Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Gaza genocide could be a watershed moment in the relationship between the BBC and its viewers - from now on, social media may start to become more trusted than the state broadcaster

With the recent 'generation anniversary' marking the passing of exactly one generation since the independence referendum was held in 2014, I was thinking back to the day after the referendum, when a conspiracy theory went viral on Facebook about the vote having been rigged.  A friend of mine posted it, and we probably all know at least one person who did that - feelings were raw, and a touch of wishful thinking was inevitable.  The story wasn't even mentioned on the BBC, and people probably - and with some justification - saw that as an example of why the mainstream media could be trusted far more than social media.  If an allegation is essentially without foundation, the mainstream media will ignore it, while it'll still be plastered all over social media if enough people want to believe it.

But contrast that incident with what happened the other day, when once again a story was all over social media but ignored by the BBC. For about 24 hours, every third or fourth post I saw on Twitter was a photo of Palestinian civilians being burned to death in a hospital tent by the Israeli military. I didn't watch the BBC that day, but I'm reliably informed that news bulletins didn't mention the story, even in passing.  That wasn't because the story was in any sense a conspiracy theory, or because there was a lack of evidence to confirm what had happened, or because there was any doubt that Israel was responsible for it.  The BBC simply made an editorial decision to ignore the atrocity, and it's extremely hard to see that it could have had any other reasoning than that the image of the Israeli state must be protected.  If any other state's military had burned civilians to death, and if it had been so well documented, it would plainly have been deemed newsworthy and might well even have been the lead headline.  The conclusion people are likely to draw from having been far, far better informed by social media is that the BBC is now less trustworthy than sites like Twitter and Facebook, because it is serving the agenda of a foreign power and acting against the interests of viewers by deliberately withholding important information from them.

This is one reason why the small minority of independence supporters who say "we're sick of hearing about Gaza, let's focus on independence" are so misguided.  Obviously the main reason for not ignoring Gaza is that we're all human beings and you don't turn your eyes away from an ongoing genocide.  But it's also the case that faith in British institutions such as the government and the BBC is being undermined before our eyes by the response to the genocide.  The penny is beginning to drop for many voters, particularly young voters, about how power is exercised in the United Kingdom and in the service of whom.  That process could indirectly lead to Scotland becoming an independent country, or at least prove to be a significant contributory factor.  

We've seen a similar effect before - I have no doubt that the SNP wouldn't have crept over the line for their narrow win in 2007 if trust in the Labour party hadn't been severely eroded by the illegal invasion of Iraq four years earlier.

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  1. Excellent article James. Sadly the IDF carry out atrocities every day. The end result of giving soldiers weapons with no accountability for how they are used. Israel just says they are investigating the matter then you hear no more. The UK now wanting to also pass a law specifically giving the right of special forces to kill civilians. Can you imagine what would have happened in NIreland during the troubles if this law was in place. The British Army killed plenty without this legal protection.

    Israel's attitude seems to be the other side carry out atrocities so it's ok for us to do the same but ours will be bigger and better. The other side are bad monsters but we Israeli's are good monsters.

  2. Novara media on YouTube are great...

    1. Don't let Stuart "Bring Them Home" Campbell hear you say that.

    2. I'm against all hostage taking not just Hamas. You anon at 5.38pm.?

    3. I’m pleased to hear that anon at 9.09pm. You do know that Israel has been taking Palestinian hostages for decades. The families of hostages whether they be Israeli or Palestinian suffer greatly but the UK media only mention Israeli hostages. Hardly seeing things from both sides is it.

    4. As someone who agrees Israel needs to deoccupy Palestine and stop all this, I find it equally appalling the number of people who seek to play down what happened on Oct 7th and beyond and literally never look at it from an Israeli perspective.

  3. Nice one James. Concentrating on any one issue while ignoring others is blinkered politics.
    We need to have priorities but not self inflicted blindness. The roles of unofficial censorship in the media and covert political actions by security services need to be exposed and can lead, for many, to seeing the power plays of our oppressors and exploiters on a wider range of issues including self determination for Scotland.

  4. Even as someone who tries not to follow the daily murders in Gaza for my own mental health's sake, I fully agree with your analysis James.

    Scots wont stop Israel. Scots won't even stop Britain helping Israel. But Israel might just wake up Scots to how Britain is misleading us.

  5. Shocking but nothing new with the BBC. Check out RTE for more information on the world and the UK. There is little news on the BBC I think they find it easier that way.

    1. I agree. Watching RTE while in Dublin the other week is eye-opening. Their PM and govt are unequivocal in their condemnation of Israel's behaviour having stepped well beyond defence into retribution.

  6. You have to laugh at the hypocrisy/ignorance of Britnats who try to paint Scottish independence as bad blood and soil nationalism. Most of them are the same people who support the state of Israel - a state 100% founded on blood and soil nationalism. Israel presumably is good blood and soil nationalism according to the Britnats.

    It's a sign of colonialism that everything Scottish is bad according to the Britnats. Even Britnats who see themselves as Scottish Britnats slagg of the country of their birth and have been conditioned to think England is better.

    1. IfS is richt . An they mak us a' spik their leid tae. Scots is slang!

    2. Fortunately, this colonial conditioning isn't getting through to the young folk who will increasingly be the future.

      Empire: you really had to be there.

    3. Desperate Dan at 5.17pm - can't say I ever read you posting anything good about being Scottish. So I'm thinking of you. Let's hear you praising Scots and Scotland. Don't take too long now or people will think you are struggling. I can see the title of your long post - Why being Scottish is being great. By the Britnat Desperate Dan 🤣🤣

    4. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣KC/ Desperate Dan - proves my point in record time. He cannae think of anything or it annoys him to praise Scotland and Scots. An ever shrinking number of Scottish people have been colonised and they are full of the cringe. That's you.

      I told you already the census showed you are in the tiny minority. I guess the cringe allows you to blank that inconvenient fact. You just keep lying to yourself KC if that makes you happy.

    5. Aw diddums 😢😢😢😢😢😢James has deleted your post KC. Desperate stuff for desperate Dan. I guess he disnae like you posting the same old rubbish time after time. 😢😢😢😢 Cry me a river KC. The younger generation ain't interested in all that Churchill, spitfire, empire stuff. The UK is the dirty fag end of a dying Empire that should have been gone a long time ago for all the good it did throughout the world.

    6. What a sad wee man you are ifs (with the emphasis on WEE).

    7. Desperate Dan stuff from KC at 6.40pm - first of all that is a blatant lie that support for independence never gets above 50%. So your question is redundant. You really are a bit of a Britnat numpty. So James deletes your post and you immediately come back with a new post containing a blatant lie. Can't say I blame James for deleting your posts.

    8. It's got to be Lomax the king of the WEE snidey one line posts demonstrating his WEE mind again at 6.58pm.

    9. Keep spouting the bull IFS.

    10. Awa, anon ya chump.

  7. The BBC has been regarded by many, myself included, as a biased unreliable news organisation for several decades. However, the idea of social media being a trusted source of news is a frightening one. Look at the speculation, lies and disinformation posted here, and this is no where near the extreme end of social media.

    1. Anon at 6.54pm I do my best to counter all the lies and disinformation posted on SGP. How about you helping out rather than moaning about it.

    2. the BBC is the world's most notorious and pernicious lie factory

    3. And right on cue.

    4. The Beeb is the most trusted one, at any rate. That’s what makes it dangerous.

    5. ITV News is good.

  8. Ed milliband on STV today talking about Grangemouth closing. The guy got an easy ride. If we had a decent media rather than the biased Britnat media he would have been asked about his infamous vow from 2014. Contrast that with Gillian Martin SNP who immediately was aggressively asked what are you going to do about it.

    John REDACTOR MAN Swinney should have put his foot down at the Smith Commision for broadcasting to be devolved. But he is not for independence so he didn't.

    1. “But he is not for independence “

      Just like the majority of the country.

    2. Take it to a referendum then, KC.

      You’re feart because Scotland will win, not you.

    3. Independence is just pie in the sky nonsense.

    4. Then why your obsessive fear?

      Beat us in a referendum. Bury it for good. Go on, get behind indyref2. We are up for it. Are you?

  9. I tend to go to the BBC for the main news and the local newspaper for what's going on more locally in my town.

    1. Then you’re very well informed of peaceful Israel’s one-year anniversary of mourning, and you’ve heard fuck all about all the killing they’re up to all day, every day since.

  10. I've been calling the WGD posters below the line numpties for many years now. No longer - they are a bunch of despicable shits.

    They have the gall to argue/discuss about 'Alex's ' funeral arrangements as if he was their friend and they never took their cue from that charlatan Kavanagh who made all the usual Britnat style smears and innuendos going about Salmond and these shits followed on, particularly Dr Jim.

    The poster tatu3 who supports Israel's death and destruction spree actually posts that :- " I've never liked injustice" Well the killing of thousands of defenceless children sits easy with you but I guess in tatu3 world that is not an injustice.

    Tatu3 says she had a boss who was very 'handsy' and then goes on to say this about Salmond.

    " So I am sorry he has died, but I do think there are too many fawning over him and what a great man he was, and talk of a state funeral! He may not have been found guilty of any sexual charges in a court but he did admit to " sleepy cuddles " - gross and being " handsy" - just wrong. He was a man who abused his power ( like so many do sadly) and should not, imo, be made a hero"

    First point - tatu3 claims she is against injustice but completely dismisses the fact that Salmond won both his court cases and condemns him with her lies. Justice to tatu3 is her opinion not the courts of law. There were no sleepy cuddles - just one - as if that is some great wrong - its gross she says. Murdering women and children in the Middle East isnae a problem but a sleepy cuddle is to be condemned. Another lie is he admitted to being handsy - he did not. Tatu3 says he abused his power - the people who abused their power are Sturgeon's gang.

    Tatu3 is clearly projecting her feeling of injustice about her boss on to Salmond.

    Kavanagh says Salmond is a flawed but great man. Kavanagh is just a flawed man. He knew that Sturgeon was behind Salmond's persecution but decided to pillor Salmond and support Sturgeon. Only he knows his reasons why but it can be easily guessed.

    Despicable shits the lot of them on WGD.

  11. So that's you posting something good about Scotland and Scots is it KC.

    1. Aw - James has deleted you again. You really are a bit of a Britnat whackamole KC.

  12. I saw a report on the website about bombings. I don't understand this post if I'm honest. The reports were there? It was even the top news for a moment but we're not Israel or Palestine. News has its hierarchy. It was reported.

  13. Good to see Hamas leadership dead though. A block to peace. They do need to he toppled.

    1. Who the f*** celebrates deaths?

    2. The guy orchestrated hamas killing and murdering innocents. No tear shed.

    3. Would you celebrate the death of Benjamin Netanyahu? He's killed far more than any Hamas leader.

    4. Celebrate it? No. But I wouldn't shed a tear. Or play what about this other evil person, no. what are you expecting here? A vigil for a guy who planned an attack on innocent festival goers? Have a walk on grass

    5. I suppose what I'm expecting here is that you behave like a normal functioning human being and don't celebrate death. That's where we came in.

    6. Only you have mentioned celebration. Something can be good without a celebration. Hitler dying was good. He was also human. Revealing you're first thought about a mass terrorist dying is not about his victims. I side with the innocents on all sides.

    7. Wonder what functioning human beings are meant to think about a guy who orchestrated the killing of innocent grannies and unsrmed teenagers in face to face cold blood? I'd say no tear shed they're not breathing.

    8. Ah. A hang 'em flog 'em refugee from 1946. Society has grown up since then even if you haven't. Death is not "good".

    9. Someone like that being gone is a good thing to good people. Obviously. Who knows what goes on in your murderer loving brain to then claim death is not good. It's you mourning a killer by the looks of it

    10. The grotesque idea that regretting death is shameful is what normalises genocide in the first place. You are the problem, my friend.

    11. Shilling for a granny killer. No matter how many whiskys down is shameful.

  14. Crazy Scottish sub-sample from JLP. UK sample population 2,000, field work 11 - 13 Oct.
    Con 25%, Lab 16%, LibDem 14%, RefUK 15%, SNP 24%.
    Given minuscule size of sub-sample, nothing to be inferred other than, RefUK appear to be a force to contend with for 2026, and Labour are well and truly fecked.

  15. I’m someone who’s undecided on the independence issue. I voted No in 2014, however I’ve become increasingly disillusioned with Westminster in recent years. Brexit was a disaster for Britain, the Tories went from bad to worse, now we have Starmer and Labour, who promised much while in opposition, looking like they might be no better. It’s quite depressing, and for the first time ever, I’m starting to wonder if we could be any worse off independent.
    The problem I have is the SNP haven’t been good in government in recent years, in fact some would say that’s an understatement. They need to improve significantly and provide good governance to really convince me about independence. The other problem too, of course, is that they’ve never really been able to address the important issues regarding independence in a positive way, things like currency and the border with England just a couple of examples. If they were able to do that then they’d get a lot of undecideds like me on board.

    1. Correct. The lack of work on these issues by every Scotgov under Sturgeon, Yousaf and now Swinney is just as suspect to many of us firmly Yes. Since Salmond, the SNP just isn’t walking the walk.
