Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The middle ground between "veto" and "locked in" that the unionist media are pretending doesn't exist

It can't have escaped your notice that the unionist media are trying to present Nicola Sturgeon with a false binary choice - either she has a 'veto' over Brexit, or she will be 'locked in' to an agreed UK negotiating stance by cunning Theresa May.  You can see why they want that to be true, because either of those options would effectively preclude a second indyref.  But in reality, the truth is somewhere in between the two extremes - the UK government will consult, but won't offer a veto, and there is therefore no guarantee (or even any great likelihood) of the Scottish Government signing off on the UK's negotiating stance.  Here is one possibility of what Sturgeon might say at the end of the consultation -

"As you know, I and other Scottish Government ministers have been taking part in extensive discussions with our UK counterparts over the forthcoming negotiations with the EU.  Theresa May indicated to us that she would listen carefully to any suggestions we might have about ways of ensuring Scotland's interests are fully protected.

We made two substantive proposals.  Firstly, that the UK should reconfigure itself as a decentralised confederal union to allow constituent nations like Scotland and Northern Ireland to stay in the EU, in line with how they voted in the referendum.  I regret to say that Theresa May and David Davis rejected that suggestion out of hand.  They reiterated that, in their view, "Brexit means Brexit, and when the UK leaves, Scotland must leave".

Our second, alternative proposal was that the UK as a whole should seek to remain in the European Economic Area on the same basis as Norway.  This possibility is far from ideal, because it would still involve Scotland being dragged out of the EU against our will.  But it would at least address our most serious concerns about Brexit, because Scotland would remain part of the Single Market, and our rights as European citizens, including the right to live and work in other EU countries, would be fully protected.  We made clear during the discussions that this is the absolute minimum that would be acceptable to us.

Unfortunately, Theresa May and David Davis indicated that they would be rejecting even this.  They felt that they had received a clear instruction from the electorate that free movement of people must end, and that they could not negotiate on that principle. 

Let me be clear : I and the Scottish Government fully respect the mandate secured by the Leave campaign on June 23rd.  But that mandate is not a UK mandate.  It is an England and Wales mandate.  Just as we respect that England and Wales mandate, so must the UK government respect the overwhelming Scottish mandate for Remain.  For us, Remain means Remain.

It is now clear that, in spite of our best and most strenuous endeavours, there is no formula acceptable to both governments that can reconcile the two conflicting mandates.  While we are grateful to the UK government for being true to their word and listening to our proposals, I'm afraid listening is not enough.  As they do not feel able to compromise, I must tell you that we will be opposing the UK government's negotiating stance on Brexit.  There will be no 'agreed UK negotiating position' that enjoys the support of the Scottish Government.  We will instead intensify our preparations for an independence referendum, which is now inevitable, although we remain open-minded about the timing."

Sound reasonable?


  1. Sunshine on CrieffJuly 19, 2016 at 3:28 PM

    Exactly my thoughts on the issue, and I hope the Scottish Government pushes these solutions and takes this stance when compromise is inevitably rejected.

  2. Sounds very reasonable.

    1. Sam the BNP bam and his pal is a scamJuly 19, 2016 at 7:12 PM

      doesn't matter. the BBC, media and their cowardly lapdogs will lie through their teeth about what the SNP and the FM says.

    2. That's true. But, after years of britnat Project Fear crap being damped upon us, I believe more and more of us are getting immune to it all.

    3. Glasgow Working Class 2July 19, 2016 at 8:36 PM

      There was no project fear during the Jock referendum but the Nat sis involved themselves with the the Tories, Libs and Labour in the EU project fear.

    4. Go away you nasty little thing. Still waiting on your challenge Fud head. I knew all along you were a COWARD. All mouth no balls.

    5. Don't be so nasty to George wanking class.He is "Knobility" after all.

  3. Since Theresa May has said that she won't trigger Article 50 until there is an agreed UK negotiating position, and since it is so difficult to see how there can be an agreed UK negotiating position, is this not just a ploy to delay things as far as possible, in the hope that Brexit withers on the vine and everyone forgets about it?

    1. Right-wing britnats will not be amused if she did.

    2. 17,000,000 Brexit voters will never allow this to wither on the vine plus the EU will be keen to make an example of the UK and force May into implementing Article 50

    3. Right-wing Brexiteers are already not amused - see their reaction to the court case arguing that the UK government can't trigger Chapter 50 without parliamentary approval. And their not-amusement is likely to escalate as the complexities grow in the coming months and May appears to prevaricate.

      From this viewpoint May's emphasis on her own unionism can be read as a very long-term strategic move. It can be taken to mean "The UK union is crucial, more important than anything else, more important even than Brexit. If those obstinate Scots insist on staying in the EU then - with the greatest reluctance - I will abandon Brexit".

      I'm not saying this comes anywhere near the top of May's game strategies. But it's a possible scenario and it could become attractive to May if public opinion seems to move against Brexit and/or there are splits in the Tory party.

    4. Bumblefuck tories for unityJuly 19, 2016 at 5:24 PM

      Anyone who thinks David Davis, Boris and Fox will be anywhere near a unified coherent position and plan acceptable to all wings of the tory party (never mind NI and Scotland) in 5 months or so are living in a world of make believe with lollypop trees and candyfloss clouds.

      They are laughably unprepared with Davis providing some hilarious moments when he talked about his department and 'responsiblities' the other day. Davis admitted he'll have to hire a few hundred or so more people to cope. Sure, sure, and that small army of civil servants/lobbyists hoping for a quick trade payday will all be as top of the line and up to speed as the rest of May's cabinet of third raters, won't they?

      Be in no doubt.

      There is a reason tory MPs are absolutely desperate to fly away on their hols and forget about the impending disaster and clusterfuck that's been set in motion.

      The tories are still trapped in getting past the next 5 minutes just like the Blairites are. Panicking short termism is the ONLY thing we are seeing.

      They have no plan which is precisely why it LOOKS like they have no plan and are bumbling through serious legislation with all the care and attention of a chimp in a shit throwing contest.

    5. "Theresa May has said that she won't trigger Article 50 until there is an agreed UK negotiating position," - here's a wee analysis of ll the questions may's statement raises, together with the view that unionists now have to make a decision. Scots and N. ireland nationalists/republicans know what they want - unionists now have to opt for one union (UK) or the other (EU)


  4. Glasgow Working Class 2July 19, 2016 at 4:47 PM

    Knickerless has locked herself in. The only option for her to stay in the EU is to go for another referendum. The options for the Scots is keep what you have or maybe end up a Greek Tragedy. But at least our young unemployed may be allowed over the border created by the Nat sis to find some work. The English are a pragmatic and generous lot.
    So what about this Scottish pound the Nat sis are now talking about! No doubt more Nat si propoganda to keep their faithful on board..

    1. The poster above is a far-right racist troll from EnglandJuly 19, 2016 at 5:09 PM


    2. The troll also advocates arming Leave campaigners to "defend democracy", uses racial and ethnic slurs while claiming they're not insults, and displays a strange, perverted and poisonous obsession with the First Minister and her predecessor.

    3. And he thinks we call ourselves Jocks here :D :D :D

    4. Cheltenham mixed up his briefing notes ;-)

  5. Who is it today? I count at least 4 different personalities.

  6. Blairites of Mass DestructionJuly 19, 2016 at 5:13 PM

    Neil Clark ‏@NeilClark66 6 hours ago

    Repeat after me: 'We must have WMDs cos they deter attack. We attacked Iraq cos we thought they had WMDs..' #TridentNeil Clark ‏@NeilClark66

  7. Glasgow Working Class 2July 19, 2016 at 6:04 PM

    The multiple poster above is a sad person who sits alone waiting! Just waiting!! A candidate for suicide bombing.

    1. The troll also advocates arming Leave campaigners to "defend democracy", uses racial and ethnic slurs while claiming they're not insults, and displays a strange, perverted and poisonous obsession with the First Minister and her predecessor.

    2. Glasgow Working Class 2July 19, 2016 at 6:21 PM

      Help is available just pick up the phone and dial. A comforting voice will help...
      And it is free Jock! So ther ye go.

    3. The poster above is a far-right racist troll from EnglandJuly 19, 2016 at 6:22 PM


    4. Glasgow Working Class 2July 19, 2016 at 6:33 PM

      Hope no one invents a hands free wanking devise or you will be free to use both hands on the keyboard.

    5. The poster above is a far-right racist troll from EnglandJuly 19, 2016 at 6:38 PM


    6. The troll also advocates arming Leave campaigners to "defend democracy", uses racial and ethnic slurs while claiming they're not insults, and displays a strange, perverted and poisonous obsession with the First Minister and her predecessor.

    7. Question for gwc - seriously why do you come here ? You offer nothing to the discussion and whine on about utter nonsense .

      It really is time Matron changed your bib in preparation for the male nurse to give you your medication . Now open up and say ahhhh.

    8. The archbishop of BuckinghamJuly 19, 2016 at 11:21 PM

      Strikes me the Troll's father should have had a wank instead.

    9. The best part of the Freak that is Glasgow wanking arse ran down the Goat it came out of legs.

  8. Blairites of Mass DestructionJuly 19, 2016 at 6:23 PM

    Neil Clark ‏@NeilClark66 6 hours ago

    Repeat after me: 'We must have WMDs cos they deter attack. We attacked Iraq cos we thought they had WMDs..' #TridentNeil Clark ‏@NeilClark66

    1. WMD's didn't stop the Argentinians invading the Falkland Islands either, total white elephant designed to keep our position at the top table...

    2. Glasgow Working Class 2July 19, 2016 at 6:47 PM

      You Nat sis could not make the bottom of the table. But not to worry Kaiser Merkel may be your spokeperson soon.

    3. How's your party doing numb nuts. It's disintegrating and us Nasis are loving it. Could you please tell them to get on with it as we are running out of Pop corn. Ha Ha loser!!!!

  9. Bullshit Broadcasting CorporationJuly 19, 2016 at 6:41 PM

    Laura Kuenssberg ‏@bbclaurak 4 hours ago
    In spirit of spin swirling around Eagle-Smith nominations, Labour source tells me Eagle is actually narrowly ahead

  10. racist.troll.delete.test

  11. You happy with what you are allowing to be said on your blog James Kelly?

    See- GWC2 6.04 PM

    Why are you protecting that unhinged racist lunatic?

    1. Glasgow Working Class 2July 19, 2016 at 7:35 PM

      Take yer pills son. Nothing racist or intended at 1804 nor any other time. Get a life.

    2. You are a nasty little Stalanist Fud now get back on your joke of a Labour hame web site and leave politics to the grown ups

    3. Dunky Bothersome wouldn't let the racist bootlick anywhere near BTL on LabourHame. Too embarrassing for the comrades.

  12. Ignore the troll, don't reply to him/her. Pretend s/he doesn't exist.

    Good argument James.

  13. Those who voted to leave the EU are not'Brit nats ' or right wing. The vote was tipped by Labour Party supporters turning out in droves, hardly right wing . And what about the 38% of SNP supporters who voted to leave, are they Brit nats. The EU is deeply unpopular amongst the working class , and at the end of the day it's those people that count the most

    1. Working class Boris and his Bullingdon Club JapesJuly 19, 2016 at 10:00 PM

      "The vote was tipped by Labour Party supporters turning out in droves, hardly right wing "

      Utter bollocks.


      "In truth, if the finger of blame for remain’s defeat is to be pointed anywhere it is better directed at the prime minister rather than Corbyn. David Cameron failed to bring his party with him at all, and in the event that simply proved too much of a handicap for the pro-EU camp to overcome."

    2. The vote was tipped by racism being made acceptable by a group of politicians who should know better. Then we had an inept campaign from the remain side which focussed on threats and effective bullying, when in fact there was - and is - a positive case for remaining in the EU.

      I learned more about the way it all works after I voted than I knew before - and I am politicised. What chance did a casual voter have when they have been subjected to years of disinformation because it suited politicians of all sides to scapegoat the EU for everything?

      Which group of voters voted which way or not is neither here nor there. For SNP voters who believe in total independence, it is not unreasonable to vote leave. But lets not pretend that the swing votes were anything other than ill informed xenophobes. Unto thyself be true.

    3. "Which group of voters voted which way or not is neither here nor there."

      "But lets not pretend that the swing votes"


    4. If you don't understand it, get one of the older kids to explain it to you.

      Is your mum letting you up this late because the schools are off?

    5. Fuckwittedly contradicting yourself because you were caught talking absolute bollocks hardly speaks to you being anything other than a simpleton troll.

      You seem unable to grasp the specifics of the vote or that scotland voted to stay IN with no shortage of working class areas.

      Stick to Stormfront Lite petal.

  14. Nicola cannot agree to a Norway deal. The people are sovereign remember so she had no mandate to agree to Scotland leaving the EU

    1. Bumblefuck tories for unityJuly 19, 2016 at 10:03 PM

      There is no deal on the table at all. The tories don't have the slightest idea what form Brexit will take as yet. Hence their pretty convincing impersonation of headless chickens.

  15. Glasgow Working Class 2July 19, 2016 at 10:22 PM

    Did I tell you that as well as being an arsehole, I am a fucking wanker too?

    1. Glasgow Working Class 2July 19, 2016 at 11:01 PM

      Strange that in a free Scotland idiots hiv tae impersonate others. But such is Joke Nat si ism. Losers.

    2. Elgin Yoon BDSM Club Submissives -- Unionist Doms Badly NeededJuly 19, 2016 at 11:53 PM

      Don't want to interrupt this fascinating verbal "tug of war" or anything -- apologies if I seem a little "pushy" or "forward" -- but I felt I just had to point out that there's a certain type of Scots Unionist who finds puns like Jock/Joke just astonishingly (gulp) HOT!!! And I'm not ashamed to say I'm one of them.

      Well, perhaps a little bit ashamed, yes, but in thon super-arousing, flushes-up-the-neck-and-cheeks way, you know?

      Now, Mr Working Class, sir. Would you be so good as to type out the words 'Jock' and 'Joke' one more time for us? And then another time after that, maybe even in capitals?

      I guarantee that if you do so, there will be a healthy number of lonely late-night Dom-less Unionist Subs across the country turned on in a way you can't even imagine!!

      Hey, let's do a late supper together sometime. I could listen to you trash my country all night long.


    3. The only thing you got right knob end.

  16. Julian Druker ‏@Julian5News 29 minutes ago

    Police officer stabbed and another injured after 'spontaneous water fight' in London's Hyde Park became 'hostile'

  17. Glasgow Working Class 2July 19, 2016 at 11:09 PM

    Och damn I meant dickhead too.

    1. Glasgow Working Class 2July 19, 2016 at 11:16 PM

      Fred Dibnah Steeeplejack (deceased) says you are a strange fellow with personal issues.

  18. Glasgow Working Class 2July 19, 2016 at 11:16 PM

    And another thing, people often said to me that I was a 'Ham Shanker' but I did not know what they were talking about.

    1. Ask David Cameron he's plenty of time to give you lessons now.

  19. It is more than reasonable James. I think seeking a Norway solution though is to overstep what the Scots voted for though. No joint UK negotiating position for Brexit is possible as the Brit Nat Tories and the useless Brit Nat Labour opposition wont agree to such a position in the first place as the loony jack booting Brit Nat Press and Media would crucify them and back would come the Nigel stronger than ever.

    1. Glasgow Working Class 2July 20, 2016 at 12:07 AM

      The basic mistake you make and which shows your naivety and lack of political common sense is that the British voted to leave the EU. It was a British vote. What do you not understand?

    2. The troll also advocates arming Leave campaigners to "defend democracy", uses racial and ethnic slurs while claiming they're not insults, and displays a strange, perverted and poisonous obsession with the First Minister and her predecessor.

    3. A British vote only in the sense that all of the participants live there and gibraltar. Anyone who knows legal history would understand the nuance created by the

      Claim of Right, the Treaty of Union, MacCormick v Lord Advocate, Axa et al v Lord Advocate.
      So in fact it was a separate vote by each of the constituent nations of the UK and each one needs to be separately respected.
      So how can Scotland remain in both the UK and the EU? Which would respect the result of both referendums.
      Answer no Brexit.

      If rUK doesn't like this then it would be a simple matter for Westminster to pass an EVEL act to dissolve the Union. No referendum required.

  20. English Upper Class 2July 20, 2016 at 12:13 AM

    Hey ho Jocks!! Ouch aye the now yoo Keneth? I'm one of you chaps in my porridge kilt.

    Nigel Farage farted on my balls and I've not washed them since jockos!!

  21. Blairites of Mass DestructionJuly 20, 2016 at 12:40 AM

    §c°π R°g℮r§ ‏@scottr0gers 2 hours ago

    Ben Bradshaw just said that Jeremy Corbyn "may well be sanctioning death threats" against MPs. Beneath contempt.

    The Blairites have gone completely round the bend.
    Astonishing stuff from these anti-democratic careerist weasels.

  22. Good to see you back, Nadine, but why are you calling yourself Glasgow Working Class, my love? You've never been farther north than Buxton, you silly thing. Lunch at La Lanterna on Saturday, my sweetness?

  23. When your house is infested with mice,you do not get rid of them by continuing to feed them.

    1. ignoring a rat eating off your plate works a treat

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. So speech writing is your next task - sounds good to me!

  28. I think you are absolutely correct and that Westminster,once they have sorted out their shortage of labour (on the EU exit negotiating front),will plough ahead and ignore Scotland,as usual.
    A referendum on Scots retaining their rights as EU citizens beckons.
    However,this time,those Scots who were fooled previously into thinking they were better together with England will have been exposed to the truth that the parliament in England,whose government is elected by English votes and where Scottish votes count for nothing,is England's parliament,not ours.
    Allowing England to represent Scottish interests has lead us to where we now are and Scots are going to have to decide whether they are happy with that or not.

    1. Glasgow Working Class 2July 20, 2016 at 1:15 PM

      So you fash would impose EU citizenship on the over a million Scots who voted out. Sorry old son but my British Citizenship is not for you or the Nat sis to decide. I will decide.

    2. The poster above is a far-right racist troll from EnglandJuly 20, 2016 at 1:48 PM


    3. The troll also advocates arming Leave campaigners to "defend democracy", uses racial and ethnic slurs while claiming they're not insults, and displays a strange, perverted and poisonous obsession with the First Minister and her predecessor.

    4. Nadine isn't all bad, but she gets a bit emotional after a couple of bottles of prosecco.

  29. Bumblefuck tories for unityJuly 20, 2016 at 2:31 PM

    Wings Over Scotland ‏@WingsScotland 2 hours ago

    Theresa May's performance on that "bad bosses" question was so hammy I'm surprised David Cameron didn't stick his cock in it.

    1. Glasgow Working Class 2July 20, 2016 at 3:13 PM

      May did well even if you take into account it was Corbyn she was dealing with.

    2. The poster above is a far-right racist troll from EnglandJuly 20, 2016 at 3:51 PM


    3. Tory Racist Class 2July 20, 2016 at 5:03 PM

      verlaine101 ‏@verlaine101 57 minutes ago

      @WingsScotland is the quote "land of milk and honey" from when @AlexSalmond said "We are not promising a land of milk and honey." in 2014?

    4. Nadine, my sugar-coated sweetness! I love your sense of humour.

    5. Incompetent Blairites of Mass DestructionJuly 20, 2016 at 7:11 PM

      Michael Crick ‏@MichaelLCrick 28 minutes ago

      To put 183,541 registered Lab supporters into perspective, Tories claim just 150,000 MEMBERS, & some say Tories really no more than 130,000

  30. Bumblefuck tories for unityJuly 20, 2016 at 3:56 PM

    Jason Groves ‏@JasonGroves1 19 minutes ago

    Universal Credit delayed again. Now 'due' to be completed by 2022 - five years late

  31. Glasgow Working Class 2July 20, 2016 at 4:48 PM

    Nat sis now changing tact for a future referendum. They will tell the Scots it will not all be milk and honey. So they lied the first time round.

    1. Nadine's back.

    2. verlaine101 ‏@verlaine101 57 minutes ago

      @WingsScotland is the quote "land of milk and honey" from when @AlexSalmond said "We are not promising a land of milk and honey." in 2014?

  32. Blairites of Mass DestructionJuly 20, 2016 at 4:59 PM

    Best of Marvel ‏@thebestofmarvel 2 minutes ago

    85 innocent civilians were bombed ""accidentally"" by U.S strikes today yet no media coverage. #PrayforSyria

  33. Wings Over Scotland ‏@WingsScotland 1 hour ago

    Crucial fleet of global-combat frigates is indefinitely delayed

    Lindsay Bruce ‏@RogueCoder250 1 hour ago

    Yet another pillar of Better Together's promise of a milk-and-honey union crumbles to dust. The most dishonest campaign in Scottish history.

  34. Glasgow Working Class 2July 20, 2016 at 6:47 PM

    The threat does change and contracts will change. The naive Nat sis led by the other half of the Krankies is in no position to protect the economic interests of the UK never mind Scotland. And the shysters say they want to remain in NATO.

    1. The poster above is a far-right racist troll from EnglandJuly 20, 2016 at 7:04 PM


    2. The troll also advocates arming Leave campaigners to "defend democracy", uses racial and ethnic slurs while claiming they're not insults, and displays a strange, perverted and poisonous obsession with the First Minister and her predecessor.

    3. Glasgow Working Class 2July 20, 2016 at 7:24 PM

      Jimmy Krankie launches the refurbished old Govan and Renfrew Ferries for the NATO effort.

    4. The troll also advocates arming Leave campaigners to "defend democracy", uses racial and ethnic slurs while claiming they're not insults, and displays a strange, perverted and poisonous obsession with the First Minister and her predecessor.

  35. Boris Gump and the BrexitearsJuly 20, 2016 at 7:08 PM

    Philip Sim ‏@BBCPhilipSim 1 hour ago

    Theresa May in Germany: "confirms Article 50 will not be invoked this year"

    1. Glasgow Working Class 2July 20, 2016 at 7:30 PM

      BGB. That was expected, old news. Keep up!

    2. The poster above is a far-right racist troll

  36. We need your psephology James. A new Yougov gives Tories 24 to Labour 9 percent in Scotland Westminster intention. SNP on 51.

    Could we lose seats to the Cons in the usual suspect areas, but route Labour and put Independence top of the manifesto if Cruella decides to seize her chance?

    And please everyone. The troll is wrecking this site completely. Ignore him completely.

    1. Glasgow Working Class 2July 20, 2016 at 7:57 PM

      The Nat sis are a right wing party pursuing Tory policies. I think any thinking and observing person can see this clearly. You Nat si bhoy are in denial with the truth.

    2. The troll also advocates arming Leave campaigners to "defend democracy", uses racial and ethnic slurs while claiming they're not insults, and displays a strange, perverted and poisonous obsession with the First Minister and her predecessor.

    3. Glasgow Working Class 2July 20, 2016 at 8:16 PM

      She is first minister in name only. She is hardly a woman of substance like Maggie Thatcher, Golda Meir, Mrs Gandhi or Doris Day.

    4. Tory Racist Class 2July 20, 2016 at 9:23 PM

      The thick as pigshit troll gets upset whenever anyone criticises the tories and desperately whines that..

      "May did well"

      Then, because he really is a simpleton with the I.Q. of a peanut, he tries to patheticaly disguise the fact that he's a far-right twat by desperately trying to pretend the SNP..

      "are a right wing party pursuing Tory policies."


      You really are shite as this you pitiful little racist.

    5. Glasgow Working Class 2July 20, 2016 at 10:31 PM

      I do enjoy cretins who make things up in their heids and believe it. Nat sis are good at it.

    6. The poster above is a far-right racist troll from EnglandJuly 20, 2016 at 10:41 PM


    7. The troll also advocates arming Leave campaigners to "defend democracy", uses racial and ethnic slurs while claiming they're not insults, and displays a strange, perverted and poisonous obsession with the First Minister and her predecessor.

    8. Nadine's on the prosecco again. Naughty girl!

  37. Bumblefuck tories for unityJuly 20, 2016 at 8:41 PM

    "if Cruella decides to seize her chance?"


    Anyone who entertains, even for a second, the utterly absurd notion that May and her hastily cobbled together cabinet of third raters is keen for an election any time soon doesn't have a fucking clue about the sheer scale of the task she has embarked on by putting Boris, Fox and Davis 'in charge' of the Brexit talks/negotiations.

    'We'll just put the already cripplingly harsh Brexit timetable on hold for a few months to call a snap election when we didn't have the balls to even go to the tory party membership in case they didn't vote for May.'

    Yeeeeeah, not gonna happen.

    Any talk of a snap election is out of touch westminster bubble twits who don't know the difference between amusing toryboy hype and reality.

    They are in no shape to fight an election and Labour being a shambles does not make them any less of one themselves.

    Nothing would delight me more than an opportunity to campaign DIRECTLY against the tories in a GE campaign after the Tory HYPERSHAMBLES over the EU referendum.

    Sadly, the truth is even the westminster bubble twits couldn't be so stupid as to to rely on a couple of polls straight after the EU referendum tested their clueless reliance on them and their campaigning 'ability' to utter destruction.

    1. Boris Gump and the BrexitearsJuly 20, 2016 at 8:45 PM

      Philip Sim ‏@BBCPhilipSim

      Theresa May flatly rejects calls for snap general election

      Key ally Michael Fallon said the public wanted the government to crack on with Brexit

    2. Bumblefuck tories for unityJuly 20, 2016 at 8:48 PM


      Any talk of a snap election is out of touch tory and westminster bubble twits who have the memory of a goldfish and have somehow forgotten just how colossal a twat the tories made of themselves over the EU referendum.

    3. Hey, I'm expecting her to run til 2020, but some of the news-shits are suggesting it. The Labour Party is not due to elect Jezza until their September conference. Its after that they will melt down. UKIP are not finished yet, but they might be if they do go ahead with Brexit. Both those things are medium term and help increase the Tory majority. So does Scotland leaving the UK btw. Their majority would be unassailable today if 59 Scots seats were not there at all. And thats before boundary changes.

      But as to the flat denial of Ms May herself. She's a politician. They speak with forked tongue.

      But the troll is destroying this blog. Thats defo true.

    4. Bumblefuck tories for unityJuly 20, 2016 at 10:02 PM

      Labour 'needing' scotland to win is a fallacy.
      It just ain't true as the historical record shows.

      The Blairites are doing a fine job of blowing their own feet off and will continue to do so for the next couple of months. IF they attempt to try and form their own party if/when Corbyn gets re-elected then expect a massive chunk of Labour MPs who were backing them to suddenly remember that they were elected as Labour MPs and slink back to the party. (it's already started as you can see from the tweet below)

      Certainly doesn't mean Corbyn or Labour will be likely to win any time soon but it does mean that a functioning opposition will return in time.

      Which BTW is why so many tories and their media lapdogs are desperately hyping up the Blairite incompetents since the last thing May can withstand is some pointed questioning about precisely what she has 'planned', if anything, longer than 5 minutes ahead.

      Kipper polling is as relevant this far out from Brexit as tory polling is. The impossible solution of having your cake and eating it will not fly so something will have to give. If it's the single market the Cameroons and economic tories will soon put a spanner in those works. While if it's free movement and a pie in the sky 'crackdown' on immigration then the Brexiteers and the kippers will go ballistic and the polling will reflect that.

      Going to the polls after flatly denying the need for it and claiming that Brexit comes first? Yeah, it might not be quite Clegg level stupidity but it will be a hammerblow when complete uncertainty takes over the country and the markets yet again. As it would.

      The troll is a racist imbecile but also a complete irrelevance. Everyone who comes to this blog will know what he is.

    5. Isn't the troll a lady from Essex called Nadine with a slight drink problem?

    6. The troll advocates arming Leave campaigners to "defend democracy", uses racial and ethnic slurs while claiming they're not insults, praises Theresa May and displays a strange and poisonous obsession with the First Minister and her predecessor.

  38. Bumblefuck tories for unityJuly 20, 2016 at 9:15 PM

    Miriam Brett ‏@MiriamBrett 7h

    Theresa May, who just voted to spend £200bn on weapons of mass destruction, says austerity is necessary so we can 'live within our means'.

  39. Incompetent Blairites of Mass Destruction #ChickenCoupJuly 20, 2016 at 9:28 PM

    Éoin ‏@LabourEoin · 1 hour ago

    90 Labour MPs boycotted the Rebels Leadership Hustings yesterday. Some of them have contacted Shadow Ministers offering them assistance.

    Éoin ‏@LabourEoin · 1 hour ago

    180,000 paid £25 to vote in the Labour Leadership Election. The Labour Plotters set out to disenfranchise 130,000. They failed.

  40. Glasgow Working Class 2July 20, 2016 at 10:37 PM

    Corbyn is the greatest asset that the Tories and their counterparts the Tartan Jock Nat sis have had in decades.

    1. The poster above is a far-right racist troll from EnglandJuly 20, 2016 at 10:40 PM


    2. Glasgow Working Class 2July 20, 2016 at 10:57 PM

      9 years of Tartan Tory Nat si rule and child poverty is on the increase. The rich raking it in.

    3. The troll also advocates arming Leave campaigners to "defend democracy", uses racial and ethnic slurs while claiming they're not insults, and displays a strange, perverted and poisonous obsession with the First Minister and her predecessor.

    4. Glasgow Working Class 2July 20, 2016 at 11:20 PM

      Proctocidal oinkment could help you. As your brain is in yer erse it could be helpful.

    5. The poster above is a far-right racist troll from EnglandJuly 20, 2016 at 11:22 PM


  41. Incompetent Blairites of Mass Destruction #ChickenCoupJuly 20, 2016 at 10:45 PM

    David Halliday ‏@DavidJFHalliday 6 hours ago

    YouGov's poll suggests voters are turned off by right-wing Labour MPs' inept, cackhanded plotting. Who could have imagined such a thing?

  42. Bumblefuck tories for unityJuly 20, 2016 at 11:24 PM

    Dr Paul Monaghan MP ‏@_PaulMonaghan 30m

    UK now has 40 admirals and 260 captains for 19 ships, breaks promises on frigates, spends £205 Billion on #Trident.

    1. 259 Captains--HMS Ambush just rammed a tanker surfacing at Gibraltar.

    2. Bumblefuck tories for unityJuly 20, 2016 at 11:42 PM

      Let's hope they enjoy having the Trident fleet say, in the Thames outside westminster after Indyref2.

      They might just pay a touch more attention to the safety of Nuclear subs if it was.

  43. Glasgow Working Class 2July 21, 2016 at 12:19 AM

    Maybe the Nat si could comment on my comment at 1057 pm yesterday.

    1. Poverty on increase due to your tory pals. £200b spent on trident could have a helped a lot of pwople out of povwrty.

    2. Glasgow Working Class 2July 21, 2016 at 9:44 AM

      Nah idiot the Nat sis said they would make up the shortfall by using their taxpowers. The scum are renaging to look after their middle class support.

    3. So are you happy to pay for trident then?

    4. Glasgow Working Class 2.1July 21, 2016 at 10:00 AM



    5. A rare moment of honesty from the troll ;-)

    6. You're up early today, Nadine.

    7. Shift change at Cheltenham ;-)

  44. Incompetent Blairites of Mass Destruction #ChickenCoupJuly 21, 2016 at 2:21 PM

    Jeremy for PM‏@jeremyforlab

    Tony Blair has endorsed his friend Owen Smith. Blair's former advisers John McTernan and Lance Price will be advising Smith's campaign.


    "no brainer" McTernan!

    That's Owen Smith fucked then.
