Thursday, February 27, 2025

Alba civil war escalates into total carnage as McEleny's suspension is upgraded to an outright SACKING for gross misconduct, with strong hints he will also face EXPULSION from the party - this could mean his desperate attempts to stand for depute leader will count for nothing as his nominations are likely to be NULLIFIED

Scotland's most disgruntled employee is an employee no longer.  "Mad Dog" can now run free in the hills.  One chapter - but sadly only one chapter - in Alba's Reign of Terror is now over.  The statues are being toppled all across Scotland this afternoon.

I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of CHA-ANGE
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of CHA-ANGE

Take me 
To the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away (dream away)
In the wind of CHANGE

It sounds like the sacking actually occurred a while ago, but the reason the news has broken today is simply that today is the day Sky News ran a story about Alba.  They interviewed Kenny MacAskill, who revealed the sacking and also made clear that McEleny faces potential expulsion from the party.  And as we all know, Alba being Alba, potential expulsion means definite expulsion.  Unless he jumps before he's pushed, McEleny will soon find himself in exactly the same position he put me into on 5th December - sitting in front of the rubberstamp Disciplinary Committee with his fate already predetermined.  You know what they say, Chris - you live by the sword, you die by the sword.  

I will not be the only one of McEleny's many victims who burst out laughing upon reading his squeals of protest to Sky about his dismissal: "Alex Salmond used to always tell me that in a political party rational people need to bump along with each other.  Sadly we have not seen people bumping along with each other."  Anyone would be forgiven for thinking McEleny was not Alba's modern-day Robespierre and that he did not preside over countless malicious expulsions and de facto expulsions with considerable relish.

In case you're wondering whether MacAskill's announcement changes anything, given that McEleny was suspended as General Secretary anyway, it actually does.  If normal practice is followed, McEleny's expulsion will be preceded by a period of suspension from the party itself (he was previously only suspended from his paid employment, not from the party).  That will render him ineligible to stand for depute leader and his nominations will be nullified.  It was obvious something was in the air last night - senior leadership loyalists had seemingly been asked to pass on evidence of McEleny's desperate tactics to get the necessary number of last-gasp nominations (which were actually proving quite effective).  It seems a decision was taken that one or way or another, he simply wasn't going to be allowed to reach the ballot.

I'd suggest it's now almost inevitable that McEleny will lead a mini-exodus of his supporters from the Alba Party - but it will only be a mini-exodus, because as the nominations have proved, he doesn't actually have all that many keen supporters.  But what next?  Will he and his chums abandon independence and throw in their lot with Farage?  Will he set up his own party in the hope Ash Regan will join him in the (highly likely) event that her own leadership bid is unsuccessful?  One thing is for sure - he won't be leaving politics, because he's got his heart set on becoming an MSP.  Apparently he's convinced his family he'll be First Minister one day.  Ahem.


  1. A true shambolic episode in ALBA’s short life. As an employee could he not claim unfair dismissal or go for a negotiated settlement. What is ALBA’s financial position? I don't think they can afford a camper-van for electioneering.

    1. I'd say he looked at the moon once too often.

    2. I find it strange that James is the only blogger writing about Alba. Surely Wings would have an opinion on this. Or Bawheid Bam. Their silence is deafening.

    3. Bawheid Bam - "through a Catalonian prism"

    4. Anon @ 3:10 PM

      To be fair James hasn't written about certain things either, like the attempts to bar Fergus Ewing from standing in 2026, Stephen Flynn's hitlist of sitting MSPs his allies are attempting to force not to seek re-election, the NHS Fife scandal Swinney is making a mess out of etc.

    5. I have actually written about the Fergus Ewing situation, albeit on Twitter, and I said it would be a mistake to bar him from standing. As far as the NHS Fife thing is concerned, I haven't really been following the story closely enough to be able to contribute anything useful, except to say that any comparison Stuart may make to the Battle of Stalingrad is probably not *entirely* warranted.

    6. NHS Fife have taken their lead from the SNP and feel it is ok to try force female members of staff to change in front of men dressed as women in female changing rooms. Simply just wrong and illegal.

    7. Maybe you should read about the situation in NHS Fife, caused by your new buddies in the trans obsessed SNP, rather than this petty drivel about splits in Alba.

  2. Q: If the sacking occurred a while ago why was McEleny DM'ing Alba members on Twitter yesterday asking them to support his bid for Deputy Leader?

  3. “ It was obvious something was in the air last night - senior leadership loyalists had seemingly been asked to pass on evidence of McEleny's desperate tactics to get the necessary number of last-gasp nominations (which were actually proving quite effective).”

    To you? What would be the purpose of that?

    1. There's no point inserting your own words into my sentence and then asking me to justify it!

  4. Just incase anyone was curious:

    Christopher McEleny
    83/100 nominations received
    Across 20/20 Local Authority areas

    Candidate Statement
    Alex Salmond had a dream of an independent Scotland that shall never die. He believed that for that dream to become a reality in the here and now a strong contingent of Alba Party MSPs were required to ensure that the Scottish Parliament kept its focus on the people’s priorities of jobs, health and the economy.
    Next year’s Holyrood election isn’t just crucial for Alba Party’s future - it is crucial for the future of the independence movement.
    The strategy Alex and I were developing to ensure a massive Alba intervention at the next Scottish Parliament election is needed by Scotland and I want to make sure it succeeds. That is why I am running to be the next Depute leader as I am the best placed candidate with the ability to run an election campaign that will deliver the success Alex Salmond knew we could achieve.
    Audentior ibo.

    1. On that trajectory he would have made the nominations threshold. The number is going up quite quickly now, due to him spamming lots of random Alba members by direct message on Twitter and Whatsapp (and doubtless Facebook too, although I haven't specifically heard that).

    2. McLeny. MacAskill and Regan interviewed on Sky News a few minutes ago. Regan said she'd work with Reform.

    3. " Regan said she'd work with Reform."

      I think what she actually said was she'd never enter into a formal agreement with Reform but might work with them on a case by case basis. She has a private members bill re prostitution at the moment, if Reform were currently represented and offered her their support for it, should she really turn it down?

    4. Is that a serious question?

    5. A better question than the answer of yes.

    6. Reform are not currently represented (hallelujah) and she'll lose her seat in 2026.

    7. This blog should be renamed The Moon-howlers Gazette!

  5. What about reports he was about to finish writing the Salmond book?

    1. The Strictly Unauthorised Biography, Mad Dog Edition.

    2. No, it’s authorised from beyond the grave. The telepathic link, remember? Chris remains Salmond’s medium on Earth.

  6. We in Alba deeply regret that Chris McEleny has chosen to personalise this.

  7. McAskill is the power and connections. He'll get what he wants.

  8. Find Out Now, Westminster voting intention, field work 26th Feb, sample population 3,363.
    Headline: RefUK lead Labour by 5% (not a record on Find Out Now’s books)
    Scottish sub-sample (138); Con 12%, Lab 15%, LibDem 11%, RefUK 24%, SNP 31%, Green 7%
    Astonishing result for RefUK, but it is just a micro-sample.

    1. Looks like the subsample was conducted in the Borders, Dumfries and Galloway, and Moray.

  9. Since John Swinney's attack on Nigel Farage's Reform party, it's strange to see Farage's staunchest supporters appear to be Alba supporters

    1. Right wing cranks unite !

    2. I absolutely agree with that….well said anon 5.01!!!

  10. If there's a mini-exodus from Alba does that leave the Corri Nostra and the Tasmanians badly isolated?

    1. You’re a wee devil.

    2. The name “Tasmina” is appreciated for its meaning (“the one who is praised”) and its melodious sound.

    3. Mike Thurston of Thurston Air Handling SolutionsFebruary 27, 2025 at 7:24 PM

      Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh. Plenty in there for anagram lovers. Mean sadist for example.

    4. You need to use all the letters. Clearly not an anagram lover.

    5. Hopefully.....mind you Corri Wilson was hardly an asset...she's as thick as two short planks and barely coherent.

    6. 8:18 pm. You sound nice

    7. Corri Wilson: Crow Sirloin and Crows Roil In. Definitely a theme.

      Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh: A Handsake Times Him, Madame Thins A Sheikh, and A Messiah Thanked Him. The list goes on and on…

  11. Would not surprise me in the slightest, if the entire Alba Party, its membership and followers eventually merge into Reform UK's 'Scottish Branch".
    Led by the Wingnut Wing, of course.............

    1. Kinda proves that Alba always were the revenge party

    2. What the hell is wrong with these people?

    3. No, it proves that Alba took too mush of their DNA from the SNP.

    4. 'All their DNA from the SNP' would be more accurate.

    5. But it’s SALMOND BLOOD, not bloody Swinney’s! Let alone Nicola’s, which is all borrowed from unsuspecting necks, anyways.

    6. Anon at 6.06. You are sounding pretty stupid. Do you not know how DNA works? Ooooft. Eggy eggy face smart arse.

    7. Does this mean Alba are going to be the brown shirts now

    8. Shannon Donoghue can be Blondie.

    9. Wasn't Blondie the name of Hitler's dog?

    10. Blondi, yes. I assume anon 7.39 was well aware of that when comparing to Ms Donoghue.

    11. Cappielow Chris (& The Stooges)February 27, 2025 at 8:54 PM

      I wanna be your dog.

    12. A trail of dog shit kicked off by the ace shitter David Francis.

  12. If deleting a recording of a disciplinary meeting isn't gross misconduct I don't know what is.

    Next on the list:


    1. Shifting a dodgy owner is a lot bigger effort than simply canning a hapless manager. There’d need to be a buy-out.

  13. Come on, you can still do it Chris, you’re THE COMEBACK KID!

    If you can pull it off now, forget deputy leader, you deserve a SAINTHOOD mate! The greatest comeback since the New Testament! Keep the faith.

    1. Up to
      84/100 nominations received
      Across 20/20 Local Authority areas

    2. Indy Scotland’s first First Minister! Only YOU can make it happen, Alba brothers and sisters. Lend him your nomination. For as long as a hundred of us live, and a’ that. The greatest story ever told!

    3. To be pedantic wouldn't it be indy Scotland's first Prime Minister or President?

    4. My sister suggested I should be Kerry Katona in my spare time so I started in March and it's going really well so far. Fingers crossed.

    5. A year ago tomorrow. Respect!

  14. Latest Indy poll by YouGov just out,

    Yes 41%
    No. 50%
    Undecided 9%

    Not great, though a slight improvement on the last YouGov poll.

    1. Where are you getting those numbers from? I've searched Google, Twitter and the YouGov website, and so far drawn a blank.

    2. No such numbers, he's making it up

    3. Anon @ 7-28 Has it James.
      Personally I'm trying to contain my *************about starmers sycophancy with trump.
      He invites the spacehopper to Scotland..........aye?...... dont worry donald PLENTY of JANEY'S pals waitin tae greet ye!

    4. If you try to quote a poll give details date time etc and stop wasting your own time.

    5. what a load of shit

    6. Wouldn’t surprise me if that supposed YouGov poll was posted by a unionist troll. It’s the sort of tricks they get up to

    7. Anon at 5.56pm is probably the resident SGP Britnat KC making up stuff.

  15. This is like the bit in The Usual Suspects when the criminal gang expose the corrupt cops. 'Everybody got it in the ass, from the Chief on down'.

    1. There are a couple of loose ends I'd like to tie up. Nothing important you understand.

  16. James....spineless Starmer is(as I type) tugging the forelock to an American President who no longer considers Europe allies.
    I concur with the Deutsch Chancellor Mertz and go our own way.

  17. Honestly.......who gives a flying fortress about Alba?

    1. Nottingham & St AustellFebruary 27, 2025 at 8:40 PM

      Here's who cares:
      Ann Edmondson
      Agatha Catt
      Jan McWee
      Henry Jesmond
      Angela Westfield
      Rex Nash
      Tanya Goulding
      Arthur Hamill
      Mrs Hamill (but she doesn't say a lot).
      Bobbie Stretcher and Pamela Splash sound like pseudonyms to me and DO NOT COUNT.

    2. Boab's a fine, upstanding fella, what are you on about?

    3. You people keep Reform and your Nasty infected country to yourselves
      Scotland wants no part of you, and by the way all Ukrainians and immigrants living in Scotland hate the sight and sound of you as well
      How do you English nutters manage to piss off the entire world?

    4. FYI Nottingham etc.

      It's actually Rex Harrison not Rex Nash but not the actor but a man with the same name. Get your facts right.

  18. Reform UK are just the latest reincarnation of the National Front and the BNP.

    Farage is just a modern version of John Tyndall and Nick Griffin.

    All are, at their roots, Racist, Fascist Filth.

    Reform UK is partially, probably mainly, funded by Right Wing, Elitist Billionaires/Millionaires and has strong links to Putin's 'Russian Dark Money.'

    Those who front Reform UK, an ex-City Banker and a few Public School Chinless Wonders, have about as much in common with 'normal working people' as Enoch Powell would have had with Nelson Mandela.

    Reform UK should be treated in the UK, in the same way as their favourite German Party, AfD, are treated there - isolated and ostracised in every National Parliament.

    You KNOW it makes sense.

    1. So what would you do with the 20% of Scots who will vote for them?

    2. 20% ? A bit of exaggeration ? And take into account the 100000s of Britnat English settlers, mma perhaps Scotland is no sae bad?

    3. Just fuck off Francis you clown.

    4. Just to please you, Dummy?

      Try again, or get to fuck.

  19. While ALBA continues to have difficulties the picture could not be more difficult for the SNP where John Swinney has done a great job in terms of restoring stability and strength to the party.

    1. Sureness of touch.
      Is he even settling into the rôle, would you say?

    2. Yes he has grown in stature, standing and in sureness of touch.

    3. “ could not be more difficult for the SNP” you cannot even get your pathetic propaganda correct.

  20. Dave Francis has been interfering with himself again. Leave him be and he calms down after a while.

    1. That you again IFS hiding behind anonymous?

    2. Anon numpty at 1.01am - not me. You numpties are obsessed with me. Get yourself a hobby.

  21. SO MANY Anon COWARDS on here, aren't there!

    Creepy, yellow, wee nobodies.

    Treat with the contempt cowards deserve.

    1. David, my 2004 Hyundai Elantra is making an intermittent knocking noise under heavy braking. It had new pads at it's last service so I'm thinking perhaps a fault with the ABS?

    2. Did you think to even check the FLUID levels ya contemptible wee shite? Or did you take a cursory gander at the brake pads and CALLIPERS for signs of MECHANICAL fatigue given the ADVANCED age of your shitey car? Have ye thought of all the winters of salt and grit that have LODGED in there, HARMING the brakes like you harm INDEPENDENCE? That stuff's as CORROSIVE as your ALBA.

      The STATE of this!

    3. David at 1.09am - that is one thing I can agree with you.

    4. David Francis knows all about tired old vehicles which frequently let you down. He's an SNP member, after all.

  22. Is David Francis okay?

    Has he come off his medication and stopped going to those anger management classes? His posts are getting more and more unhinged as time goes on.

    1. You've heard of projection, right? The thing people do when they blame everyone else for their own flaws, instead of facing up to them. It often comes with furious anger, the fury they have with themselves that keeps on burning away inside them, and explodes on contact with some unlucky bugger they meet. BOOM! What was all that about? Oh, you know him, he has *issues*…

      Dunno if Davey's are about feeling betrayed by the unionist SNP he gave his heart to, and how he hates himself for being played along, or just something else entirely. I’m sure he's a bright wee ray of sunshine for those who know him in person.

  23. Ah think the betrayal coupled with the excessive wanking has done it for David Francis.

    1. 7.58 am ... Do you often fantasise about men that way?

  24. 21% of potential voters in the UK would consider voting for the Green Party (YouGov, field work 9 - 10 Feb). How goes that in Scotland? Well, here the figure is 13%. Quite a discrepancy, it’s 22% in England.
    Of course, we’ve experienced the Khmer Vert being in power. Comrade Slater and Pol Pat have poisoned the well.

    1. There's also more choice for left wing voters in Scotland. All right, it's just the SNP, so it's not perfect, but they surely hoover up quite a number of folk who find themselves to the "left" of Starmer, Farage and the Tories.

      I used to pity the English, not having the SNP to vote for, so being stuck with red tories, yellow tories and Tories. Ah, those were the days…

  25. There are Green MPs in England, but I can't imagine Lorna Slater or Patrick Harvie winning a popular vote. Mind you, they are so corporate them might get some ex-Tory votes.

    1. Ex Tories will go to REFUK, peas in a pod.

    2. I would think that quite a few of the very large number of ex-SNP voters have also decided to vote for Reform UK. As if anyone cares. Reform UK are the protest vote in Scotland. The SNP were the protest vote a decade ago but have been part of what gets protested against for a long time, now.

    3. Anon 10.52. Have you not being paying attention? There's v little evidence of SNP voters , former or present , shifting to RUK. Most are coming fr Tories and Labour. Ex SNP voters might continue to sit on their hands though.

    4. Here's James's post on the matter:

      The SNP to Reform voters aren't nothing, but they are only 16% of Reform's current polling: almost half of Reform's supporters voted Tory in the last Holyrood Election.

      That said, those figures show the SNP is Reform's second biggest contributor after the Tories, just ahead of Labour and the Lib Dems *combined*.

      James also analysed the move since 2024's general election. Very few Reform voters (1%) voted for the SNP last summer. So the movement is coming from "the lost half million" who abandoned them last year.

    5. Didn't Patrick Harvie want to cut all ties with the Green Party in England, they weren't radical or pro-trans enough for him!

    6. They actually did. Dunno if the Greens kissed and made up later with the Greens, or are still at totally sensible and not at all frivolous war while the world shifts hard to the right around them.

      Not that their voters notice…

  26. Hold up your hand if you think John Swinney will deliver independence.

    1. Best joke of the week!

    2. I can beat that : Alba will deliver us independence !

    3. Hold up your hand if you ifs is just a britnat in ladies clothing.

    4. Anon troll @12.40pm can’t even get his one line troll correct. These people really are the dumbest.

    5. Last face it, independence won’t ever be delivered!
      It’s over!

    6. Today's entry is a bit limp-wristed. Get some Red White and Blue Great Britishness into her upper lip.

    7. Oh well - not one person saying Swinney will deliver independence. He needs to go and be replaced by someone who actually wants independence if the SNP wants to be treated as a party of independence.

    Annellise Dodds resigns over cut to overseas aid budget.

  28. Update!

    Christopher McEleny
    92/100 nominations received
    Across 20/20 Local Authority areas

  29. ALBA have lost their heartland community council representative area of Westbay Millport on the Isle of Cumbrae to a local farmer.

    A. MacDuff - ALBA party 25 votes down 60
    Frank Mapes - Senior Citizens 20 votes up 2
    Alex Caldwell - Island business man 36 votes up 3
    J. McIntyre - Figgitoch Farm and rural affairs champion 90 votes up 55
    Turnout 86.4%

    1. Excellent news if accurate. No SNP Candidate?

    2. Why doesint Millport have an Immature Citizens candidate?
      It's part of Ayr after all.
      They need to get with the programe.

      And - serious messige - remember that The House Of Wilson has always been four-square behind King Kenny MacAskill.

  30. Is that the farm you pass at a T-junction half-way down the hill towards the beach?
    Some eejit on a tractor almost 'did for me' at that spot last year!

  31. Starmer grovelling before Trump was even worse than Sturgeon grovelling before May and Johnson for a sec 30.
