
DeleteHomophobia?!! You part of Sturgeons lot then, or just a complete moron? Probably both. What an utter arsehole. Get a room. Go in it. Lock it and stay there.
DeleteAnything but a Sturgeonite stupid. Get yourself a sense of humour or, failing that, some sense of any kindđŸ¤£
ReplyDeleteOn the basis that James has stated that he did not amend Campbell's wiki page Campbell should have the good grace to tweet that he got that comment wrong. Will he? I doubt it but you never know.
ReplyDeleteCampbell have good grace? You're kidding !
DeleteYesIndyRef2. Quite a big exaggeration indeed. his support is undoubtedly waning. Interesting that IFS still wants to come to Campbell’s aid. Perhaps he is as stupid as he seems
DeleteAnon troll at 5.06am - do you stay up all night trying out your tiny little brain to post a few words that are a mixture of gibberish and lies.
DeleteI see you still don’t understand that people in employment may work overnight. Get a job and give us all peace you tiresome wee man. And learn the difference between the words concise and precise. Hint. Previous post. That should keep you quiet for a week.
DeleteSo my very own personal troll at 12.43pm is saying he is working when he is trolling me in the middle of the morning. Who is paying you to troll then?
DeleteMy troll says " That should keep you quiet for a week" nope failed already.
Writing nasty one-liners at 5 o'clock at night has weirdo dripping all over it.
DeleteAn ignorant post putting that up btl on an article about James's fundraising.
ReplyDeleteGood to see James has deleted it.
DeleteHe’s not a Rev.
ReplyDeleteThat's unsettling news.
DeleteMmm, well donated a small amount but no opportunity to add a comment. Just as well, I'd have had to think about what to say!
ReplyDelete"Donate or forever wrap yourself in the Union Jack and kneel down and kiss Starmer's smelly feet.".
Are we permitted to donate, though, by the Claim of Right?
DeleteAs an Anonymous you can of course donate, though it would be customary for you to donate double the amount of us mere mortals. But if I don't see a donation for £20 from "Anonymous" in the next 1 hour I'll know that you are a piker.
DeleteHappy to chip in £6. Keep up the good work, and best of luck!
DeleteDamn it, GoFundMe shows my name. My ploy to pose as our favourite troll is foiled! Don’t dox me! đŸ˜„
DeleteI'll throw in some Hot Wings and a side of Gravy.
DeleteScot goes pop is one of the few indy groups you can be sure is not ripping off its contributors!
ReplyDeleteAm I hell giving subs to the SNP so they're office staff can be on double the median salary for dishing out a few scratchcards a week.
Not to mention hundreds of thousands on IT and mobile caravans.
Imagine if a fraction of that was given to real.indy supporters like James?
A wee VW bus in the parents yard, anyone? Some of us would even drive it to indy events!
DeleteCaravans? Exaggerating again. The underminers.
ReplyDeleteBud I want to invest in the movement but there needs to be trust
DeleteNothing exaggerated about it, check out the publicly available salaries.
DeleteAll way above not the average but the median as well. And for what?
James has done more for the movement than any of them and is operating on a shoestring while its meant to be their job.
DeleteExplain what 30 snp office staff have been doing and why an exec needed over 120k to manage them?
Edwin Morgan and Colin Weir would be burling in their graves . No wonder the legacies have dried up.
They didn't start off as fat cats, they started off as campaigners I don't doubt , but that's where they ended up
If the SNP had any gumption at all, they'd support polling experts from the indy lobby.
DeleteIt's what they're there for.
But there will be x times policy development officers doing the square root of f all and were blatantly not needed during 2007-2015. Funny that.
That twists my nutmeg. They sound like human skysh.
DeleteI wouldn't be surprised if some of these SNP office staff are the trolls that pitch up on SGP. Nothing like a nice cosy job at a good salary in which you have to achieve nothing to let you post drivel in the middle of the morning.
DeleteAnon at 11.13am - the 30 office staff was to try and justify the high salary of Murrell, McCann and Ruddick. It will be interesting to see if the new Chief Exec has a purge. Those three amigos were probably worried that Salmond would bin them if he came back as leader. The three of them have more than that to worry about now.
Does a week ever go by now without an SNP related scandal?
ReplyDeleteNew: Former First Minister Humza Yousaf ordered an external probe into Ministers use of WhatsApp and personal phones to discuss government business after the UK Covid Inquiry scandal where Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney deleted their messages, but the report has been sitting with the SNP administration for months.
The Scottish Government has been embroiled in a new "secrecy" row as SNP Ministers have sat on a bombshell report about their use of WhatsApps to do government business for three months. During the UK Covid Inquiry the likes of Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney admitted to deleting their WhatsApp correspondence, *insisting it was the policy of the executive at the time.
They said key decisions were never made in these informal chats but recovered messages between key adviser Liz Lloyd and the former First Minister showed that they discussed pandemic policy such as how many people can meet up at the likes of funerals and birthdays.
Careful now! You mean "███ █████ and the former First Minister." Stay legally safe, please…
DeleteAs it stands John REDACTOR MAN Swinney will be remembered as the First Minister for cover ups. Not much of a legacy but still better than Yousaf who will be completely forgotten and Sturgeon who will be remembered as the Great Betrayer.
DeleteGet a life tosspot. Away and find out where the £38 billion T and T went. And try to find Mone while you’re at it. Cretin. And spare me any faux outrage at the historic meaning of the last word in my previous sentence. That’s your homework. Off you go.
ReplyDeleteIt's the same arrogant troll at 12.38pm who likes to tell posters to jog off or off you go. Get a life is another one of the troll's favourites. Like KC he has his WEE list he refers to. It's called 'How to troll for dummies '.
DeleteIs it KC trolling on both sides? Wouldn't be surprised - both are liars and never post anything substantial.
No answers then? You were unmasked as a troll several months ago when you let slip that you had never done a single thing to promote Indy. No canvassing, no door knocking, no stall staffing, no leaflet distribution. Nothing. On here telling lies about the only organisation capable of delivering Indy, making things up, misquoting other posters, spreading disinformation. Supported by a wee cohort of pals who appear to have the same limited intellect and vocabulary as you. Stop embarrassing yourself and have some self respect.
DeleteTiresome troll at 2.18pm just repeating the same lies. At least you managed 6 lines this time. Did you get to page 10 on your copy of
Delete" How to troll for dummies". My troll posts a lot of lies but cannae back them up with any details. My troll says " let slip" - nope just another troll lie.
My troll says " No answers then?" đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£ answers to what.
Sure you ain't KC trolling on both sides.
It's all the one troll, IFS, going all the way back to his 'I agree with myself' days. Desperate to convince us he's only one among many - a clown of the first order.
DeleteFelix agree, Paid by the right wing britnats? or more likely sitting alone in a wee flat somewhere alone trying to justify their sad life.
DeleteCritical thinking doesn’t seem to be your strong point Felix. Slip ons? Thought so. One day, maybe.
DeleteIFS. You agree with my summary of you. Interesting.
DeleteAnon5:34 Slip ons? If you can't say anything intelligent, best you keep quiet.
DeleteA Troll posting drivel at 5.24 and 5.25pm. You have to wonder if he foams at the mouth when posting.
Deletejust donated, please keep up the good work
ReplyDeleteIt's concern trolling, KC, and it's tedious of you, to say the least.
Hopefully the minimum wage will go up in the budget for James to keep the lights on.
ReplyDeleteI hope it comes down. Vote Labour get tories. Take your medicine. Well done to the muppet brigade.
DeleteI think IFS is a big fan of WGD and the big dug.
ReplyDeleteI haven't got any money James but I can always fix you a wee sandwich if you're stuck.
ReplyDeleteAre you Moira Anderson, the singer and entertainer?
DeleteI am Spartacus
DeleteI am Independence for Scotland!
DeleteWell done Lomax. That is the biggest insult I have ever had from any troll.
DeleteYou're a thick plank of wud Lomax
DeleteI heard a rumour that Lomax got an MRI scan on his brain. Solid oak was found. A can of Ronseal oil was prescribed for his problem.
DeleteI know this seemed funny in your head but on paper not so hilarious. Must try harder.
ReplyDeleteYou're comedic analysis is much appreciated, maybe you could get a career in it.
ReplyDeleteThe fancy wee frog is always throwing some change at the hobo lookalikes.
ReplyDeleteI heard Pepe was in madison square gardens.
Delete3:35 And what has your diatribe contributed to the discussion? Stop asking for people to be banned and post something interesting yourself.
ReplyDeleteIf it's interesting you want, I saw Douglas Alexander (he's an MP) stumbling over an empty vinegar bottle at Wetst Street subway Station in Glasgow.
ReplyDeleteFelix. Can you not read?
ReplyDeletePo Falzett. Was it Malt vinegar perhaps ?
ReplyDeleteThe current favourite to be the next Tory leader Badenoch makes it crystal clear that she represents people who believe Scotland is their possession. These are people who live in England called the English and their lackeys in Scotland called House Jocks. It's long overdue that it is recognised by all independence supporters Scotland is in a prison not a union. The idea that it was a union was a hoax from day one in 1707. The speaker of the English House of Commons in 1707 said Scotland had been captured and they would would hold it fast. Scotland is England's colony like it or not and a FM for cover ups like Swinney acted like a classic House Jock by toddling off to that council meeting with Starmer. Starmer the current prison governor.
ReplyDeleteAn utterly ridiculous post IFS, even by your standards!
DeleteThe guy's a clown.
DeleteAnd what are you two? True believers in Swinney, Nicola, and It’ll Come For a’ That?
DeleteNoticed you’re still British, house jocks?
Speak for yourself anon at 7.35.
DeleteAnon at 7.29pm I agree with you the guy at 5.40pm is a clown.
DeleteIndependence for Scotland at 5.19pm. I can't see anything to disagree with in your post. A pretty accurate summary of the situation in this colony.
DeleteIndependence for Scotland at 5.19pm. I can’t see anything to AGREE with in your post.
DeleteIt’s complete and utter bullshit, and frankly embarrassing.
you are in the back end of a badly stitched pantomime horse getting farted on by those who drag you around
Deleteyou are siamese-twinned to the world's worst and most hated people, largely responsible for all ills of the past 1000 years
Deleteyou have a siamese twin; your siamese twin is gay; you only have one arsehole
KC at 10.45pm - as it's your Britnat comment I am happy that my post hit the mark. Got the blood of all those Palestinian children off your hands yet.
DeleteQuite an achievement by Dr Jim posting two posts at the same time (10.50pm ) . I'm guessing Jimbo must have been having some sort of weird sexual fantasy about horses and gays. Quite a disturbed individual but he fits in well on WGD - the home of the doggers.
DeleteIFS@11:42pm, change the record!
DeleteKC at 9.10am - 70% of the 42,000 dead Palestinians are women and children. 29,400 women and children. Mass murder by the IDF facilitated by the Tory and Labour governments. Many other children losing limbs and being orphaned. The numbers of the dead Lebanese women and children will soon be added to the mass murder numbers. Ethnic cleansing facilitated by Labour/Tory - certainly not Better Together for those poor souls in the Middle East.
DeleteEthnic cleansing and land grab following the British Empire model.
Lots more blood on your hands to come in future months. Keep scrubbing away.
IFS@11:23am, so you can’t change the record!
DeleteThere’s not a single person in this country who dosen’t think what’s going on in the Middle East is terrible.
What’s disgraceful is people like you who try to make political gain out of it, and somehow think it can increase support for independence.
But hey, it’s what Nats do. You just have to think back to Sturgeon’s pathetic grandstanding during Covid, trying to make political gain from a tragedy. Covid was the only time support for independence has been above 50%, as obviously thousands of gullible fools were taken in by the nonsense. Thankfully most now see it for what it was. Utterly disgraceful!
The truth is you know fine well there is zero chance of independence (the main reason, of course, being that a clear majority of the country don’t support the madness), so you and others are becoming increasingly desperate.
KC at 12.25pm - have you tried Flash on your hands. It's supposed to be a good cleaner. It " is terrible " that Starmer wanted to starve the children of Gaza. It "is terrible " that Starmer and Sunak were happy providing military assistance and arms to a mass murdering IDF.
DeleteThe " madness " is people like you supporting the burning and blowing to bits of children in the Middle East.
IFS@12:50, I note you don’t respond to the main point in my previous post.
DeleteSurprise surprise!
KC at 1.05pm - you don't get to deflect. Blood on your hands. You even had a PM partying in Downing st when people were dying from Covid.
Delete“You don’t get to deflect” đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£
Nobody does deflection like Scottish nationalists. You lot are in a league of your own on that!
Anon at 4.21. Thanks for appreciating my comic genius. I wouldn’t like the anti social hours. What are clown hours like?
ReplyDeleteWGD - now there is a muppet who knew fine well Sturgeon was behind the attempt to send Salmond to jail but continued to support Sturgeon to keep his money coming in. A man of integrity đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ™ƒ.
ReplyDeleteAye Kavanagh knows his languages alright and he knows how to keep the money coming in.
His maps are nice, I'll give him that.
DeleteHe probably chose sides wisely—Nicola or Eck?—from the standpoint of his fundraising, if not resemblance to reality.
Keep calm and eat your carrots, boys. It'll come for a' that! (Naw it winnae.)
Anon5:18 I can read fine although ploughing through your bulls*** doesn't make for intelligent discourse.
ReplyDeleteJust type and post then. Don’t keep reading it before you press post.
ReplyDeleteAre you on the vin rouge?
ReplyDeleteIFS. Still not lodged your dossier with the police?! Why ever not?
ReplyDeleteHelp is available. Not sure about your venom though.
ReplyDeleteMore troll drivel at 7.41pm and 7.43pm.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the bottle belonged to Douglas Alexandre MP and I don't know if it was malt vinegar or the clear stuff. It probably wasn't the balsamic kind because they are a fancy shape and dont have union jacks on their labels. Also I misspelled the name of West Street subway Station in Glasgow. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteSandy Brindley, the totally discredited mouthpiece of the alphabetties back on Britnat telly Reporting Scotland. Did the Britnat interviewer ask her about her ( and the Scotgov) policy to allow men ( transwomen ) to counsel female rape victims. No they didn't. Did the Britnat interviewer ask her about the Glasgow branch deciding to break away from Brindley's organisation. No they didn't.
ReplyDeleteBritnat media supporting Sturgeon's gang by trying to maintain Brindley's credibility despite the damning report about her organisation.
You get bamier by each post.
DeleteAnother troll at 11.22pm - This troll thinks I am a member of the Bamier family. The Bamier family name was found in the USA and Canada between 1880 and 1920. Michigan had the highest population of Bamier families in 1880. Never been to Michigan - another wrong guess.
DeleteThis troll obsession as to my identity gets Bamier every time some troll hazards a guess.
Is this an attempt at satire? And why your preoccupation with this individual?
DeleteYou can trust it must be KC, as who else would "barmy" come to, but a member of said "army" himself?
Deletebrindley is a radfem lesbian who sees all penis in vagina as rape
ReplyDeleteshe should setup shop in south africa, tres good for business
Seek help. Your fantasy’s should remain unsaid.
ReplyDeleteTrolls out in force on this fundraiser post. Bet none of them has donated a bitter penny. (My donation is made.) Stay classy, numpties.
ReplyDeleteThis blog would have much more value to the independence movement without spoilers like you.
ReplyDeleteDid you donate, too?
DeleteTo be clear, I mean some anons’ comments, not James’s posts.
ReplyDeleteIn fairness he is also part of the problem. Numpty!
ReplyDeleteHad a wee chuckle to myself the other day, seeing some Nats getting excited about a Find Out Now poll conducted for Alba, showing a Yes majority.
ReplyDeleteWell it was hardly going to show a No majority was it LOL.
I'm curious, do people not understand how polls work?
DeleteThe organisation that pays for a poll doesn't get to pick and choose who the polling company ask. Unless you're questing the integrity of the polling company itself?
Describe what you'd like to see down here in the comments section that you're so bothered about. Is it tumbleweed? Is it breathless admiration for John Swinney, settling into the rĂ´le, conference speech, sureness of touch? Is it KC touching himself yet again in public?
ReplyDeleteThat was directed at numpty troll 11:39. Nippy how comment threading doesn't work properly on Blogspot.
ReplyDeleteFrom a somewhat regular viewer on the blog it tends to end up being trolls bait IFS, he falls for the bait and the comment section descends into a mess as a result.
ReplyDeleteWhen you end up with just trolls and IFS dominating the comment section it puts off anyone contributing to any serious discussion.
it is impossible to be racist / xenophobic about ethnoracial supremacist imperialists who are colonising you
ReplyDeleteanglos think they are the master race
Deletelittle fucking englanders - who think they own Scotland, becauses its just like Kent, or Hampshire
ReplyDeleteAnother Britnat Labour lie.
ReplyDeleteThe Chairman of the heavily trumpeted Labour GB energy company is being based in offices in Salford, Manchester. So much for the headquarters being in Aberdeen promised by Starmer and that leader off the branch office in Scotland . It clearly is way too far north for this Chairman. No chance of this guy looking out his window and seeing a barrage of wind farms in the North Sea.
The lies from from the Britnats just keep on coming. I remember years ago checking out on the Oil and Gas UK site where the jobs in the oil and gas industry are located. Despite the Britnat media always going on about all the jobs in Aberdeen from this industry 60% of the oil and gas jobs were located in London and most of them were probably the highest paid jobs.
England assisted by their House Jock helpers in Scotland lie and shit all over Scots and Scotland year after year.
Westminster looks after England. It's the House Jocks I detest - people like KC, Anus, truthless Davidson, Dross, Sturgeon, Swinney, Blackford, Coke - Hamilton and many more.
Embarrassing drivel.
DeleteImpossible for this troll to have read the post he refers to in the 5 mins time difference.
DeleteIf you think it takes longer than five minutes to read your rubbish then you really are hard of thinking
DeleteAnon at 12.53pm - it does for trolls like you Dr Jim. Dr Jim supporting the Labour Party now.
DeleteHouse Jock and Labour branch manager Anus Sarwar defended the Chairman being in Manchester by saying he would be in another part of the country. Ah the ubiquitous word " country".
DeleteF*****g lying politicians everywhere with Labour being the worse.
House Jocks have years of experience of accepting shit from their masters in England. That is part of the role of being a House Jock.
Anon at 12.13pm - aye right you are. Just comment - nothing stopping you. Clearly you are easily put off. Best try a knitting circle for a wee chat.