Thursday, September 12, 2024

Not many people can claim to have been bullied by a former hostage of the Taliban, so there's always that

I know I said last night that I hoped not to post any further about Alba internal politics for a while, but the situation keeps escalating and escalating, and the intimidation is getting so direct and blatant now that it's almost entering into the realms of the downright comical.

This morning I received yet another direct message on Twitter from Yvonne Ridley - I no longer see much point in protecting her identity.  She was once again gloating and taunting me at great length about the fact that she claims to have inside knowledge that a decision has been taken to expel me from the Alba Party.  Her implication is that there are trumped-up charges about a breach of confidentiality rules (an allegation that I have already addressed and shown to be without foundation).

There are only really two possibilities here.  One is that Ridley is a Walter Mitty style fantasist and that none of this is true.  I take that possibility extremely seriously given what others have told me about Ridley's past behaviour.

The second possibility is that Ridley is telling the truth, but that would by definition mean the independence of Alba's disciplinary processes are a sham, because no hearings have been held, and I have heard nothing about an expulsion except from Ridley and her own boasts.

Over to you, Alba.  I await with keen interest to discover whether Ridley is telling the truth or lying.  I'm going to work on the firm assumption that it's the latter, and that Alba's internal procedures and commitment to due process are not some sort of window dressing for a Mickey Mouse organisation in which vindictive bullies wield arbitrary power. But if by any chance she's telling the truth, there will be very serious implications, and those implications will not just be for me personally.

And one final but important point.  Here is an example of the low quality of what passes for Ridley's bullying attempts - 

"If you want to elevate your wee blog, why don't you do a story on the Aye App."

Hilarious, Yvonne, hilarious.  Who needs the Morecambe and Wise Christmas special.  

I was completely oblivious to the point she was trying to make with that "joke" for about thirty minutes, and then it suddenly hit me between the eyes.  I am currently an elected member of Alba's Disciplinary Committee, and it was her little way of indirectly telling me that she knew all the details of one of the committee's hearings from earlier this year, and that she knew how I voted in that hearing.  The Disciplinary Committee is bound by confidentiality rules, and unlike the unknown person who seems to have briefed Ridley, I abide by those rules, so I will be saying nothing about it.  But if my interpretation of her little dig is correct, and I'm 99% sure that it is, it's revealing of something downright sinister.  Something appears to be seriously amiss in the upper reaches of Alba, and if the party is to emerge blinking into the light with a bright electoral future, there will have to be radical change.

Incidentally, to the very limited extent that I know Ridley, I was previously on good terms with her and had interviewed her twice for this blog's podcast.  So she has no reason for a personal grudge against me, and I suspect the motivation for her bile is that she thinks it will please the powers-that-be.  Perhaps she's hoping to be a list MSP.  I'm not sure there's anything much worse in life than the sidekick to the school bully who is only doing it because she wants to be liked by the 'in crowd'.


  1. James, if what Mrs Geordie say`s is true their is serious problems within the party which has slowly crept in over the past year " the NEC election comes to mind". As is said power corrupts, Left the party a few weeks ago.

  2. Who is Ridley in reality? Has she broken ALBA’s code of conduct between members. The silence from the Secretary and senior party members (use the term loosely) is deafening.

  3. Once they achieved to get to 5%, 2% would be a success — if this goes on they will achieve the heights of 1% if a few voters put their vote in the wrong place

  4. Deeply depressing. Alba would do us all a favour if it just went away, taking AS and his acolytes with them.

  5. I don't have much sympathy for Taliban ex-hostages. The vast majority of them became Taliban hostages by going into Afghanistan. FAFO principle.

    1. I'm not in any in-crowd so I don't get the in-jokes and haven't a clue who has been a Taleban hostage.

    2. He names her in the article have a google

    3. Thanks. I saw the name but didn't reckon she was worth googling.

  6. I'm sick of Alba members calling me a racist. One is Kenny McAskills wife, and the other just yesterday is Christine Cameron. Ive now submitted a report to Police Scotland as this could well affect my future opportunities.
    This came about after the internal elections where Chris McElecny said the reasons the results would not be published was due to some being embarrassed by their results. I asked those in the top positions, and others, to reveal their results as there is no embarrassment in coming 1st. This has brought on accusations of racism and im not taking it anymore. Theyll come for you James. Its what they do.

    1. I think generally it's your own social media that employers would check, rather than some sassy unknown. But if you refer to it, then it's findable, if you see what I mean. I found it by looking you up. You're not responsible for what others tweet.

  7. There isn’t an “in crowd”. It is a clique and as a founder member who left I receive abuse from the attack dogs every time I point that out. I will vote ISP which is the only Party in which the Members have a say!

    1. The main issue with ISP though is despite forming before Alba they've flown so far under the radar most people probably aren't aware of their existence.

  8. You're doing the right thing, and it's a discredit to them that they're attacking you for doing it. It's also a strong indictment of the leadership that they don't condemn that sort of behaviour.

    On a lighter note:

    "Down with that sort of thing" :-)

  9. Man, the whole independence movement is cracking to bits. What is wrong with people? Have they forgotten what politics is actually about?

    1. Alba has never been in politics or the independence movement,
      it's just Salmond's weapon against the SNP and that horrible woman that refused to bail him out of trouble when he got caught doing to other women what he tried on her

    2. Did you miss the trial where he was acquitted on all charges, the Scottish Government was forced to give Salmond money because their investigation was tainted hy bias and there's a current ongoing legal case that should be quite revealing?

    3. Did you miss the bit where he admitted to appalling behaviour towards women, or the bit where his own legal representative called him out as a sex pest? Get real.

    4. It’s Dr Jim again at 8.14pm. Aye you are right Sturgeon is a horrible women. She betrayed her pal Cunningham, betrayed Salmond and betrayed Scotland. Not to mention she is being investigated by the police for embezzlement of independence supporters monies and her husband has been charged with embezzlement.

    5. A lot of that "appalling behaviour" was things like pinging somebody’s hair, brushing the hair from the cheek of a civil servant, a fully-clothed “cuddle” whilst drunk etc.

      It would be laughable how ludicrous the whole thing was if he wasn't put through the ordeal of a full criminal trial facing the possibility of prison time.

      Most of the "victims" were pressured into filing complaints to add on top of a falsified rape claim. Despite everything that happened not one person has been held accountable for the whole affair. Hopefully the current legal action changes that as the full truth deserves the light of day.

    6. Also worth noting the two FM's after Salmond: One is currently involved in an active embezzlement investigation who's husband (and former CEO) has been charged and the one after that had a full blown affair on his wife with a staffer and he worked his magic to get her a Councillor nomination after she had previously failed vetting.

      I'd call both of those things appalling.

    7. Anon @9.02pm- get real
      yourself and stop posting smears. The bits I missed were Sturgeon acting with honesty and integrity. The bits I didn’t miss were Sturgeon plotting to send an innocent man to
      jail. She failed but continued with her lies. Unforgivable actions.

    8. Sturgeon controls everything right, the police,the crown office, the procurators fiscal, the lawyers, the UK government, God
      You Salmond followers must be on drugs

    9. It seems that people like anon @1.10am just have to brand people who know the truth about Sturgeon’s plot as “ Salmond followers”. They cannot accept that some people will not accept criminal actions by politicians no matter what party they hail from. It’s that simple.

    10. Anon at 1.10. That was certainly the narrative being pushed by Campbell, by Alba, by A S’s blind followers and by a good number on here. IFS was a multiple poster making such claims. Then the police parked tents outside a certain house and there was a sudden silence. The narrative was exposed for the nonsense it was. Now N S is a fraudster and well done the polis. Yes the same polis she had in her pocket. Has donned on t

    11. Amon @9.30am - you are obsessed with IFS. You can’t make a point without dragging IFS into it even when IFS didn’t say what you claim.

    12. Hopefully the current legal case Salmond lodged with the Court of Session alleging misfeasance - the wrongful exercise of lawful authority - by civil servants will finally reveal the truth.

      Whether or not you like him he is right when he says "not one single person has been held accountable" for the botched handling of the harassment inquiry, which he said a Court of Session judge described as unlawful, unfair and tainted by apparent bias.

      There are several questions left unanswered and if we're interested in the full truth they really need to be before everyone involved can move on.

    13. What if Salmond loses this case ? Isn’t that him and Alba finished ?

    14. "What if Salmond loses this case"

      Well there's been a few already and he hasn't lost one yet!

    15. "not one single person has been held accountable" in Alba for the botched elections last year

  10. I've been unhappy about Alba Party since the election results were nullified and no acceptable (to me) explanation offered. I am still a member but my membership is hanging by a thread. I am not active in the party so do not know many members. However, I trust James Kelly's reporting and will be paying attention to any developments.

  11. Bad temper , bullying seems to be rife in all walks of life and all around us nooadays . Society seems to be falling apart. We need independence quick.

  12. You mean one who exhibits realism as opposed to blind loyalty. The latter may please the leadership but does nothing for the cause.

  13. Alba talks more about the SNP than independence, does that not tell you something

    1. Might be because 10 years on we're in a considerably worse position now than we were then. Golden opportunities have been squandered and we're now facing a realistic prospect of a unionist Government at Holyrood.

      It's quite right to focus on the SNP as they're the ones who have fucked it.

    2. Also instead of focusing on independence their latest bright idea is to look into banning alcohol-branded pint glasses, umbrellas and t-shirts in a bid to tackle booze deaths.

      Instead of running a competent Government we're a laughing stock.

    3. It tells me you are Dr Jim
      and I claim the prize of a motorhome.

  14. Anon at 7.40. You are part of the problem if that is what you think.

    1. I take it anon at 7.40 has been removed?

  15. Replies
    1. Silly boy. It’s quite easy. I certainly know. Must pay more attention. 50 Lines.

  16. white, western, female converts to islam are by definition unhinged - her brain is full of broken bottles

    this is all getting very "peoples front of judea"

    - you should hit her with your shoe and demand where is her husband, father, brother; call her a "whore" for daring to speak to you

    islam has rules, its not a la carte you know

    I bet the taliban wanted damn well shot of her

    1. 😊 first time I've ever felt sorry for the Taliban. Sinead O'connor sounds rational in comparison to this kook!

    2. I think it comes from the feminism being blown out as nonsense - you need to find something to believe in, so you bounce over to the opposite end, start wearing a headscarf and self gaslight about how women and girls are more protected and respected in islam than in the west and things like - infibulation - are just some misinterpretations of the koran

  17. Is everybody DrJim?

    1. Has KC morphed into Dr Jim?

    2. "Is everybody DrJim?"

      I think just the people who post in the unmistakable style of Dr Jim, which he's apparently incapable of varying.

  18. I'm not normally one to quote Maya Angelou, but when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
    So many red flags here. Time to GTF out of there.

  19. So if you don’t want a unionist Holyrood I suggest you support and canvas for a SNP win. If not, then you will allow the thing you say you don’t want to happen.
    It is not a tough choice if you don’t want labour, Lib Dem’s, and tories in.
    As for ALBA’s woes that is their fault , not the past FM’s but the leadership of ALBA.

    1. I want an Independent Holyrood. No credible party is standing for that. What do I do? My nose is sore from holding it so long.

    2. The SNP are a bit rubbish. Still, if you think that they have no interest in independence at all then we would have to ask why Unionists clearly want Labour to win in 2026.

    3. Flyboy,
      To answer your question, a lot of people want Labour to win in 2026 because the SNP have been an absolute disgrace in government in recent years.

    4. It doesn't help matters when the SNP don't appear to be prioritising independence or are outright calling for it to be put on the back burner.

      With independence not being an active issue it's not surprising that the electorate aren't factoring it into their decision on who they're going to vote for.

    5. "To answer your question, a lot of people want Labour to win in 2026 because the SNP have been an absolute disgrace in government in recent years."

      I'm not talking about "a lot of people". I'm asking why, if "no credible party" is standing for independence, people for whom the continuation of the UK is the most important issue (sometimes the only issue) are so obviously keen for the SNP to lose. You think it's because they expect Labour to do a better job with the ferries?

  20. I see another of Sturgeon’s pet projects has turned to shit. Putting a trans women in charge of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre was never going to go well. This branch of Rape Crisis Scotland run by Sandy Brindley, mouthpiece for the alphabetty liars and funded by the Scot Government was found to leave rape victims ( the genuine type not the fake Sturgeon sponsored ones) more traumatised after visiting this centre.

    1. The ordinary gadgie in the street knows it is a bad idea to have a man running a rape crisis centre. But the nats are so thick and corrupt that they allowed this to happen.

      These deviants actually expect us to vote for them and run and Indy Scotland!!

    2. Anon@9:34,
      I know, it dosen’t bare thinking about, these people running an independent Scotland. They couldn’t run a bath.

    3. Who appointed the person? Always blaming Sturgeon. Move on guys/guyesses , she has.

    4. Plenty people still blame Thatcher after decades. So anon you are wrong.

    5. Anon 1.14pm - Moving on by writing a memoir book saying how right she was.

  21. based on what ive read here it does sound like poor conduct from a committe member that deserves scrutiny and discipline. Yvonne sending direct messages in this way is childlike.

    I would also say though that democratisation of a party which is so small may attract people who could win who are simply unsuitable for the job they have been elected for, either for basic temprament or simply because they put themselves forward in a tiny party, they are bound to get elected at some point to some committee of something or other. It's possible there is a bit of three sides to this story.

    1. If you're opposed to the democratisation of small parties, I suspect you're going to be in luck, because of the three pro-reform candidates elected to the Constitution Review Group in January, two are no longer there. One was effectively forced out of the party altogether, and I was directly removed from my position (even though the constitution does not give the leadership the power do that).

    2. Member of Constitution Review group unconstitutionally removed from Constitution Review Group. You couldn't make this shit up

    3. Correct, it's obviously not right and the behaviour supercedes any other worries about rights and wrongs of "democritician". That said i still think my other point stands.

    4. I’m currently an Alba member. The people the leadership gerrymandered out of the office bearer jobs were good at their job
      When Denise Findlay was Organiser There was frequent wee Alba book events, and big groups of campaigners
      Now nothing
      Just this show put on by the media company for cash
      There are two by elections with the candidates just left to get on with it

      Eva was writing policy, and speaking at events and Jacqui Bijster as membership was helpful and responsive

  22. Is Black Friday racist?

    1. Anon at 12:09 pm ... why do you ask?

  23. Yon Ridley is a complete nut job. Seems to be big on anti semetism and won’t be too keen on homosexuals either I imagine. Just the sort of person we want to have running Scotland.

    1. Even before she showed me her true colours over the last 48 hours, one thing that really puzzled me about her was the incident a few months ago when she started talking like a trans activist, and ended up offending so many people that she was forced to stand down as Women's Convener. I know from having interviewed her twice that she has gender critical views, and those views sounded genuine, so why having become an elected official in a gender critical party would she suddenly become a born again trans activist? It was almost as if she became confused about which party she was in, and started reading from the wrong propaganda script, and was baffled when no-one patted her on the back for it!

  24. Had ALBA provided any statement

  25. Anyone going to the Wings event tomorrow? Looks like a good line up of speakers.

    1. Presumably they're going.

    2. Rather revealing to call it "the Wings event"! It's supposed to be an Alba or "non-SNP indy" event at which Campbell is a guest speaker. But yes, maybe in truth it is a "Wings event".

    3. I suppose its more an Alba event than a Wings event? In any case, agree it looks good, but I am busy so sadly can't go.

    4. It’s a Sláinte media show. Slainte is the personal company of Salmond and Skeikh, not Alba. Slainte makes the Salmond show too.

    5. Laughable that anyone would go and listen to this shower of mock Indy grifters. Campbell needs help, not another platform. A S has no credibility and Alba has just been laid bare by a trustworthy blogger, not to mention office holder. The British state has done its job well so far as the parties of Indy go.

  26. campbell going- no chance

  27. Looks like a good line up for the ALBA w ent with the likes of Canavan, Cherry and Ponsonby. It's a pity it's held at the other end of the country but it would be good if it was on YouTube or something - although to be honest if I was in the central belt I still wouldn't pay to hear people say stuff that I already know.

    1. YouTube would be an apt platform.

  28. Alba's internal machinations should not be a point of contention.

    It seems to me, the Secretary is creating a contention for no obvious reason, out of sheer spite, in public, or, is attempting to shut down illegitimate debate by insatiable moaners.

    I find James' writing of interest and worthy of debate. I do think his style gives off a sense of brittleness at being challenged at times (sorry being honest) but on the whole the points made are worthy ones for debate (if the way they are then debated in the comments leaves a little to be desired).

    To voters Alba is Alex Salmond (mainly), Kenny McAskill, Ash Regan and Neale Hanvey. I find it hard to strange they would countenance reprimands for no reason. Like what would there be to be frightened of? Even if you democratise the party (an issue which has bonsues and negatives) you're still going to have the above as the top (and likely) winners of any seats won. So it's not about seats. Policy? why get hot under the collar about policies Alba will not be implementing or pushing for anyway? Indendendence is what people are voting for, for Alba, and perhaps better Energy policy (oil) and Women's rights. These are all fairly set in stone and unlikely to change so what is it people are getting argumentative about specifically?

    Is it how many seats to go for? At Holyrood that debates easy. All the regions. At Westminster that's not for donkees so cross that bridge when the time comes. I don't understand what people can be arguing about.. like the actual specifics I mean in a political party with a straightforward and simple pitch.


    1. That’s the strangest thing, there is no ideological or strategic split in Alba. The nearest thing to a policy split is the Freeport guy who joined in March.

      It is more about top down absolute control of everything.

      Tasmina has absolute control of Salmond and she wants to keep it that way. But she’s insecure and narcissistic so no good at managing a party. Chris McEleny is just not up to the job but loves the power he has over people and is petty and nasty.

      Salmond is damaged by his experiences in the SNP. He is unhealthy, very over weight and angry

      The three of them are a very bad combination and they are destroying the Party

      Add to that the number of vicious Alba member accounts on X

      And Alba is an embarrassing mess

    2. Your first sentence destroys any credibility that may otherwise be given to your further comments. Is Democracy really that unimportant to you? It is to Alba.

    3. Alex Salmond is the only democracy you're going to get in his gang
      Do ya wanna be in his gang his gang his gang?

    4. "All the regions" overlooks the fact that all parties regardless of size have to prioritise where to allocate campaigning resources... and where to not bother.

      South Scotland and the Highlands/Islands are expensive campaigning areas because of their size and low population density. NE and Lothian are going to suck up the lion's share, because of Salmond and Regan's profiles. Glasgow and Central Scotland are next up because they're the densest regions - you get more bang for your buck from local campaigns.

      A strategist might cut back in West Scotland and Mid Scotland as well as the South and Highlands in order to improve their chances of winning a seat in the other four.

      Obviously, the people who'd be standing for those seats respectively are going to disagree with each other about how the Alba campaigning pie should be sliced up and spent.

      This is why internal affairs in the Alba party are so merciless. Everything is revolving around those four to eight spots and the candidates who intend to fill them.

    5. I can tell you the Alba candidates that will top the various lists and let’s face it they are the only ones likely (not very) to get elected

      North East - Salmond
      Highlands - Steve Freeports Chisholm
      West - McEleny
      Glasgow - Tasmina Ahmed Sheik
      South - Christina Hendry (Salmond’s niece)
      Lothians - Ash Regan ( if she stands she might not )
      Mid Scotland & Fife - Neale Hanvey
      Central - Josh Robertson

    6. Hi,

      Well yes of course you would concentrate on. NE, Edinburgh and then Glasgow as you describe. Again that seems to obvious it's beyond dispute. I see no tangible reasons for specific argument on that front.

      As to the other note about my first sentence. It proves the point. I don't see what there is to be fundamentally arguing about, whether democratic or no. The basics of the party, are relatively obvious.


    7. Whether democratic or not? Sorry but that is the problem.

  29. Sounds more like a micro-monarchy with a cloak of faux democracy than a political party.

    1. Mike Hanna is just too weak to take charge.

    2. Nice wee fund raiser ?

  30. Yoon here (and occasional troll) but I believe you are a genuinely decent person James and that’s just shite. The sooner Alba disappear into oblivion the better

    1. Hi. I cordially invite you to accompany them. RSVP

  31. As a fellow member of Alba, I’m sorry you’ve experienced this James. I hope that things can improve and we can all make Alba a vehicle for independence, because the cause needs it

  32. As a long time reader of this blog (10+ years) and 1st time commenter. My thoughts regarding your imminent expulsion are; “maybe just leave it.” Are your efforts worth it? Maybe consider using the finite treasure of your abilities and efforts for something that won’t drain your energy and gifts for diminishing rewards. It doesn’t sound like this is working out as you had hoped.

  33. politics is an anagram of spit coli. Not a lot of people know that!

  34. "Rape crisis centre chief quits after review found survivors 'damaged'"


    "Princes Street in Edinburgh to close due to sunken manhole"

    Sounds a bit of an over-reaction if you ask me.

  35. I can say from personal experience that McEleny is a particularly thin-skinned and vitriolic individual. During one of the SNP Depute Leadership elections, we were organising a forum for the candidates to speak at an SNP branch event.

    As far as I recall, McEleny agreed to a date, then demanded it be changed, then inundated the organisers with a bunch of furious conspiratorial claptrap when arrangements couldn't be changed to suit him.

    I remember seeing some of his correspondence. A uniquely unpleasant and thuggish individual when challenged.

    I'm glad to see you're not backing down, James. Bullies like him need to be stood up to.

  36. Yup you're right . These daft Irish folk still wanting to keep oot o the UK , you'd think after 110 years they'd be clammering tae get back in and be Great Britons again.

    1. The english have been kicked out of 65 countries, and no one ever wanted them back. Very ungrateful.

  37. Some light relief amongst the gloom ... according to the front page of today's Daily Star, some odious MP has described No 10's Larry the Cat as a "little s**t". The Scotland edition names him as "Labour's new Scottish Secretary, Ian Murray". The rUK edition simply says it was "some no-mark MP whose name we forget"!

  38. Todays Cairnstoon on WOS sums up the Sturgeon years. And don’t give me any of the move on crap because Swinney was there all the time whispering in her ear - now is not the time, we will lose votes. For people like Swinney now is never the time. The boring account who never asked where is the ring fenced indyref2 money and what is this “woven in to the accounts “ term. They are all culpable and that includes the SNP members who voted for Yousaf and tried to gaslight people into believing he was doing well.

    Sturgeon the Betrayer.
    Yousaf the Brief
    Swinney the Gradualist.

    1. Also quite revealing that we now know that Swinney advised Sturgeon not to utilise the Brexit result to further the cause of independence. He told her that people were tired of debates surrounding constitutional change and that it was too soon to be talking about independence again.

      When in reality we should have been highlighting the clear change in material circumstances Brexit caused. Especially since Scots had voted to stay in the EU. Iain Blackford frequently stood us in the House of Commons proclaiming that "Scotland won't be dragged out of the EU against her will" but because of people like John Swinney there was nothing of substance behind those words.

    2. Anon at 11.06. Seek help. You really do need it. And grow up. You come over as being nine years old. Made up names? Really? What about Conan the Barbarian? Or James the Bond?

    3. Who is next to be FM?

      Robison the Ridiculous
      Anas the Anus .

    4. Note to the anon who keeps telling people to seek help. Heal yourself first you tosser.

  39. Instead of fighting for independence these politicians are fighting amongst themselves and betraying Scotland.
    This all goes back to Sturgeon and her husband Murrell taking over the SNP and silly grown ups who should know better worshipping her as if she was a pop star. She wasn’t a star but a black hole who tried to suck the life out of the yes movement.

    1. Please elucidate

    2. Nicola was a star though. Her contribution cannot be denied.

    3. Salmond killed the independence movement stone dead in a day and Nicola Sturgeon pulled it up by its bootstraps and put it on the world stage or it would have disappeared altogether
      She wasn't the gutless coward who begged for devo max

    4. What was the support for independence before Salmond became SNP leader again?

      The biggest increase in support happend under his watch, whereas in the years since the polls have pretty much stalled despite having a Brexit Scotland didn't vote for and arguably the worst Prime Minister(s) in living memory. Now today we're further away from achieving the goal than we've ever been. The only thing Sturgeon did was kill off the independence via referendum route by the monumentally stupid Supreme Court action she pursued.

      We've had a decade wasted and it will likely be at least another decade for us to recover.

    5. Anon at 3.15 either you're a wind up merchant or you need to seek help. The Edinburgh Agreement didn't have devo max in it so that's irrelevant. The only person I can think of that might be a gutless coward would be the one who called for a defacto independence election then resigned. She truly was too wee, too feart and to poor (a leader).

    6. WT. In the real world she resigned because of the impact the contrived police investigation was having on the Indy cause. There are many things N S got wrong and let us all down on. You would appear too stupid to grasp these pretty simple points.

    7. Oh so that's what it was? Thanks for that. Is that why her husband was charged? Because of the contrived police investigation about missing money. Thanks.

  40. Love or dislike Effie Deans she has two analysis piece on her blog. The are worth a read as they add to the body of evidence building on the failure of Sturgeon.

    Until this is addressEd and a cleansing light shone to clean the stables indy is off the cards.

    Sarwar must be rubbing his hands in glee. Some of those who have benefited from the SNP hegemony will be thinking about spilling the beans as a new Sarwar regime takes over.

    The press will be waiting to jump ship to protect the income stream from Scot gov advertising and press access.

    1. What a load of nonsense, Effie Deans isn't even a woman, everything about the guy is union lies to the core from a British nationalist journalist

    2. You’re talking nonsense…she’s a proper women and thoughtful person who is usually proved right.
      Reading her has made me switch to NO.

    3. Anon @ 4.02pm - every word is a lie

    4. How do you know.. read her two pieces of analysis you lazy oik! And refute what she says!

    5. Anon at 4.02. Either this is satire or you are irredeemably stupid. Please tell us it’s satire.

  41. I get what you're saying but even Salmond said the same. If you recall he voted SNP

  42. Deans is a man, hater of all things Scots but you know that.

  43. They've given up on going to things after ten years of nothing happening. I used to go but I live hundreds of miles away and it's been so disheartening that I just get on with my work. However doesn't mean I've given up on independence would vote for it tomorrow and I'm sure it's the same for thousands.

  44. The support is there but it needs something a bit more tangible to focus on.

    The sneer of the SNP hierarchy was evident at these things and the people that ran them. Seed what you sow
