Thursday, January 16, 2025

THE ALBA FILES, Part 2: The extraordinary story of Chris McEleny's wrathful vendetta against Alba's Dundee branch - a guest post by former Alba parliamentary candidate Heather McLean

Note from James Kelly: Welcome back to Scot Goes Pop's new series of articles "THE ALBA FILES" (before anyone panics, it's only a name), in which I am aiming to put as much information as is realistically possible into the public domain, so that Alba members can make up their own minds about how their party has been run over the last couple of years.  For this second installment, I'm delighted to publish a guest post by Heather McLean, a former Alba NEC member and a former Alba parliamentary candidate in the North-East region.  Under Alba's constitution, she should have automatically become Alba's Women's Convener in early 2023 after Yvonne Ridley was forced to resign (but in the 7598th case of the Alba leadership ignoring their own rule-book, Ash Regan was appointed instead).

*  *  *

This will be the first year since 2012 I haven’t organised a Burns Supper due to resigning from Alba last year. 

When I was first contacted by Alex Salmond to join the party and stand as second to him on the North-East list in 2021 I felt honoured, excited and proud to be part of a new party which would push for Scottish independence, but four years down the line I’m left wondering what happened to all that optimism and enthusiasm, and where it all started to go so badly wrong.

This is an account of my experience and that of some of my friends within the organisation. Things began to unravel in the summer of 2023 leading up to the autumn conference where a new NEC would be chosen and it became clear that certain people for some reason had fallen out of favour and were to be replaced by those that the leadership preferred. 

Presumably people who were owed favours or who would sit quietly at NEC meetings and simply nod through and rubber stamp whatever the leadership decreed. 

First to go was Jacqui Bijster who was accused of currying favour and unfair electioneering simply because as Membership Convenor she sent out a blanket email answering the many enquiries she’d received from members regarding the election process.  

The results of the Convenors elections were set aside at the Glasgow 2023 National conference because apparently the ‘wrong people” won. 

I stood in the election as Women’s Convenor and to this day I do not know the result of that original ballot. It was decided to re-run the convenors election again to be announced at the December National Council and also the NEC ordinary members would be elected during the National Council weekend but by the signed up delegates to the Glasgow 2023 National Conference.

I was elected as ordinary member, and not even 24 hours later I was reported to the Disciplinary Committee for the crime of having "liked"  a tweet by another member who described the incumbent Women’s Convenor as "a shite Women’s Convenor and an Islamist". I was accused by Chris McEleny of racism, given that the dictionary definition of Islamist is - 

"An advocate or supporter of Islamic fundamentalism; a person who advocates increasing the influence of Islamic law in politics and society. A person who believes strongly in Islam, especially one who believes that Islam should influence political systems"

I’m sure that anyone of any race can be an Islamist and that the term itself is actually political and not racist. 

Following a meeting of the Disciplinary Committee I was exonerated, on condition that I unliked the offending tweet. However, I subsequently felt under scrutiny and that my social media was closely monitored by the General Secretary. 

It became apparent to me that Alba has a discriminatory and selective approach to freedom of thought, expression, and the truth, which was not and is still not applied equally.  

At several party meetings, including a Zoom call with the party leader, we had been told that to contest a General Election, a LACU would require a minimum of £5000 in campaigning funds and a campaign team of at least 12 activists.  

When the General Election was announced I applied for vetting as a candidate having stood as a candidate in the Holyrood elections and the council elections for Dundee - the only council where all eight council seats had been contested.  

In previous years I had raised funds for my LACU through various social events and in particular a Dundee Burns Supper which was the source of our main funding.  However, in 2023 I was asked to organise the Alba Party Burns Supper for central party funds and so cancelled the Dundee event, resulting in a shortfall in our anticipated capital needed for any future election campaign. 

As required in the constitution we held our AGM in February, the day before I was leaving for a holiday in Australia. 

It was decided that Dundee would not put up candidates as we didn’t have the necessary £5000 in the kitty, but would concentrate on gathering canvassing data, employ a campaign of “Not My Parliament” and use our activists to campaign for candidates who had a more realistic chance of election like sitting MP, Neale Hanvey over in Fife. 

I arrived in Australia to an email from the General Secretary demanding to know what had happened at the Dundee AGM and who was complicit in the decision taken. 

It was clear that McEleny wanted to know who the culprits were in the decision and expected me to implicate those involved, in particular the role of my friend Eva Comrie, Equalities Convener who oversaw the election of office bearers, and of Allan Petrie and Denise Findlay. 

It seemed to me that he wanted an excuse to reprimand or take punitive action against them. 

I took considerable time out of my holiday to reply in depth about exactly what had transpired, and was not even given the courtesy of a reply until I followed up my email asking Chris McEleny for an acknowledgement. I later learned that Mr McEleny had informed the NEC that I had failed to respond to his email! 

Here follows a transcript of the email I sent to the General Secretary -  

"It’s with great dismay that I’m just catching up with the events unfolding in Dundee. 

My recollection of the AGM which took place just before I left for Melbourne is as follows. Each of the office bearers delivered their reports and I intimated my re election to NEC, that I had campaigned and canvassed in all the by elections with Denise as National Organiser, that I had put myself forward unsuccessfully as Women’s Convenor  and that I had also been vetted by the vetting committee as a potential political candidate. I also indicated that I would be rescheduling the cancelled film event but that would have wait until I returned from Australia at the end of March. 

Each of the office bearers delivered their reports and our Treasurer Ashley gave her report on the financial position regarding our funds. It was agreed that we purchase a pop up gazebo to enable us to have street stalls in the city centre and other locations. 

After the office bearer reports the position was laid out by Allan Petrie, regarding the conditions laid out by Headquarters regarding standing a candidate in each of the Dundee wards. 

The financial position and the HQ requirements for standing a candidate were clearly laid out to the members who attended, a lot of whom are the activists, and they decided that we did not meet the criteria. We have neither the £5000 nor the activist team to cover the city now that the boundaries have almost doubled the constituency nor could we consider the other constituency because it took in Angus LACU and would need agreement from them. 

The decision was therefore made that we were not in any position to stand a candidate.

Given that Dundee would therefore face a choice of SNP Chris Law or a unionist candidate an alternative course of action was put to the meeting by Allan Petrie which was a campaign of spoiling ballot papers under a Not My Parliament slogan. 

The reasoning being that it would encourage people to use their ballot paper who would otherwise stay at home, encourage disenfranchised and disillusioned people to actually make their voice heard and get people on the electoral register for 2026 when the real issue of independence would be decided as articulated by party leader Alex Salmond. 

Denise Findlay asked for assurances that we would undertake to gather the data and voter ID needed for a future Alba Scottish election campaign in 2026. The intention was not to discourage folk from voting but rather that Alba take the moral high ground by refusing to jump on what many Dundonians perceive as the “London Gravy train” and to encourage those people to see Alba as a true independence option in 2026. This assurance was given by everyone at the meeting as we need to increase our potential voter base going forward. 

Allan based his proposal on the responses he and others had been getting from the general public who are disillusioned with politics and political parties of all persuasions in general and now feel disenfranchised and turned off as they feel no one represents them and that the Scottish voice at Westminster continues to be ignored. 

This initiative from Allan took everyone by surprise,  but after a discussion took place during which time Members asked questions,  it was clear that they were in agreement with this argument. It was stressed that we would continue to argue for Alba's voice, and that our voice could only be truly heard in the Scottish Parliament. 

The membership felt that this option was something affordable and within our limited budget and that we could actually get behind it. So that is what was voted for at the meeting.

Once this had been agreed the LACU office bearers were chosen as follows : 

Convenor - Heather McLean 

Secretary - Allan Petrie 

Treasurer  - Ashley Millar 

Organiser - Denise Findlay 

Women’s Officer - Heather McLean (creation of a new post) 

From what I can gather I’m now aware that Allan Petrie has resigned from the party and that Ashley has also since resigned, apparently because someone at headquarters took it upon themselves to report the Alba Dundee Twitter account, as a fake account because Allan Petrie had posted a tweet they objected to. Despite being registered as blind, Ashley has successfully administered the account on behalf of Dundee Alba since 2021 and is understandably upset. 

Surely it would have been less damaging had Ashley been approached directly to delete the tweet rather than take such a drastic step resulting in her resignation. Ashley has apparently resigned in humiliation that her own personal details (email and phone number) are now associated with a blocked account on X. 

I note that your email indicates that the National Organiser is now to oversee the running of Dundee LACU, can I ask if he has been in contact with our LACU organiser Denise Findlay? Surely it would be better to approach and liaise with Denise rather than take such a heavy handed approach? 

From what I can gather the fallout from the meeting might have been handled better, as what has ensued has escalated the situation,  possibly alienating members and in standing a candidate now, against the wishes of the LACU membership couldn’t guarantee support from the activists in the membership.

This is a mess Chris and I am at a loss as to how we row back from it as things seem to be escalating out of control, with what would appear to be a heavy handed approach before I return from Australia at the end of the month. 

So in the meantime I suggest that the only point of contact we have left on the Dundee Exec is our organiser Denise Findlay,  and it would be a good idea for Rob Thomson to get in touch with her and to liaise as to how we move forward."

I found out that our Treasurer Ashley Miller who had ran the social media accounts since the inception of Alba had wrongly been reported to Twitter for impersonation.  There was a tweet Chris had taken exception to, but rather than contact Ashley and ask her to remove the tweet he heavy-handedly reported her to Twitter.  Ashley was embarrassed and had her reputation traduced and she felt she had no alternative other than to resign.  In an act of vicious nastiness McEleny deemed Ashley to be a public resignation, meaning she cannot rejoin Alba without a vote of the NEC.  

The NEC have happily rubber-stamped all the ex-members presented as public resignations by McEleny, whether they publicly announced their resignation or said anything critical of the party.  This is not in accordance with the constitution.  

McEleny did not get in touch with Denise Findlay. I later found out that a secret Zoom meeting was arranged while I was in Australia to which neither Denise nor I were invited, despite being the only remaining office bearers on the committee. The meeting was by invitation only and it was decided that they would override the AGM and hold an extraordinary EGM at which they would revisit the question of Dundee candidates and elect a new committee. So much for party constitution and democracy! 

Denise subsequently tendered her resignation from Alba after being so blatantly snubbed and excluded. 

On my return from Australia I attempted unsuccessfully to find out in the NEC WhatsApp group when the next NEC meeting was to take place and ask for the minutes of the only meeting I’d ever missed to be forwarded to me. 

None were forthcoming and in fact I was removed from the NEC chat group by the administrator.  Again, so much for being a democratically elected member of the NEC, I was effectively excluded from the group chat and the date and details of the meeting kept from me.  

I also received an email from the General Secretary informing me that I had failed vetting, despite having been good enough to stand as a candidate in Scottish Parliament and Council elections. 

Another resignation was Eva Comrie, the Equalities Convenor, who McEleny tried to implicate in the decision of Dundee LACU not to contest the General Election and who I know was put under pressure to appoint a leadership favourite as her Deputy, despite this person never having contributed to the Equalities brief or policy making group. 

The situation became untenable and I no longer felt I wanted to be part of Alba in any capacity so in April I resigned from the party. Here follows the transcript of my resignation. 

"Please consider this email as a formal resignation. I no longer have any respect or faith in the management or values of the Alba Party and I am not prepared to compromise my principles or integrity any longer. 

I have witnessed the targeted bullying, harassment and ostracising of NEC and party members, mainly women and I cannot in all good conscience condone or continue to be a member of a party which displays such contempt or disregard for its members. 

I myself have now come under sustained bullying, harassment and attack from the party leadership. I was duly elected at a quorate fully constituted AGM of Dundee LACU yet following a secret Zoom meeting to which I was neither invited or told about, it was decided that my convenorship would be up for re selection thus unconstitutionally imposing HQ rule on the Dundee LACU. According to the constitution, the position of Women’s Convenor, should have fallen to me when the incumbent resigned, having come second in the ballot but this did not happen and was overruled contrary to due process of the constitution being adhered to. 

On Saturday, I was excluded as a member of NEC from attending the monthly meeting and without warning or consultation I was removed from the NEC WhatsApp group by the party chair. 

I have witnessed the discriminatory and selective approach to freedom of thought, expression and the truth that is not applied equally. 

The unscrupulous misuse and discriminatory manipulation and disregard for the constitution which is applied for expediency and not equally for all concerned. I can give many more egregious examples of intimidating behaviour, unsubstantiated lies and accusations but quite frankly it’s not worth my time or effort. 

I joined Alba because I believe that my country should be independent. I have had a long and successful career in education and am now retired. I did not join Alba as a career move. I left SNP because I believed Alba would be better but disappointingly it has turned out to be much worse. 

I am not in the least surprised at the number of recent resignations given the culture of intimidation which currently exists, mine included. 

Congratulations, you have achieved your aim and prime objective of forcing my resignation as you did with many others, but to what end? 

Please accept this missive as my full and formal resignation from the Alba Party." 

So where does Alba go forward from here? 

With the resignation and departure of McEleny who was a malign influence and law unto himself and the proposed abolition of the General Secretary position within the party, I would hope Alba will take the opportunity to make a fresh start with a new team and leadership at the top of the party and at headquarters.  

I would advise members to question the leadership candidates very carefully as to how they will turn the party into the promised member-led party which adheres to the constitution and to ask what safeguards will be in place to prevent a repeat of the last eighteen months. There is an opportunity to herald in a change for the better with greater democracy where the leadership actually listen to and promote real membership engagement where there’s a genuine will to do so. 


  1. Watching for the usual personal smears and attacks on you both again. That seems to be Alba’s response whenever anyone tells the truth or criticises anything

  2. Totally shocking account of a political party that is meant to be democratic. I voted for Heather for NEC and women’s convener. Who were these people to treat who I democratically elected this way .

    Chris was never elected in Alba to anything .

  3. Election stuff seems inarguably poor conduct from the party. Not worth the hassle. When the people described who hold independence and held Salmond in such high regard end up feeling bullied out, that tells me all I need to know.

    Reading of it here, looks like they really wanted to have candidates in Dundee.

    I can see why. It builds up a core vote in a core city. But can see why, within the rules, the local office decided against it.

    I do think, agreeing and publicising a spoiled ballot strategy is something which needs national approval though and was ill advised if that's how it was.

    All that said, the way they go about discipline is way too heavy handed and is bullying. Wouldn't touch with a bargepole. A quiet word surely would have been enough and a discussion. You're better off out.

    1. the spoiled ballots thing does seem strange but the way they've gone about dealing with it, is worse.

  4. A thorough and full account of appalling treatment and bullying of yourself and others in the Dundee branch.

    I'd be interested to hear what Mr McEleny has to say in defence of his behaviour.

    Surely the party chair should have intervened to protect members and the reputation of the party.

    Alba started with such high hopes, such good will and a convincing electoral strategy.

    It seems to have imploded - and with this example of the behaviour of the 'high heid yins' it's no wonder.

    What a shame.

  5. This blog isn’t about me ! I don’t feature . This is upsetting . I need to be in everyone in the Alba Party Head and those that left heads 24/7 .. give me more attention . Give me more attention.


      My most bountiful benevolence to all of you, my beloved friends, but especially to you, Shannon Donoghue. You have my attention always.

    2. You you behave yourself Shannon or they'll be no pocket money this week!

    3. Moi! Moi! Moi! Moi! Moi!

      "Shannon Donoghue, a straight-talking, unfiltered voice in Scottish politics, proudly identifies as an independent woman with strong opinions on the integrity and conduct within political parties, particularly highlighting her support for the Alba Party and her disdain for petty politics.
      Shannon's been calling out political figures, defending justice, and enjoying holiday vibes. "

    4. Thank you, ChatGPT, but back in the real world, Our Shannon has disdain for petty politics in the same way that Benjamin Netanyahu has disdain for military conqest.

    5. "James Kelly, a pro-independence blogger at 'Scot Goes Pop!', is a former member of Alba who was expelled for speaking his mind, now free to critique the party's authoritarian tendencies.
      James has been diving into chip fat, performing acupuncture on effigies of Somerset & Avon inhabitants, spinning poll results for The National, performing as part of Eurovision hopefuls Shann'n'I, and becoming collateral damage in party leadership dynamics."

    6. Naughty girl Shannon, straight talking, unfiltered shite and independent mummies girl. How I am so proud of your Facebook stealing ways!

  6. What a shambles. Has the “leadership’ got nothing to say?

  7. If Alba merged with Reform UK (Scottish Branch) and Campbell (Wings) joined Badenoch's Tory Party -

    1. Would anyone notice a difference?

    2. Would it have any effect whatsoever, on the Yes Movement?

    Answers on postcards to,

    1. Zulfikar Sheikh, 17 Forth St, Glasgow and

    2. Unionist-Supporting-Pretendy-Wee-Reverend, Somewhere in Bath, Deepest Engerlandshire.

    1. You spend LITERALLY each day making this point. So I presume, at least you would notice.

    2. Notice 'a difference'?


    3. David Francis You spend your time slagging off everybody but your SNP is now a British devolution party. That makes you a unionist.

    4. Anon at 5:29


      So......the fact that I have supported, helped fund, chapped doors and helped get-out-the-vote for the Indy Cause, for over four decades - and also 'converted' about half my extended family to support Scotland's Independence - makes me now 'A Unionist', eh?

      Well - one of us is aff their wee heid.

      Guess which one???

    5. The SNP are not unionist, neither are the Greens or even Alba. It's just lazy and childish to say so.

    6. The last 10 years of hard evidence shows that the SNP is no longer a party of independence. David Francis helps the now devolution party called the SNP infiltrated by unionists. Keep kidding yourself on that people like Swinney/ Sturgeon/ Yousaf are for independence if you want. Just like you kidded yourself on about them delivering indyref2. It’s your choice.

    7. Anon at 6:07.
      Moronic 'opinion:, pal.
      Totally moronic.
      Anon TRASH like you are ten a penny on here.
      Sad to say.......

    8. Anon@6:07,
      Pretty much agree with what you say.
      David Francis response is just ridiculous.


    9. One wee irrelevant Anon agreeing with another wee irrelevant Anon.
      In fact........they may even be the same person.
      Now.......THAT would be 'ridiculous' to most folk.

    10. The fighting between David Francis and the anons here has London very happy.

      Well done guys.

    11. London doesn’t give a toss about gang raped 10 year olds so I very much doubt London gives a shit what ordinary folk think It doesn’t factor into their thoughts. As for what Scots think or say, we don’t even register on their radar.

    12. David, if you called people who didn't share your opinion when out canvassing " totally moronic" with a "moronic opinion" and " trash."
      Perhaps it would have been better for the SNP if you had stayed at home.

      Anon at 8.02pm is correct. We are London' s colony up in the far north as the weather forecasters on the English TV call us. London is never the far South.

    13. Ifs now such an Alf Baird sycophant his colon has been colonised!

    14. Anon 10.17pm - go on then explain what Scotland is currently and has been since 1707. Enlighten me using your wisdom and knowledge.

      PS unlike you tribal/gang followers some people can make up their own mind and do not have to be told what to think.

    15. IFS,

      “We are London’s colony”

      What nonsense.

    16. KC - saying something is just nonsense is not an evidence free argument it is not even an argument. It is an assertion with nothing to back it up and that is your Britnat calling card.

    17. Anon at 10.17pm cannae say what Scotland's status is but is sure it isnae a colony. The sort of snidey one liner that Lomax posts and when challenged is lacking in basic thinking skills and knowledge.

  8. It will be a minor, but nonetheless welcome event when Alba go down the tubes. Not long now. Associate yourself with toxic WOS and Reform and pay the price. Good riddance.

  9. Cullen isn't Scottish.

    1. He's a Martian.

    2. He’s a Mars Bar.

    3. He's Andrew Mar. Privately educated Labour gentleman.

  10. This blog illustrates very well the basic absence of fairness within the Alba Party and, indeed, within all political parties today. It's a situation which has only lasted because of a public perception of 'success'. Now we can see that such 'success' is a mirage. We have an 'independence' party whose leadership is seemingly unable to grasp the concept of self-determination. The pre-devolution SNP had a membership who were politically educated enough to understand the difference between persuading the voters to support them, the process needed to prove majority support and the strategies which would be needed to force Westminster to the negotiating table, to establish an independent state. Mass membership of political parties is not good politics, unless that membership can make these important distinctions. It leaves independence politics without the good sense or power to dispense with party leaderships who are disingenuous and fraudulent. It's a disaster that the SNP is in the grip of devolutionists and a tragedy that the Alba Party is run by the kind of farcical chancers whose stupid self- entitlement is a block to the prospect of any hope of applying political pressure to bear on the nominally nationalist party. Margo McDonald was right - devolution would kill independence.

    1. Anon at 7:11

      'Scottish independence: Devolution 79 - Margo MacDonald'

      'A debate on devolution was held in the Oxford Union ahead of referendums in Scotland and Wales in 1979. The motion was -

      "This house would urge the people of Scotland and Wales to support the government's devolution proposals".

      Margo MacDonald, the deputy leader of the SNP at the time, SUPPORTS the motion.'

    2. 1979 - are people allowed to change their mind? I used to think Sturgeon was brill. Now I know differently. Sturgeon at best was a waste of space at worst a crook or working for Westminster.

    3. She was a Supporter of Devolution a far as I remember.
      Show me where she said 'it would kill Independence'

    4. Anon at 12.31. I agree N S has let us down badly. Crook? Do you not see what the police investigation really is? There will be no prosecutions because there is no crime to prosecute. She was seduced by power and by infiltrators. I am sad and angry but don’t get drawn into the unionist nonsense about criminality. That is simply an extension of the Daily Mail they’re all as bad narrative. It’s to date unproven, and will I believe remain so.

    5. She said it to me. She may also have written it. It didn't stop her wanting to be an MSP

    6. David Francis at 12.49. She said it to me. She may also have written it down. It didn't stop her wanting to be an MSP.

    7. Anon at 4.12am -

      1. Where is the missing £600k? If you are party leader and your husband is Chief Exec you are responsible for any missing funds.
      The auditors who had always audited the SNP accounts resigned and the new auditors stated a qualification to the accounts saying donations were not properly recorded. The purchase of a luxury motor home that sat doing nothing for years.

      2. She instigated a plot to pervert the course of justice by trying to falsely send Salmond to jail.

      Is that upstanding behaviour in your mind? Happens every day does it? The other possibility is that there will be no prosecutions because they were doing essential work for the British state.

  11. I can confirm that the blog by Heather McLean is correct. LACUs were told that, if they wanted to stand candidates at the Westminster election, they had to have £5,000 and 12 activists available. Dundee was probably the most active LACU/ branch of the party. The self-harm and stupidity involved in the party leadership's actions against Dundee members and others fits a pattern of control worthy of Stalin or the DDR.

    1. To an outside observer like me it looks like Stalinism writ large. More than a few very good SNP nembers left the party to join Alex Salmond in Alba and I would hope that those - like James Kelly - who have resigned from Alba will return to the SNP. After reading this latest blog, however, I do not think that McEleny or Ahmed-Sheikh should ever be permitted back into the ranks of the party. I cannot understand how someone with the integrity of Kenny MacAskill can associate himself with them.

  12. Seems to me if McEleny was setting out deliberately to destroy Alba he couldn't do a better job.

    Anyways, imagine a Gourock lad picking a fight with Dundee - Scotland's top YES city. Even though at a disappointing 57% instead of the expected 75%. Next he'll probably be taking on the Port!

    1. That's actually made me stop and think - maybe he HAS been deliberately trying to destroy Alba? What he's done has been remarkably systematic.

    2. Not got the baws to take on the Port.
      Sedentary Strone more in his league.

  13. Except it wasn’t James Kelly whining about anything It was a disenchanted ex Alba member describing the culture of unfairness lack of party democracy and bullying and I missed the part where money was asked for by anyone.

    1. Just for clarity, the above is a response to a comment that's been deleted.

  14. Did you even read the headline where it says "a guest post by former Alba parliamentary candidate Heather McLean"?

  15. The blog is written by Heather McLean. Your reading comprehension is defective.

  16. Every vote for the Alba Party is a wasted vote.

    Important any would be Alba Party voters read James’s Alba Files so that the they are disgusted by that party enough to instead unite behind the SNP.

  17. James...

    I was about to reply to the, now removed, disgusting post about the holocaust.

    I think you should identify the piece of human filth who posted that crap, if you know who it was.

    TOTALLY unacceptable to attack Heather McLean in that repugnant manner!

    1. I've never heard of this hollocast - maybe they should make a film or do a book on it to get a wider audience

      sounds horrible

      the gas bills must be atrocious

    2. Hey James,

      When you get a spare minute, get this ANON WANKER deleted.

      Scraped better from the sole of my boot.


  18. No ifs no buts. Save the date. 19/10/23.

    It seems some people need regular reminding.

    1. Never mind IFS, next year’s Holyrood election will be a “de facto “ referendum 😁

    2. Very funny KC at 12.07am. Better than your usual Nessie stories or just plain nonsense or bullshit comment.

      Looks like I got it correct by voting ISP last summer.

      SNP - crooked nasty authoritarian devolutionist party infiltrated by unionists which has lost about 75,000 members in recent years and vote share down by a third. A party that lied to voters for a decade saying vote for us Indyref2 now saying next to nothing on independence.

      Alba - nasty authoritarian party failing in full view of the electorate that is also losing members.

      Scottish Greens - bampots who are parasites on the independence movement.

    3. Don’t be sad, two out of three ain’t bad.

    4. IFS, unfortunately you've nailed it there. I abstained last year but would've voted Alba if they'd been available - glad they weren't as it's turned out.
      Abstaining from WM election is a lot easier than HR though. SNP are in better shape than a year ago but only because they've stopped shooting themselves in the foot and Labour are doing so badly. There's nothing remotely new or positive about indy being said. Plus, it's a concern that they're just going soft on indy to court a Labour coalition.
      Would that be a red line for James?

    5. I'm not aware of any evidence that the SNP are preparing the ground for a coalition with Labour, except in Stuart Campbell's fevered imaginings. He hasn't had a bee in his bonnet like this since the thing about "there was a deal to be done on indyref2 with Theresa May", which was completely untrue but he's still banging on about it six years later.

      What may happen, though, is a second coalition with the Greens, and that'll be controversial.

    6. Jakey Smelly would have voted Alba and thinks IFS has something sensible to say. Poor wee Jakey.

    7. so, in case you missed it - indy now involves dr who and his fucking time machine

    8. James, given Swinney's (and Forbes's to an extent) propensity to give word salad answers to straight questions I would not be at all surprised if they didn't immediately answer: "No" to the question "Would you consider a coalition with Labour if that meant holding on to power?"

    9. NPS is the party for you, Jakey.

    10. John McBarry,, the Bain principle rules out any coalition between Labour and the SNP.

    11. Remarkable a one liner from Lomax that is neither snidey nor gibberish. It's a miracle again.

    12. Alex Lomax, I'm not sure it does. Different parliament and different political landscape. SNP were in the ascendant at the time of the Bain principle, a party to be feared and controlled by the Unionists. That aura is long gone. I'm sure Labour would be happy to team up with an SNP in a period of managed decline. Keep your enemies close and all that.
      Anyway, the hypothetical question was would the SNP go for it to cling on to power? Honestly, I'd like to think not but can we be sure?

  19. Ifs- “ Looks like I got it correct by voting ISP last summer.” What a joke. Are you on the Edinburgh comedy circuit this year! Tell us whoever are your leaders? Look in the mirror.

    1. Give him credit for being in the running for joke of the year at the Edinburgh Festival. Tragically Idiot for Scotland is as stupid as he seems.

  20. ISP???


    Complete Nonentity.


    Suits some folk very well.

    1. I'd love to get a copy of Alistair Macdonald's record about the Wee Kirkcudbright Centipede. I am going to take photos of the label and send them to the Central Committee members of the Alba Party. Astute readers will know why!

    2. David Francis at 10:10. Have you worked it out? Any other readers spot the clue?

    3. Even Alba laugh at ISP and that's saying something.

    4. Do what comes naturally?

    5. I reckon that the ISP laugh at the SNP

    6. David Francis, have you kicked any asses in your secret SNP branch recently. Do you keep a tally of whose asses you have kicked and when? What have you achieved? Do the asses even know they are being kicked? Is it all in your mind David?

    7. Why is nobody trying to answer the puzzle about the centipede from Kirkcudbright? Too difficult for dimwits and dotards?

  21. Has McEleny departed and resigned?

    1. I strongly suspect it's more a case of him "offering" his resignation, safe in the knowledge that Ash Regan will "refuse" his resignation if she wins the leadership. If you read his announcement carefully, it hinted at that in a not especially subtle way.

    2. Has there been any confirmation yet that Kenny MacAskill will actually seek the Leader position?

    3. McEleny resign? He should be sacked for the damage he’s inflicted on the party

  22. You two Anon Nonenties out of nappies yet? - or is it just one, talking to itself?

    Sad wee tossers.

    1. Deleted now. The writing style was similar to Shannon's this time, but I'll make no further comment on your description...

  23. Surprise surprise some people do not agree with me voting ISP. 😂😂😂

    Still better than voting for a Unionist party.

    1. At the moment I'm in the mood to go ISP 1 & 2. But will I get the chance to cast a single positive vote in 2026? The omens and precedents aren't all that good.

    2. Unlike many, I don't get annoyed at people voting as they do. It's their choice.

      If you're asking for an opinion on it though. I don't think voting ISP usefully takes independence forward any.

      Sadly, I think we're in a bind where SNP are still the vehicle 98% of Yes vote for to demonstrate independence support and it's the only likely way to get any elected.

      Annoyingly that means voting SNP until independence happens which means, if they come up short, they get to run Scotland off the back of enough indy votes. I see no way out of that cul-de-sac.

      They either get 50 plus % of votes and a shift occurs in the minds of Scots' voters on the indpendence topic or they get 30-40% and most likely govern Scotland.

      Wings and a few others might grumble this gives SNP carte blanche while it treads the 30-50% voting numbers, but there isn't an alternative likely to come round anytime soon.

    3. You and about another dozen people ! Indepedence here we come !

  24. No ifs no buts. Save the date 19/10/23

    Seeems like a lot of people need regular reminding.

    1. Nicola’s settling into the rôle of the first President of the Republic of Scotland. We’re on Netanyahu’s finger wagging list, alongside Ireland, and Trump’s threatening to invade his golf courses. Still, it’s our oil now and finally we’re doing things. Life’s good.

      Oh, shit, no, indyref2 never happened!

    2. No IFS? If only.

  25. Vote SNP get the Greens. That will be a great boost to independence - not. More disastrous policies and how will Forbes and Harvie etc get on in the same room. Chaos. Good governance and growing overwhelming support for independence goes out the windae.

    What has been highlighted is that politicians put themselves first, pet policies second, party third, independence nowhere to be seen.

    1. Nor should it be seen! The SG should focus on the important issues.

  26. I can see why you want to cast a sheer focus on the shambles of Alba but they're irrelevant anyway. This blog is the only widely read independence platform that gives it any airtime.

    Alba could have been a failure but at least it could have had wide goodwill, which in future could generate some limited success. Now it's a crooked, nasty failure only. Unneccessary too.

  27. Time to face electoral facts, folks.
    If you support Indy, but give your votes to ANY of the peripheral parties - Alba, ISP etc...... you are simply wasting/flinging your vote away.
    It is almost certain that NONE of those parties will get a single HR Seat in 2026, so it might make some people 'feel good' to cast their ballot for them, but it will, in reality, achieve absolute NO benefit whatsoever.
    What it might do, however, is deplete the vote for the only Pro-Indy Parties who WILL win HR Seats - SNP and Greens.
    Now.......there are those 'Indy Supporters' who would rather that the SNP/Greens were 'taught a lesson' rather than vote for them, irrespective of the effect in the bigger HR Seats/Scotgovt picture (Wanks over Scotland fans being the most prominent) but I would say to them what I have said many times before - in REALITY, we are up against the Unionist Block Vote which will go to ANY Unionist Party best placed to defeat the two main Pro-Indy Parties, area by area.
    Unionist do NOT wring their wee hands and sweat and pontificate about whether THEIR Parties are 'pure enough' for their Cause, or whether those Parties have the best 'plan' to either promote or even maintain their Precious Union. They also do not give one shit about ANY investigations into those Parties, nor any misdemeanours - of ANY description - which they might have committed.
    That Unionist Vote WILL vote for those Unionist Parties, no matter what.
    It is absolutely determined, resolute and ruthless in trying to get what it wants.
    There is no 'split' among Unionists and they will ALWAYS put saving the Union first and foremost on their voting slips, wherever they are.
    If we, on the Pro-Indy side do not continue to match their ruthlessness and determination, and instead, play into their hands by not voting for the only two Pro-Indy Parties which any chance of actually being elected, we really are as dumb as those Unionists believe.
    Please do NOT be dumb in 2026 - Vote for the ONLY Pro-Indy Parties which have the realistic ability to get elected to Holrood, SNP/Greens.
    Anything else will have the Yoons clapping like demented seals.

    1. David, I see you have still not mastered the use of paragraphs. Please note it is not mandatory to start a new paragraph at the start of each sentence.

      Regarding the content of your post I certainly don't think the SNP can be taught a lesson. The loss of approx 75,000 members, vote share down by approx a third and 48 MPs down to 9 MPs and the reaction is to kick independence in to the far off future by waffling about overwhelming support being necessary.

      Overwhelming support is anti democratic and exactly what the Britnats want independence supporters to believe. The SNP has proven itself to be a de facto Britnat party. Your kicking of arses has been ineffective assuming you actually want independence.

      The no vote in 2014 at 55% can hardly be described as overwhelming support for the union but here we are still England's colony.

      David, you should remind yourself that the Holyrood system is ultimately not first past the post it is a form of proportional representation and plenty SNP voters claim you cannae game the system.

      David, you seem to delight in telling people what to do. If it's not James to delete this or that post it is telling others what to do with their vote or go away.Pretty authoritarian stuff with a nasty turn of phrase. Yet there you are criticising Alba people for being the same. Most of these same people were in the SNP like you except when you voted Labour.

    2. As usual, your gibberish changes absolutely NOTHING which is in my previous post.
      If you really are too dumb to realise that, it is your problem not mine.
      You either vote for one of the two main Pro-Indy Parties up here in 2026, or your vote will be totally wasted for the Pro-Indy side and the Yoons WILL be clapping like wee seals - and those Yoons will absolutely LOVE idiots like you, pal.
      You don't even need to feed them fish.....

    3. "Please do NOT be dumb in 2026 - Vote for the ONLY Pro-Indy Parties which have the realistic ability to get elected to Holrood [sic], SNP/Greens."

      And how does that lead to full independent statehood for Scotland?

    4. Have to agree with David on this one.
      I suspect we’re going to see unionists vote tactically in the Holyrood election on a scale never seen before. One of my unionist friends, who’s Labour through and through, says he won’t hesitate to vote Tory, if it’s the best way to keep the SNP out. In his words “ we have to put independence to bed once and for all”.
      I’m afraid this is what we’re up against.

    5. “Have to agree with David on this one.” It’s not wholly a first past the post election. So what is your labour supporting Tory voter doing with the other vote. Your post shows a lack of clarity about how a Holyrood election works. Just like David.

    6. David at 5.27pm your reply is of the same standard of the resident SGP Britnat KC. No counter argument.

      Your approach to get people to vote SNP is vote SNP or I will verbally abuse you. Hope you didn't do this when canvassing. Is this the reason you have not progressed in the SNP. Assuming of course you are in the SNP - KC has already posted on SGP as various fictitious independence supporters.

    7. "Time to face electoral facts, folks."

      Time to create electoral facts. (Wasn't it always?)

    8. I remember for years hearing that a vote for the SNP was a wasted vote.

      If an independence voter doesn't vote SNP, then that is a wasted vote, but only from the SNP's point of view. It's the SNP who have wasted the opportunity of gaining the vote of an independence supporter.

      If independence supporters are telling the SNP that they aren't going to vote for them because they don't believe the SNP are strong enough on independence, then it's up to the SNP to convince them otherwise.

      If the SNP choose not to change tack on independence in response to the loss of independence supporting voters, then the SNP has chosen to lose their votes.

      Independence is about taking responsibility for your own actions. Stop blaming everyone else for the SNP's faults.

    9. John Dumbreck:
      Seldom have I come across such unadulterated ....non-sensical

    10. Drink at 10 in the morning. Disgraceful.

  28. To show their commitment to indy, SNP politicians must refuse to take their wages till independence is achieved.

    Only then can we have confidence that are not carpetbaggers luvving the civil service 28% pension, and their support shall soar.

    Swinney, playing a blinder, should lead the way.

    1. Anon at 3.47pm - yeh baby. You could also add that they should forego their Ministerial limousines as well as expenses.

  29. the greens are a malthusian death cult which wants to see humanity ended, preferrably sodomised to death

  30. Lol.

    Obviously, some DUMMIES are just too fucking DUMB to be saved, as some of the post following mine clearly demonstrate.

  31. Love how we're beyond any positive reasons to vote SNP: If you vote SNP these great things will happen! etc.

    Those days are gone, we're now at the desperation, angry demands & insults stage. Defo a vote winner!

    1. Wrong.
      If you are Pro-Indy, you vote SNP/Green to have ANY chance of getting a Pro-Indy Scotgovt and a Pro-Indy HR Majority.
      You DO actually understand just how important those things really are for The Yes Movement and Scotland, don't you???

    2. "If you are Pro-Indy, you vote SNP/Green to have ANY chance of getting a Pro-Indy Scotgovt and a Pro-Indy HR Majority.
      You DO actually understand just how important those things really are for The Yes Movement and Scotland, don't you???"


    3. NPS is the party for you !

    4. I will talk slowly for you -

      Which other Parties are capable of getting enough Seats to achieve both those things???

    5. You didn't explain how seats in Holyrood are important to the YES Movement and Scotland.

      Try again.

    6. We supposedly have had a pro-indy HR majority since 2021. When's the Constitutional Convention & big indy push happening?

    7. Anon Moron at 5:53 -

      What, exactly, is achievable WITHOUT it?

      You really are a few bricks shy of a hod-load, aintcha??

    8. @Anon at 6:01 PM That's the key question. They can kindly feck off with the carrot dangling at election time.

      Post something of substance, a concrete plan to get behind. Not pleading for the next Parliament to just be a rehash of this one.

    9. "What, exactly, is achievable WITHOUT it?"

      shouts the drunk man at the bar.

      More bluff and bluster, distraction and deflection.

      You're telling people how to vote - explain why.

      Or pipe down.

    10. Who needs Holyrood? Better with Yes marches doon the Royal Miler and a nice picnic in the King's Park afterwards.

    11. 6.13

      You need the seats and votes clearly before anything can happen, surely.

      Okay having the seats by a few and having the votes on the list but not the constituency maybe wasn't quite enough, but it still starts by having them.

      The bluster is yours, you haven't stated a way forward yourself. And there cannot be one without Scots voting for it.

  32. Off out to theatre with the missus now.
    Talk among yerselves, Anon Dummies.


    1. Can't answer questions so just throws out the dummy and away in a huff. Typical SNP supporter.

    2. Just caughr me.
      Wrong, Dummy.
      You sound as if you need help to tie yer shoelaces.
      Have a nice whine.
      Ta ta.

    3. "Off out to theatre"

      I hope the surgeons explained first time around that full frontal lobotomies are irreversible.

  33. We won't be expecting you to report that there are any bad actors.

  34. Sturgeon taking us up the hill without being willing to follow through has riven the movement with doubt.

    However the only way forward is for folk to vote SNP in such numbers as it becomes inarguable that we want to vote again.

    Don't lose sight of what needs to happen. It's not complicated. And if not enough Scots do that, it won't happen and it won't be anyone's fault but our own due to division or being unable to convince our people.

    1. And if you feel John Swinney would also just take us up a hill without being willing to follow-through?

      To get people to vote you need to make them believe that their vote matters and will result in positive change. A lot won't bother if they think things won't change and are fresh out of 'hope'.
