Friday, February 14, 2025

ALBA CLUEDO, THE SEQUEL: So who did it to Tasmina, with the mobile phone, in the Balkan country? Who could *possibly* have a strong enough motive to want to end her political career with a damaging leak? Investigators narrow it down to a list of 6572 prime suspects.

The remaining members of the Alba Party, colloquially known as NYEs (Not Yet Expelleds), have been gripped once again today by Whodunnit fever after yet another catastrophic leak of sensitive information to Paul Hutcheon of the Daily Record.  As before, the information can only have come from an extremely high level of the party, and the leak was undoubtedly calculated to damage or to end the political career of a specific Alba politician.  The previous target was Kenny MacAskill, while today it was Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh.  That's a fascinating twist, because of course MacAskill is standing for the vacant leadership and Ahmed-Sheikh is not.  However, it makes perfect sense, because as I've outlined in previous installments of "THE ALBA FILES", Ahmed-Sheikh has used her role as Party Chair to function as the power behind the throne, and has been largely responsible for the unmitigated disaster of Alba degrading into a narrow, paranoid, authoritarian sect, which regularly carries out 'purity purges' or bullies people out of the party.  The concern of many is that, regardless of whether MacAskill or Ash Regan wins the leadership race, they may keep Ahmed-Sheikh on as Chair and the real power will remain in exactly the same destructive hands as before.

The leak reveals, bizarrely, that Ahmed-Sheikh refused to return Alex Salmond's phone to his widow after his death in North Macedonia, despite repeated requests to do so.  I'm still in touch with many current and former Alba members, and there's been considerable bewilderment today about what could possibly have motivated Ahmed-Sheikh to effectively confiscate the phone.  Questions I've heard range from "was there material on the phone that she didn't want anyone but herself to see?" to "did she want to mine the phone for valuable information?".  I've no idea of the answers to those questions and there is very little point speculating.  But what does interest me is the identity and motivation of the senior figure who leaked the story to the Record.  

There could of course be a benevolent motivation - ie. to put an end to the Tas Tyranny once and for all, and ensure that the party can make a genuine fresh start under its new leader.  But I have also heard an alternative theory being darkly whispered.  "What if", people say, "there's a disgruntled senior employee out there who faces disciplinary action, and who knows that in the Mafia-esque world of Alba, that can only ever mean a one-way ticket to expulsion.  What if he's decided that if he can't control the Alba Party, nobody else should be able to either, and has decided to bring the whole house crashing down in an act of raw vengeance."

I'm not sure who they could be referring to but it's certainly an interesting thought.


  1. How do you spell M.c.E.L.E.N.Y. again............?

  2. Replies
    1. It's certainly highly irregular denial of ownership to the legal property of a widow. There must have been a considerable delay in handing over the phone, to justify the involvement of a lawyer.

  3. The leak about Kenny MacAskill ultimately backfired. It either intentionally or unintentionally portrayed him in a more positive light.

    This leak about Tasmina there's no way whatsoever to spin it as a positive for her.

    1. The phone was de facto an Alba phone.

    2. There's no such thing as "de facto ownership of a phone". If it belonged to him, it belonged to his widow after his death.

    3. Indeed. Ms Ahmed Sheikh does not come out of this well. The article says that there are 4 sources for its information, so the Record has covered its back. It still won't shut up the morons blaming 'the wee malcontents' - none of whom have ever had access to any of the information or source material for the leaked stories.

    4. Sorry it was a phone for Alba business.

    5. Please stop misleading people. Not even Tasmina is claiming it was an Alba phone, she apparently called it a "company phone", with the company presumably being Slainte Media.

  4. People have been talking about Alba Clueless and asking if there's any phone material that I could be embarrassed by.
    As if!!

    1. But surely there are nudes of you on the Connemara Columbo's phone? Hopefully just of you and of nobody else

  5. Dirty pictures of her pelts

  6. The leaks are likely have come from the Kenny camp
    Qui Bono

    My guess is a certain boyfriend of someone with Salmond blood.

    1. It's a question of access to information that a handful of people would have had. The General Secretary did fly out to North Macedonia for no ascertainable reason. He must have known about this matter. But so did others.

    2. Lots of people knew that Tasmina had kept the phone and laptop. There has been rumours for a few weeks

    3. I've been inspired to write an opera called "McEleny In Macedonia". Do you think it could be a hit?

    4. The Greeks will launch sanctions against you unless you change the name to North Macedonia. Losing the alliteration may be a price worth paying in this case.

    5. Dear, dear Celine. It would be a dream, a joy, an inspiration if you were to write an opera called McEleny in Macedonia. I told Constantine Mudge about the idea (he is staying with Count and Countess Pusznicki near Trieste at the moment) and he wept. He begs you to bring this idea to reality. Please, Celine, for the future of Art, Truth and Beauty, put quill to parchment and bring McEleny in Macedonia to the world. You goddess of Music.

    6. Marvellous news, Celine. You never cease to inspire your admirers.

  7. don't get us to the tickly bit and deny us the cumshot

    - you imply there was "something on the phone"

    so what is it? What is the macguffin?

  8. Has there ever been a political party with less electoral impact which makes so much noise?

    1. Change UK, maybe, but at least they had the basic courtesy to bugger off after a few months.

    2. Is that the one that attracted a shower of wannabes led by dioys trustfund beneficiary Chuka Umuna and former Grampian TV newsreader Anna Soubry?

  9. Should someone not call the police? Ok, using a different phone.

    1. Journalist Carol Maline has a phone.

  10. Imaging having close contact with Paul Hutcheon.Same person who leaked a few years ago and to Clegg?

    1. Did he have bladder dysfunction?

  11. Comparing the two parties the SNP is better than Alba because of its commitment to progressive policies.

    On net zero, the SNP has been clear in its plan for tackling climate change, investing in renewable energy, and a just transition for workers.

    It has a focus on child poverty is evident through free school meals, the Scottish Child Payment, the baby box, and welfare protections.

    The SNP also is stronger on LGBTQ+ rights, supporting inclusive education and legal protections. It actively combats hate, ensuring Scotland remains a welcoming, tolerant diverse society.

    All of this started under Nicola Sturgeon but continued under Humza and John Swinney.

    Alba, by contrast, lacks the same focus and credibility on these key issues affecting Scotland.

    1. Progressive policies are so over !
      Completely discredited and if you think the TQI+ alphabet is a vote winner just look at the latest polling or the employment tribunal

      I’m sorry but ‘progressive’ is an off putting dog whistle for middle class self indulgence. Intolerant, authoritarian and bringing no benefit to the working people of Scotland

    2. I am fundamentally against net zero. As much self inflicted harm as Brexit has been for the UK. I burnt a tyre in my back garden for every day the Bute House Agreement was in place.

    3. 10.51,

      Oh yeah, great comment, because regressive policies have done wonders for ordinary Scottish people—truly thriving under inequality and discrimination.

      And of course, the SNP fighting for basic rights is just “self-indulgence.” Let’s all go back to the good old days when fairness was optional and ignorance was a virtue. Great politics!

    4. 11.01

      Gee, who needs clean air, green jobs, or a habitable planet like the SNP want with their net zero policies?

      Let’s double down on pollution, because clearly, Scotlands real problem is *too much* forward-thinking policy.

    5. Anon @10.51pm - the right to self determination is a basic right for ALL the people of Scotland so why was so much energy wasted on phoney rights for the 0.001%

    6. At least the daft plan to ban wood burning stoves was scrapped. That was just metrocentric nonsense.

    7. The idea the SNP is forward thinking is laughable in their turgid bubble of back slapping incompetence.
      They have done net zero for the working class that’s for sure

    8. Yeh, the working class- whose that again?

    9. The SNP care about the bottom 5% and want to help them.

  12. Amed Shhiek. Didn't she get done for professional impropiety like more than twice. For something that wolld normally be called theft?

  13. Very obvious that the leaks are from team Kenny as Kenny confirmed the story to the Record and got a puff piece inside

  14. It's not like it was in practice an Alba phone for Alba business.

    Oh wait, it was.

    1. Alba don’t give out phones to anyone
      If it was an Alba phone why would Tasmina have the right to keep it?
      But in fact if you were familiar with data protection law you’d know that when you are given a company phone and the company is paying the contract the phone is your personal phone as it will contain personal data the company never gets it back
      So even if it was an Alba phone it would be Salmond’s personal phone that belongs to his widow

    2. Anon at 11.52. Are you an expert in Data Protection Law? Seemingly not.

  15. Breaking and shocking news. Arch SNP propagandist Scottish Skier says on WGD the natural home for SNP propagandists where no criticism of the SNP is ever allowed that “ The SNP is a unionist party,……”

    Is it because of all the cosy sleepovers Swinney has been having with the King. No.

    Is it because of all the subservient meetings Swinney has been having with Starmer. No.

    1. Bunter Passchendaele IIIFebruary 15, 2025 at 12:03 AM

      He's referring to the SNP as an EU-unionist party. The SNP are not UK-unionists of course, but they look increasingly pro devolution.

    2. Anon 1144- come out, come out wherever you are Ifs , the games a bogey

    3. If it sounds like an IFS, if it walks like an IFS……. The really sad part is he thinks he is being clever and nobody knows.

    4. SNP is strong on EU and wants Scotland to be a member. SNP deserve praise for this stance as it is important to sign up to EU.

    5. It's IFS's twin brother/clone.

    6. SNP deserves praise for pro EU position.

    7. Always good to wind up the stupid numpties. They are just so so predictable. Of course the idiot calling himself Skier is referring to being European unionists.

    8. SNP supports membership of EU and has been clear on this. This is popular and will help win votes.

  16. Lot of labour Brits on here.

    1. Plenty Reform voters also. They feel your hurt and are trying to make you feel better.

  17. I told Tas to get me the phone and Ipad so I could sell it at the Barras for Alba’s crowdfunder.
    I thought I was doing the right thing.
    Fundraising tough in Alba used to be easier in the SNP.

    1. You did the right thing. Shaz ignore the haters.
      I’ve a box of wee Alba books see if you can shift them down the Barras. Limited edition

    2. Was it a good iPad, likes? Has it got the face ID?

    3. Ahm no interested if it’s just a shite one, eh.

    4. Some people think I should get a dumbphone. But Columbo says I'm the second smartest woman he knows. Seems there are 80 tied for first place.

      P.S. Some people say that he's a cowboy but if I could get Ash to resign he'd be The Last Of the Mohicans!

    5. Was easier in the SNP because your dearest mumsie had been taking money from Chick Brodie for the Elvis fund.

  18. SNP activists are passionate about helping poor - bottom 5%.

  19. SNP government has done a lot for the poor and marginalised and has taken net zero seriously.

  20. Someone above complaining about SNP joining EU. This is only the right policy. SNP are right to want to join EU as it allows better economy.

  21. The Scotch Indy mob are beached. And I'm working on some new material which will finish them off:

    1. SNP has done good job in govt helping poorest and defending net zero.

    2. You're a propaganda genius and your next job is with Visit Inverness Loch Ness.

    3. Why visit there?

  22. Scotch ? I guess that English isn't your first language.

  23. SNP better for child poverty reduction than other parties.

  24. People should vote SNP as it us better than other parties.

    1. Reform will be best for releasing the Nessie and Bonnybridge Files.

  25. The SNP supports union with the EU, not the UK. They believe in free movement.

    If Scotland becomes independent, it will have to handle its own non progressive nationalists.

    At least then, SNP can vote to keep them in check.

    1. Scottish Skier said a similar thing.

  26. Can we do something about the obvious trolling?

    It's clearly the same person writing like a child @ 9:46 AM, 9:46 AM (again), 9:41 AM, 9:32 AM, 9:41 AM (again), 9:48 AM, 10:13 AM, 10:57 AM & 11:03 AM.

    1. Borderline Guard of President JamezFebruary 15, 2025 at 11:20 AM

      President Jamez will only take advice from ideologically sound counsel on such matters.

      Viva President Jamez!

  27. alba should do like the SNP and have a "burners only" policy with regard to phones

    then a lad comes round once a week with the binbag to dispose of them, microwaved first, like

    1. SNP does NOT do that.

    2. Sturgeon wiped clear her Covid messages after she said she would not.

      The Vietnam Whattsapp group destroyed their phones, except Sue Ruddick.

    3. the idea those messages cannot be recovered is fanciful; there are people who can do that, so why wouldn't they

      - almost looks like the spooks are trying to protect "the woman who would breakup the UK"; but why would they do that?

      Unless she isn't. Unless her real job is to make sure indy never happens, and to one day, wear the stoat coat in the House of Lackeys

    4. Anon at 12.01. An outright lie.

  28. Anon 1124 knows that but lying is natural to the britnats

    1. The SNP is the party to rally round as Alba is too small.

    2. We're smaller! ISP

    3. ISP too small to win
      SNP big enough and can win.

  29. The choice in 2026 is pretty clear. Vote for SNP or let the opposition take over. After that will be too late.

  30. It might be Slainte Media.

  31. A bent layer and the worlds biggest egotist.

    1. I'm a bricklayer and on Saturday nights I'm bent.
