Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Why I stay in Alba

On last night's thread, I was asked by an anonymous commenter why I stay in Alba when I have concerns about the scale of the party's intervention in a first-past-the-post general election.  Which brings to mind the Katy Perry lyric "you change your mind like a girl changes clothes".  We do not in this country have an American system of casual registration of party supporters, and therefore moving between parties is not something to be done lightly or without an exceptionally good reason.  

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a party that is a perfect fit for them.  While I disagree with the Alba leadership on some points of strategy (and indeed policy), I also still have profound disagreements with the SNP leadership.  They're in a better place under Swinney/Forbes than they were under Yousaf, but they still have no serious or credible strategy for independence.  So whichever party I was in, I would have to be getting involved and arguing for change, which of course is one of the most common and valid purposes of being in any party.  But the value of Alba is that for as long as the SNP's independence strategy remains woefully deficient, Alba could have a key role to play by winning list seats in 2026 and using that as leverage to move the SNP onto the right path.  Their ability to do that may be contingent on them avoiding doing harm in the meantime at this year's general election.

I was a bit frustrated to fall 0.5% short of being elected Alba's Membership Support Convener last December.  If I had been elected to that position, I would have had an automatic place on the NEC, where I could have argued for a more limited intervention in the general election, narrowly targeted on a few key constituencies (and thus broadly in line with what Denise Findlay said on the previous thread would have been her proposal if she had remained Organisation Convener).  I would have been heavily outvoted but at least the case would have been made and heard.  However, even having narrowly failed to get back on the NEC, I was elected a month later to the Disciplinary Committee, the Finance & Audit Committee, and the ad hoc Constitution Review Group, and I'm trying my level best to do some good on those bodies.  On the Disciplinary Committee I can try - as I promised to when I stood for election - to ensure that party members are protected from the Grouse Beater-type episodes that became far too commonplace in the SNP, with members being disciplined for 'wrongthink' rather than for genuine wrongdoing.  (Obviously I'm only one committee member out of eight, but all I can do is try my best.)  And on the Constitution Review Group, I can put forward the case for thoroughgoing democratisation of the party in the hope of putting the members firmly in charge.

So in a nutshell, my answer to the question "why do you stay in Alba?" is "because it remains the closest fit for me in an imperfect world, and because I can try to do some good within the party and push for change".  I hope that makes sense.  What I would say, though, is that I was told by a very senior person in the party just after I was voted off the NEC eighteen months ago that they would never have any problem with me expressing dissenting views in public as well as in private.  I hope that will always remain the case, because it hasn't necessarily been the experience of others recently.


  1. I'm curious what your response would be to those who ask: Wouldn't it be more effective to enact change with the SNP from within rather than trying to pressure them from the outside?

    1. I think of James were to rejoin the SNP after running this blog, he wouldn't be listened to. He is now a heretic in the eyes of the SNP Borg collective where there is no room for dissent.

    2. I think watching Star Trek has altered your perception of reality. Borg collective. Grow up.

    3. I second that.

    4. I third that 43%.

    5. 'I second that emotion,' said Juston Beaver.

  2. What are your views on changing the top-up system used in Holyrood so there is only one vote. Wouldn't that be a better system because it would be more proportional?

    1. Depends on exactly what you're proposing. Do you mean a pure list system without constituency members?

    2. I hate the list system. I know it's an improvement on FPTP but it allows some real z-listers into Holyrood on a fat salary. I prefer the transferable vote system employed by the SNP in their leadership election last year where the bottom candidate(s) is eliminated each round and their second preferences redistributed until someone gets 50% of the vote. Not perfect for proportional representation but it gives an MSP a responsibility for a specific seat rather than handling some party drone an amorphous regional constituency where nobody knows who he is.

    3. That's not proportional representation at all, you're describing the Alternative Vote system. That's a majoritarian system like first-past-the-post.

    4. It's really difficult to find the perfect voting system. Just look at the Netherlands for example, it's taken them 6 months to form a Government after their election.

    5. I don't think that's a fault of the Dutch voting system. The parliament reflected what the public voted for. From there it was up to the politicians.

    6. I didn't say it was a pr system. If you want perfect pr you might as well make the whole parliament a list and just allocate seats on a percentage basis. My gripe is with the list system itself and the fact that it returns representatives with no physical constituency to represent. Also, it's little more than a job creation scheme for party hacks who can't get elected oyherwise and, as a result, returns some shockers to Holyrood(just look at the Greens). I don't have a problem with a majoritarian system, it's better than FPTP where many MPs don't even have a majority behind them.

    7. "I didn't say it was a pr system"

      You implied that it was by saying it wasn't "perfect" for proportional representation. You're trying to give the impression that you're proposing some sort of reasonable compromise, whereas in fact you want a total scrapping of proportional representation and a return to the bad old days of single party governments "elected" on 35% of the vote. No thanks

    8. James: I am the person at 2.09. My suggestion is for the system used in some parts of Germany, in which there is only a constituency vote, but that the parties shares, when aggregating over the constituencies to regional level, are used in place of the share of votes in the regional vote, and the additional members are drawn from the candidates who stood, but were not elected, in the constituencies. So, there is just a single vote cast per elector and no scope for manipulation via decoy lists and similar tactics.

    9. I would have one objection to it: many if not most of us would be denied the opportunity to vote for minor / new parties on the list because they haven’t the resources to run in every constituency across a region.

      I voted Green from 1999 to 2021. My vote helped elect an agree. MSP for the Lothians every time. Yet never once did they stand a candidate in my own constituency. Only the SSP was so audacious in 2003.

    10. /obvious autocorrect typo. “Elect a green MSP” ofc.

    11. 7.55: I agree that's an issue for smaller parties.

    12. Anon: @ 4:04

      That's a good thing - it's limited the power of a very right wing immigration focused party.

    13. I say bring it on bitches

  3. What if Alba became a policy think tank, might that be a better idea in the interim?

    Then once some credibility has been bought, then push for seats if that is still a goal?

    1. Lester Q Frobisher RNMay 21, 2024 at 6:55 PM

      What if Katy Perry became Ginger Spice?

    2. Or if Alba became Common Weal?

    3. Lester.

      I'd still bang her.

    4. Lester Q Frobisher RNMay 22, 2024 at 1:20 AM

      Even if she morphed into Pish Spice?

  4. If you have no serious conviction then Alba is the party for you, you don't have to engage because they won't let you, you don't have to bother offering your opinion, because it doesn't count anyway, but you can infest the airwaves with reasons that make no sense as to how a party that refuses to do the first couple of things is an actual political party are not just an anti othering cult of one man's ego
    Join Alba now, become a non conviction member that hands over money for no apparent reason other than to achieve rubbishing others, money well spent I say

    1. Dr Jim at 8.35pm or you could give your money to the SNP to see it mysteriously disappear and see the party Chief Exec charged with embezzlement.

    2. What happened to the presumption of innocence? Does it only apply to people who agree with you?

    3. Ask the ones on here who repeatedly call Alex Salmond a sex pest.

    4. Anon at 5.02am - clearly reading posts at 5 in the morning does not suit you. I do not say anyone is guilty of anything. I posted facts. Unless of course you can tell me where the £600k is? So stop being a pratt.

    5. Uncle fester a sex pest, quell suprise

    6. Dr Jim at 8.35pm and 10.25 am - I am surprised Jimbo points out that Alba has " no serious conviction " because that may come back to haunt Jimbo as serious convictions mount up for SNP people.

    7. Dr Jim at 10.25am as some sort of standard bearer for moral behaviour is quite a leap. This is the guy who regularly peppers his posts on WGD with the desire to inflict violence on people but worse than that Jimbo admits to having on a number of occasions taken violent action against women and saw nothing wrong in doing so.

    8. Anon at 9.57. Now you are simply lying. There is at present no money missing. It would take too long to explain to you what is involved here. But here is a hint. The £50 I donated was used in accordance with the stated conditions. Go away, educate yourself on contract terms and accounting, then come back.

    9. " There is at present no money missing" There is nothing wrong with the Horizon computer system. Truly unbelievable these people.
      The money was raised for Indyref2 - there was no Indyref2. It should still be there in the accounts ring fenced - it ain't.

    10. Your ignorance of what is involved here is embarrassing you. You really do not know what is involved in legal or accounting terms. Put down that very large shovel, go play with your toys and leave the grown ups to talk.

    11. Anon - you ain't got anything. You can prattle on as much as you want but you ain't got anything.

    12. This prick of a troll claims he knows what his £50 donated was spent on. Now if you assume the troll did actually donate £50 how does he know how it was spent. Did Murrell tell him personally - you know the self confessed liar about membership numbers - and the currently charged with embezzlement. Was it spent on the motor home anon?

  5. Logic dictates that the best way to change SNP policy is from within.

    1. Logic says what? Where’s your proof?

      I actually agree, but a hunch is just a hunch. Logic is a formal discipline far beyond just that.

    2. Golly, that's very profound. Deeply so.

    3. Wasn't that attempted before Alba came on the scene though?

      I seem to recall there was an internal "good guys" campaign for the SNP's NEC and it was initially successful but that NEC was undermined by the leadership and then unelected positions were added on etc.

    4. If they all met in a hotel or a nother neutrsl place they could probably sort everything out if they had external mentors to keep an eye on the proceedings. I'm going to name that official. And suggest it. Can anyone tell me who j conract

    5. Wouldn't that essentially be the Constitutional Convention Alba has been calling for since day 1? They knew early on that all pro-indy Parties needed to come together to discuss the best way forward.

  6. No doubt Vernells will have watched Sturgeon's 8 hour performance before the Inquiry in to the persecution of Salmond and seen how to answer all the questions at her Post Office grilling - I can't recall- Not that I can remember - I would need to check that - ..........................

    Notes will have been taken by Vennells.

    1. IIS we understand you don't like Sturgeon and your love affair (metaphorically speaking) with Salmond. We get your twistedness. You do realise that then majority of us can move on. in life.

    2. Anon at 10.36am - I have no love affair with any politician - unlike some other people.
      So you think the people affected by infected blood should have just moved on do you.
      So you think the people affected by the Post Office scandal should have just moved on.
      So you think the people affected by the Hillsborough disaster should have just moved on.
      So you think the people whose phones were hacked should have just moved on.

      You don't believe in righting wrongs do you anon. If anyone is twisted it is you who is willing to turn a blind eye to wrongdoings.
      Sturgeon/Vennells and all their minions should be in jail and apologists like you should be ashamed of yourself.

    3. Vennells trying out the victim/tears approach just like Sturgeon.

    4. The faith you place in a self confessed sex pest is strange. If only you could lock yourself in a room without the internet and think about that.

    5. If only you could look at the facts and not be such a prick anon at 12.26pm. I am not a person of faith and I do not worship any politician. It is about criminal behaviour - Sturgeon's gang - and justice. Being an apologist for such behaviour obviously sits easily with you - reflect on that.

    6. Oops, nerve touched. Don’t post complete crap and expect not to be pulled up for it. Your resort to infantile personal abuse is telling.

    7. Anon at 12.53pm tell me an example of this crap. Oops anon disnae like being called a prick - well don't post like a prick anon.

  7. As i have said previously we are all fucked! Split spli split. Unionists have won. Im fucking well absolutely pissed off with this. Its so fucking depressing that posters here dont fucking well see that independence will NEVER be achieved if it carries on like this. So fucking bastatd well depressing.

    A plague on all your houses!!!! ,

    1. I understand your frustration but the posters on here do understand the need for unity. This will settle down and I believe we have a unique opportunity at this moment to change the dynamics of independence

    2. I wish I shared your optimism. IFS is on here multiple times daily posting rubbish, making straw man arguments, and trying to create division. Some are gullible enough to be taken in. His natural home is WOS. For as long as he can post here constructive intelligent debate is impossible,

    3. No one’s forcing you, anon.

    4. Anon at 1.00pm - when did you ever post constructive intelligent debate? Tell me an example of a straw man I posted. You are just a troll.

    5. I think the issue is ironically there's two different opinions on what "unity" means.

      Some say all pro-indy parties need to come together and unite behind a strategy to move independence forward and others say we just need to all unite behind the SNP. The disagreement lies with both things not being one and the same.

    6. IFS at 1.08. Virtually every post by you contains misleading divisive nonsense that is from your imagination. The criminal Sturgeon gang? What does that even mean? Give details of any commited crime. There used to be reasonable respectful debate on here. You have played a major part in blocking that. You resort to personal abuse and the standard you’re a troll nonsense when people rightly call you out. I have no expectation you will actually take time out in a quiet room to reflect.

    7. Anon at 1.36pm - who are you - just another anon - probably the same troll that trolls me all the time. I have posted on SGP for years. You - who knows - you post under anonymous. I have posted many times explaining why Sturgeon's gang have committed crimes - where were you over these years - who knows - you are an anonymous troll. Possibly that tosser who used to post under me mungo pony or something like that.
      I don't block reasonable debate but people like you troll by insulting me straight of the bat and then complain when you get the same back - pathetic.
      Where have you been anon if you don't know what Sturgeon's gang have been up to.
      You should take time to either improve your knowledge or stop trolling, either way, you will not get away with your insults.

    8. Agent IFS takes his instructions from Queen Elizabeth House.

  8. It is such a shame, and J S announcing that eradicating child poverty is his number one priority clearly show that currently Indy is not SNP main priority. And of course without Indy child poverty will at best be tempered. Unionist parties need an uneducated poor class to achieve their purposes of exploitation and wealth gathering.
